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Health News of Thursday, 1 December 2022

Source: Koku Amateyfio, Contributor

University of Ghana's IESS invites young Ghanaian marine advocate to serve on its management committee

Richmond Quarcoo with Dr. Mahu Edem in her lab after an IESS management committee meeting Richmond Quarcoo with Dr. Mahu Edem in her lab after an IESS management committee meeting

The Institute of Environment and Sanitation Studies (IES) of the University of Ghana has invited Richmond Kennedy Quarcoo, the Executive Director of Plastic Punch, to serve in its Management Committee.

Making the announcement in a post on his Facebook page, Richmond Quarcoo stated that the invitation comes as a great honour.

“I am honoured to announce that I have been invited to serve on the Management Committee of the Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies (IESS), a research unit under the College of Basic and Applied Sciences of the University of Ghana, Legon,” he wrote.

He expressed his gratitude for the opportunity and expressed his readiness to work with the Institute to advance its goals.

“Thank you for the opportunity and look forward to working together to further the objectives of the IESS,” he added.

Plastic Punch is a non-governmental organization that is focused on increasing awareness on sustainable waste management practices in Ghana, and has been working to get rid of marine debris on the country’s beaches through its clean-ups since 2018.

The Plastic Punch idea was birthed after a team of passionate marine life advocates found five dead sea turtles on a plastic-infested beach at Ningo-Prampram.