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General News of Thursday, 25 January 2018


We prostitute ourselves to male teachers for school fees – Ejisuman female student

The student revealed that some of male teachers blackmail female students into having sex with them The student revealed that some of male teachers blackmail female students into having sex with them

A 21-year-old female student of Ejisuman Senior High School (SHS) in the Ashanti Region, has said she and some of her colleagues are compelled to prostitute themselves to their male teachers, so they could earn some money to pay their school fees and avoid being sent home.

The student’s revelation comes on the heels of a viral video circulating on social media, which captured the headmaster of Breman Eduman D/A Basic School in the Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District of the Central Region, Robert Sepey, having sex with a female student.

The Ejisuman SHS student told Kwame Adinkra on Abusua FM’s Nkommo on Wednesday that the inability of parents of some of the students to pay their fees, forces them to resort to exchanging sex for fees with their teachers.

She also revealed that some of the male teachers blackmail the female students into having sex with them.

She said the teachers threaten to either sack or prevent them from writing their fail exams if they do not give in to their sexual predation.

In her case, she said after the male teacher had had sex with her for the first time, he failed to fulfil his side of the bargain, which was to pay her GHS100 school fees – the very expectation and promise for which she gave in to his sexual pressures in the first place.

She, thus, turned down a second request from the same teacher.

“Some of the girls agree to the pressures of the teachers just to pay their fees. In my quest to pay my fee arrears, I once slept with one of the teachers when the school authorities threatened to sack those of us in arrears. Because I had no one to pay my school fees, I agreed to have sex with him when he approached me with the request. He threatened to ensure that I’m sacked if I ever revealed the details of our sexual affair to anyone,” the third-year SHS student who spoke anonymously recounted.