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Regional News of Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Source: GNA

Upper East Museum now a death trap

The Museums and Monument Board (MMB) building in Bolgatanga in the Upper East Region needs immediate renovation to avert any disaster.

Mr Ayi Amu, Regional Director MMB who made the appeal in an interview with Ghana News Agency in Bolgatanga said the building which was put up in 1993, has not been rehabilitated before leading to cracks on the walls and sagging ceiling.

These, he said is creating fear among the staff, children and tourists.

“The offices leak anytime it rains and the roof shakes when the wind is strong. Also the ventilation is poor,” he said.

The Regional Director said the building also lacks storage facilities for cultural objects and means of transport for the Board to facilitate movement in the cause of duty.

He said the office is under staff and appealed to government and non-governmental organisations to come to the aid of the board.