Regional News of Sunday, 11 April 2004

Source: GNA

Use resurrection of Christ for reconciliation

Kumasi, April 11, GNA - A Clergyman has called on Christians to consider the resurrection of Jesus Christ as a unique opportunity for them to eschew bitterness, and to reconcile with their foes.

The Very Reverend Father Philip Opoku Nyame, Parish Priest of the St. Paul's catholic church at Amakom, kumasi, who made the call said, reconciliation must go beyond mere utterances.

He said people should practically demonstrate they wiliness to reconciliation by regularly interacting and sharing love them with those who offended them.

The Very Rev. Father Nyame made the call when he delivered the sermon on Easter Sunday at the St. Paul's catholic church, Kumasi to mark the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

He particularly appealed to warring factions and those engaged in communal and tribal conflicts, in the West African sub-region to "cease this opportunity of Christ's resurrection, to smoke the peace pipe".

The very Rev. Father Nyame said because of the risen Christ, all the indecent utterances and personality attacks being employed as strategies by some politicians on their campaign trial, "should be perceived as obsolete, and therefore discarded".

He said innovative strategies aimed at solving problems should be adopted by politicians and not to engage in attacking the integrity of opponents.

Primate S.K. Adofo, Spiritual Head of the Brotherhood Church at south Suntreso, in the city, urged Ghanaians value time, and be punctual to work to increase productivity.

He said "You should remember that time is the basic pillar upon which any development and progress can be achieved, and for that matter, we should learn to use it judiciously".

Primate Adofo said developed countries were not able to attain economic success because of their natural and human resources alone but because they used their time prudently and productively.

Delivering the sermon at the Action Chapel International, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams urged Christians to hold steadfast to the faith in God instead of reposing confidence in their personal possessions or abilities.

He said God was able to devise alternative to every situation and ended whatever difficulty mankind was going through.

Archbishop Duncan-Williams said the crucifixion of Christ was one such God's purpose of a substitute for the redemption of mankind from the shackles of sin and a victory over the evil designs of Satan.

He assured Christians that God would fulfil his definite plan and purpose for his people at his own time, adding that when that time came nobody could intercept it.

Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams said continuing in the faith in God was important since time often changes and nothing in the world was permanent except the word of God.