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Politics of Tuesday, 1 November 2022


We’re going through another form of slavery under Akufo-Addo – Dr. Otokunor

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo play videoPresident Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

The Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Dr. Peter Otokunor, has said that Ghanaians are going through some form of slavery under the government of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. Speaking in an interview with GhanaWeb, Dr. Otokunor said that the people of Ghana need liberation from this Akufo-Addo government which he says will be the message of the NDC for the 2024 elections. “It (our message to Ghanaians) is going to be a liberation battle. Because, you see, the people of this country are going through some form of slavery. We are going through another form of colonisation from our very own, under President Akufo-Addo. “And you know [the] battle against imperialist tendency, battle against colonisation, battle against some form of slavery is no joke,” he told GhanaWeb’s Nimatu Yakubu. The NDC deputy general secretary explained that Ghana was going through some form of slavery because of the untoward hardship Ghanaians are going through. “Have you ever seen the currency depreciate in one week from 11 to 15 (against the dollar)? In five days, every day you will go to bed and wake up with a new horizon on your currency depreciation. Have you seen the kind of deterioration such that we cannot even go to the international market to borrow even a dollar?” he queried. Dr. Otokunor also said that Ghana’s economy is so devastated that if care is not taken, the government might not be able to pay the salaries of public sector workers soon. Dr. Peter Boamah Otokunor, who has stated his intention to run for the general secretary position of the party, said that the country will not survive under another NPP government. He added that the NDC needs his qualities in the general secretary position to win the 2024 election which is why he will win the race for the position in the party’s December 17, 2022, national executive elections. Watch the interview in the video below: You can also watch this episode of People & Places on GhanaWeb TV: IB/SEA