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General News of Tuesday, 28 May 2024


Hotel where Volta North police commander died was his temporal official residence - Report

The late Antiri-Addo Nicholas Aletso

Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Antiri-Addo Nicholas Aletso, who passed away in a hotel room while serving as the Volta North Regional Police Commander, was staying at the facility in an official capacity.

A report by the Chronicle Newspaper clarified that contrary to rumours circulating on social media, investigations confirmed that ACP Aletso was not at the hotel for personal pleasure but was residing there as part of his official duties.

ACP Aletso, who was 58 years old, recently transitioned to Hohoe to assume his new role as the Deputy Regional Police Commander of the newly established Volta North Region.

According to the report, given the recent establishment of the Volta North Region on December 1, 2022, and the subsequent shortage of permanent accommodation for high-ranking officials, the police administration arranged temporary lodgings for ACP Aletso at a local hotel.

This arrangement is standard practice for senior officers until suitable permanent housing is secured, the report added.

The events leading to the discovery of ACP Aletso’s body began when his family, unable to reach him by phone, alerted the authorities.

On the morning of March 27, 2024, a police team led by Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Simon Yevu was dispatched to the hotel to investigate.

They found ACP Aletso's room unlocked and discovered his lifeless body inside.

The body was transported to the Government Hospital in Hohoe, where medical personnel confirmed his death. An autopsy was subsequently performed at the Police Hospital in Accra to determine the cause of death.

Before his transfer, he had been the Divisional Commander of Police at Akropong in the Eastern Region and had been granted leave to visit his family in the United Kingdom.

He is reported to have returned to Ghana and reported for duty in Hohoe on March 25, 2024.



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