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Regional News of Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Source: GNA

Use pulpit to preach peace-Religious leaders told

Nkwie, (Ash), Sept. 16, GNA - Mr Bismark Nana Yaw Kwabia, Atwima-Nwabiagya District Director of NCCE, has appealed to religious leaders to use their pulpits to preach for peaceful election instead of campaigning for a particular political party. "Let your members decide and vote for a political party of their

choice". Nana Kwabia said this at a political forum organised for political parties in the district on Sunday at Nkawie. He said gone were the days when pastors and Imams used their pulpits and mosques to convince their members to vote for certain political parties. He commended church leaders in the district for assuring the NCCE that they would close early on Election Day, which falls on a Sunday, to enable their members to vote.

Assistant Superintendent of Police Peter Ofori-Donkor, District Police commander, urged all political party leaders and their supporters to respect the public order Act for violent free election. He appealed to polling station agents to cooperate with the security agencies on Election Day to ensure a smooth election. He said his administration would not tolerate any event which would disturb peace in the district, especially before, during and after the election.