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General News of Friday, 24 January 2003

Source: Ghanaian Chronicle

Victor Owusu's Indebtedness

Court orders administrators to pay 50,000 pounds

Mr. Justice Anin Yeboah's High Court in Accra on Tuesday January 11, 2003 granted judgement in favour of Miss Sysben Shadrawy, plaintiff and landlady of the late eminent lawyer Victor Owusu in the sum of 50,000 pounds sterling.

The defendants, Mrs. Agnes Owusu and Nana Owusu Boahemaa, in their defence admitted through Counsel Amarkai Amateifio that they owed the plaintiff that sum and that they would make efforts to settle the indebtedness.

The judgement followed a motion filed by solicitor of the plaintiff, Mr. Kwasi Afrifa.

The honourable court is yet to determine the administration of the No.4 Rangoon Close at Cantonments in Accra which the late Owusu signed away his rights to the plaintiff.

In November last year Justice Anin Yeboah granted an injunction on the Cantonments property and further restrained administrators of the estate of Victor Owusu from distributing or vesting the property at Mbrom in Kumasi until the final determination of the case before the court.

The suit gathers momentum when defendants furnish the court with relevant documents requested by counsel for the plaintiff to establish the indebtedness of ?130,000.

London based Miss Shadrawy, who is seeking a declaration of title to No, 4 Rangoon Close at Cantonments in Accra has also sued for an order compelling the administrators to pay an outstanding indebtedness of ?130,000, being accumulated rent in respect of a residence at Putney in London where the late Owusu resided from 1991 until his death in December 2000.