General News of Wednesday, 17 August 2005

Source: Ghanaian Voice

War of Words: FOTT vs. EOL

?Gizelle, Not Needed In Ghana? We Will Demonstrate At Airport

A spokesperson of the group calling itself Enemies of Lies, Alhaji Yusif Ahmed has accused Friends of the Truth of hypocrisy, and warned that if the Friends of the Truth say they have facts, the Enemies of Lies are armed to the teeth and waiting for them.

According to him, the President's statement that a person making an allegation should present facts does not include Ghanaians lending their support to foreigners who will only come to "muddy our waters."

Adding that the Friends of the Truth have nothing to offer except to take Ghanaians for a ride. Alhaji Yusif Ahmed made these pronouncements in an interview with The Ghanaian Voice when a reporter chanced upon him.

He questioned, "Where were the Friends of the Truth when the late Abacha was alleged to have sent $5million as bribe to Ex-President Rawlings or when Ms Cotton was given $20 million dollars of our money?"

He stated that the Enemies of Lies have no problem with the arrival of Gizelle Yajzi into the country, since the President himself has declared that she would come. The problem, he pointed out, that the Enemies of Lies have is for a group of people to think they are going to facilitate Ms Yajzi's coming and make sure her stay would be comfortable. "What kind of comfortable? What kind of security can the Friends of the Truth provide, apart from the security of the state?" he questioned.

Alhaji Ahmed averred that his group is also interested in knowing the truth and that the search for truth should be devoid of any acrimony. He admonished that the Enemies of Lies will not sit down for group of persons, because of their political affiliations taint the image of the President or the government.

He disclosed that members of Enemies of Lies will go to the Airport come Thursday in their numbers to demonstrate with their placards to make Gizelle Yajzi know the NPP government has support from the people.