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General News of Tuesday, 4 October 2005

Source: GNA

University of Education gets new Registrar of UEW

Winneba, Oct 04, GNA - Mr Charles Y. Mensah, Deputy Registrar in-charge of Personnel, has taken over as the new Registrar of the University of Education Winneba (UEW) following the retirement of Mr. Justice Nii Ayeetey.

Mr Ayeetey served the university for 20 years. At a brief handing over ceremony, Mr Mensah promised to continue with the good work of Mr Ayeetey to enhance the development and promotion of academic work at the university.

Prof Jophus Anamuah-Mensah, the Vice Chancellor of the university, commended Mr Ayeetey for his contribution to the elevation of the university from a college of education to a university status. He urged the new Registrar to emulate the good work of Mr Ayeetey to help the university to achieve its aims and objectives. At a send-off party held in his honour, the university gave Mr Ayeetey gifts and among those present at the ceremony was Professor Jonas Akpanglo-Nartey, Pro-Vice chancellor of the University.