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Regional News of Wednesday, 17 December 2003

Source: GNA

Wenchi District to drill 84 boreholes

Wenchi, Dec 17, GNA - The Wenchi District Assembly is to drill 120 boreholes in 84 communities next year, Mr Joe Danquah, the District Chief Executive, said at the Third Session of the assembly. He said the assembly had received four instalments of the District Assembly Common Fund totalling 3,622,611,600 cedis.

Out of the amount, 684,193,277 cedis were spent on the provision of education infrastructure, 108,523,489 cedis on health facilities while 2,148,599,522 was spent on local government activities. Mr. Danquah added that 8,700,000 cedis were spent on 29 teacher trainees who completed their training and were posted to the district.