General News of Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Source: GNA

"War against corruption is winnable"-Mr Quayson

Koforidua, Nov. 18, GNA - Mr Richard Quayson, the Deputy Commissioner, Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ, on Wednesday said the war against corruption was winnable but it would take the collective vigilance of everybody to achieve that objective.

"Indeed, a culture of Zero tolerance for corruption is achievable and to us has been given the honour to lay the foundation for the cherished society where power is accountable and governance is transparent".

Mr Quayson was speaking at the last in the series of consultative workshops on the draft Code of Conduct for Public officers in Koforidua.

He said the code was part of the processes to ensure a credible public service that commands the respect and confidence of the people "we serve".

Mr Quayson said public office was a position of trust and that "our conduct as public officers must reflect the best values and traditions of our society".

Mr Quayson said as part of continuing efforts to develop systems and to build public capacity to combat corruption and related misconducts, the Commission in collaboration with the Public Services Commission (PSC) and other key stakeholders had developed the draft Code of Conduct for Public Officers.

He said the Code, which elaborates on the provisions of the 1992 Constitution on the Code of

Conduct for Public Officers, sought to promote integrity, probity, accountability, and transparency, dedicated and faithful service to the Republic of Ghana. Mr Quayson expressed the hope that the Code would assist and guide public officers to handle ethical dilemmas that they might encounter when performing their official and private activities He expressed gratitude to the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) for providing funding for the workshop and its continued support to the Commission and good governance in Ghana.
