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Regional News of Friday, 21 June 2024


We cannot continue to be under self imposed curfew - Bole-Bamboi MP to interior minister

MP for Bole-Bamboi, Yusif Sulemana MP for Bole-Bamboi, Yusif Sulemana

The MP for Bole-Bamboi, Yusif Sulemana, has reiterated his call on the Minister of Interior, Henry Quartey, to put in place pragmatic measures to end the serial killings in the Bole area.

He said the serial killing is gradually causing a situation of self-imposed curfew, causing people to sleep early due to fear of possible attacks and killings.

The MP said the mysterious death plaguing the area is becoming a source of worry and needs urgent attention.

Residents of Bole in the Savannah Region have initiated a self-imposed curfew due to a series of gruesome serial killings in the area.

Victims’ bodies are mostly found mutilated, with missing parts, and dumped in public places, he said in Parliament and called for the need to be briefed as a House by the interior minister.

The MP for Wa Central, Abdul Rasheed Hassan Pelpuo, also said, a similar situation is currently happening in the Wa Municipality and therefore the police and the interior minister must act quickly to avert more killings.

The MP for Nsawam-Adoagyir Constituency and Majority Chief Whip, Frank Annor Dompreh, shared the grievous situation of the various MPs and appealed to the Speaker of Parliament to drag the interior minister to brief Parliament.