Radio host and brain behind the ‘Talklife’ outreach project, Nana Yaa Konadu, has asserted that there are a lot of women who are achieving a great many feats in various sectors, yet it is still not enough as their feats still remain unrecognized.
Nana Yaa stated that women are being empowered to do big things but most of these things that they do are done in the background, hence they are not seen. “Women do feminine activities, everyday life activities, career, everything but on the quiet. That is not enough”. She said this during an interview with host, Eunice Tornyi on African Women’s Voices which airs every Wednesday at 8pm on eTV Ghana.
According to the media personality, it is only recently that a few women are being seen as CEOs of Telecommunication companies but even that is still not enough. In her view, people take delight in voicing out more when women are abused or hurt rather than when they have achieved something.
“We don’t highlight the activities of women but when there are issues or problems where women are suffering, that is when we will see all the gender words and acronyms being mentioned. That is when the terminologies in gender come out. We fight for stigmatization, abuse, and everything when a woman is in pain but women are working and we are not talking about them”, she added.
Nana Yaa Konadu noted that it is not fair that women have to pay to get their works seen or noticed, but easily get the voice of everyone in unison to address an issue about a woman being abused. Per this, she advised that women make a more conscious effort to highlight each other’s achievements as much as they do when a woman is a victim of abuse.