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General News of Monday, 14 April 2003


Watch Rawlings! .. He's A Pretender -Baako

Mr. Kweku Baako Jnr., Editor-in-Chief of the “Crusading Guide”, has observed that even though the former President, Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings, like any citizen of Ghana, has the right to air his views, what he said recently in his press conference, should not be taken lightly.

He also discounted Rawlings’ claim that he’s the one who brought press freedom to Ghana, citing the tragic experiences of John Kugblenu, a former editor of the “Free Press” and Tommy Thompson, the publisher of the paper to support his argument. Kugblenu died shortly after his release from detention by the PNDC Government chaired by Rawlings while Mr. Thompson suffered stroke, due to his detention by the Rawlings’ regime.

Mr. Kweku Baako disclosed that, when the former President handed over power to the Peoples National Party (PNP), with Dr. Hilla Limann as President of the Republic of Ghana in 1980, he kept making statements which are not different from what he said in his recent press conference and later, he staged a coup to over throw Limann, so Ghanaians should watch him.