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General News of Tuesday, 27 April 2004

Source: GNA

Weather Forecast

Upsurge of moisture influx causing an unstable atmosphere- Meteo

Accra, April 27, GNA - The Metrological Department announced that an upsurge of moisture influx into the West African sub-region was causing an unstable atmosphere with series of rainstorms over the country last night and this morning.

Consequently, the weather will be very humid and cloudy over the entire country then by late afternoon, it is expected that another rainstorm would engulf the entire country from the east.

The Department said the storm, which would be accompanied by very strong and devastating winds, would be more intense over the middle and northern sectors of the country.

The coast may not benefit much from the rainstorm due to unfavourable wind flow.

Meanwhile the current misty conditions over the sheltered of southern Ghana would clear by mid-morning. Maximum and minimum temperature between 0600 hours on Tuesday and 0600 on Wednesday were given as: coastal areas, between 32 and 25 degrees Celsius, forest and mountainous areas, between 34 and 22 degrees Celsius and Northern Ghana, between 36 and 24 degrees Celsius.