General News of Saturday, 28 June 2003

Source: Associated Press

West Africa to Send 5,000 Troops to Liberia

ACCRA, Ghana - West African leaders promised to deploy a peace force of at least 5,000 troops to warring Liberia after a cease-fire has been reached, and said France had offered soldiers and logistical support.

The head of West Africa's regional leaders bloc, Ghana President John Kufuor, announced the plan late Friday after French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin arrived for a two-day visit.

Kufuor said "any sacrifice would be made to restore peace to Liberia," where fighting between rebels and Charles Taylor's government killed hundreds in the capital this week.

De Villepin, speaking to reporters on arrival at Accra, Ghana's capital, before Kufuor spoke, made no specific mention of French military support.

However, de Villepin said France was committed to helping West African leaders resolve conflicts in the region.

"There is the need for us to unite our efforts to find a solution to the numerous conflicts that spring up every now and then," he said, adding that such partnership was vital in achieving peace.

De Villepin urged Liberia's warring sides to reach a cease-fire to pave the way for any international intervention for peace.

"We need to put in more efforts to restore peace in Liberia," he said.

France colonized many of the countries in West Africa, and traditionally has strong ties to the region.

Liberia was founded by freed American slaves in the 19th century, and sees itself still as having its strongest links to the United States. However, Washington so far has shown no willingness to meet Liberia's request for the United States to participate in a peace force despite the urging of U.N. and European diplomats.