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General News of Thursday, 2 February 2012

Source: GNA

VRA announces power ration (UPDATE)

Accra, Feb. 2, GNA - The Volta River Authority (VRA), has announced that there would be an indefinite reduction of power supply by 100 megawatts, during the peak periods every day from 6.00 pm (1800) hours to 10.00 pm (2200).

This is due to the drastic shortfall in the supply of gas from Nigeria through the West African Gas Pipeline, to power the Thermal Plants.

A statement issued in Accra on Tuesday said, the VRA had therefore requested the Electricity Company of Ghana to undertake a load management exercise in various parts of the country.

Discussions are ongoing with suppliers of the gas to increase supply from the current 40 million standard cubic feet per day (mscf/d) to the contractual volumes of 100 mscf/d, to run all the thermal facilities.