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General News of Wednesday, 2 August 2017


'We are not operating under political influence' – Auditor-General

Daniel Yaw Domelevo play videoDaniel Yaw Domelevo

The Auditor-General, Daniel Yaw Domelevo has stated that the audit service is not operating under political influence, rather, acting on professional basis.

He mentioned during a press conference held by the Audit Service in Accra that he is only serving the country’s interest, adding that no political party can deter him.

‘’When I was sworn in, I made it very clear that my allegiance is to nobody but the constitution of Ghana and that is exactly what we are doing. I can assure Ghanaians that we are not operating under political influence; we are doing professional work. I pray and hope that no political influence comes our way because it will not deter us from doing our work,” he noted.

Auditor-General was speaking following anti-corruption campaigner, Ace Ankomah’s comment that ‘’There is an amazing earthquake happening quietly at the Auditor-General's Department and the Department may have gotten its bark back but it is a top dog on the government's leash. The department, while guaranteed independence by the Constitution, is not backed by financial independence.
The department needs government to get even a printer. The government pays staff salaries and unseen political influence can determine promotions and perks. The service presents its budget to the government for justification. And their budget is never met."

The decision of the Auditor-General to recover all state funds which have been misappropriated by individuals involved in public office came after the Supreme Court’s judgment.

The judgment by a seven-member panel said the order affected both public officials and private individuals found to have looted state coffers.

Per the court’s order, the Auditor-General must surcharge any individual who is found to have expended public funds unlawfully.

The Supreme Court further ordered the government’s prosecution arm, the Attorney-General’s Department, to ensure the enforcement of the orders by initiating criminal prosecution when necessary.