General News of Wednesday, 26 April 2017


We want DCE appointed from Atiwa East - Group

Group members hold placards with different inscriptions to pour their displeasure Group members hold placards with different inscriptions to pour their displeasure

A group calling itself Concerned Youth of Atiwa in the Eastern Region on Tuesday April 25, 2017 held a demonstration demanding that the President, Nana Akufo-Addo appoints a District Chief Executive (DCE) from Atiwa East to represent the region.

According to the group, they will resist any appointment from Atiwa West. With placards, the group numbering about two hundred demonstrated through some principal streets in the area to press home their demand.

Spokesperson for the group, Dr. Samuel Ofori speaking to the media said, al the previous DCEs appointed over the past 16 years hailed from Atiwa West hence the need for government to appoint one from Atiwa East.

“We are aggrieved because the previous governments have not been fair to Atiwa East people simply because it has been 16 years now, the nomination of the DCE have been coming from Atiwa West.

It is not as if we have not been contesting, we always contest the position, but the fact is, there are some greedy bastards who for their interest they always want it to go Atiwa West so that they can manipulate people.’’ “Now we are not going to sit down and watch the President, Nana Akufo-Addo to take a person from Atiwa West again.

The nominees that we presented, 2 from Atiwa East and 2 from Atiwa West; the competent two are from Atiwa East. We want Nana Akufo-Addo to sit down to analyse things and gather proper information and come out with a name from Atiwa East. We want an active member who can go round and listen to the grassroots members. The government must sit up and take the right decision.’’