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Regional News of Saturday, 8 November 2014

Source: GNA

University of Ghana develops strategic plan

The University of Ghana says it has finalised plans to launch a 10-year Strategic Plan for 2014 to 2024 before the end of the academic year.

“The plan has nine strategic priorities which should put the University of Ghana on the path to becoming a world class research university and aims to help rethink the longer term strategy for the University’s development,” Vice Chancellor Professor Ernest Aryeetey said on Friday.

Prof Aryeetey who announced this at the 2014 graduation ceremony said the strategic priorities included the overhaul of Institutional processes.

“Governance arrangements in the University have been overhauled to achieve greater effectiveness and efficiency, and to this end four colleges have been established,” he said.

They are Colleges of Basic and Applied Sciences, Humanities, Education and Health Sciences.

According to the Vice Chancellor the aim is to decentralise the majority of operations of the University through the collegiate system; develop a model for measuring the operational cost of all units; strengthen the budgeting system as an effective means of relevant resource allocation and management and modernise management systems and processes using an integrated ICT approach.

He also said the university is in the process of developing a strategic marketing and communications plan and policy with a focus on properly managing all the University’s brand assets.

“These will be achieved through developing a conscious plan of public engagement that is aligned with the research ambitions of the university; promoting stronger collaboration between the University and its key stakeholders; and strengthening collaboration with top-tier international research universities,” he added.

Prof Aryeetey said each of the strategic priorities has a set of strategic objectives and key performance indicators with each unit of the University having its own strategic plan and objectives, which fit into the overall vision of the University.

The strategic plan would be subjected to periodic, rigorous and objective review to establish its impact and maintain its relevance, he said.

He said: “We are convinced that the process of detailed analysis and internal discussion that we have undergone, stands us in good stead to exercise strong influence over our future.

“By focusing on our strategic priorities, we will prove to ourselves that we are truly on our way towards becoming a World Class University.”