General News of Wednesday, 14 April 2021


Western REGSEC announces GH¢10,000 prize for information on Takoradi murder suspects

The police say anyone with information on the suspects will receive GH¢10,000 The police say anyone with information on the suspects will receive GH¢10,000

The Western Regional Security Council (Western REGSEC) has announced a GH¢10,000 reward to anyone who can provide it with information that will lead to the arrest of suspects involved in a murder case that took place at Amanful, a suburb of Takoradi.

Charles Kwakye was murdered on April 12, 2021, in what is being described as a deadly robbery attack in Takoradi Amanful upon his return from Europe barely two weeks ago, the police have said.

Reports also showed that Charles Kwakye, 61, had lived in Switzerland and only came to Ghana to monitor a building project at Mpintsin in Takoradi.

Accompanied by his wife, Monica Nda, he was at Takoradi Amanful only to buy some building materials.

“Whilst in their Hyundai sonata private car with registration number GE 4022-16 parked at Amanful near Anaji trotro station, they were accosted and attacked by six armed men on motorbikes,” the police sitrep confirmed.

“One of them got hold of their travelling bag containing cash the sum of 6,000 CFA, 50 Euro, 80 Switz Franc and GH¢12,700.

But, the police have since announced that they are on a manhunt to arrest the perpetrators of the crime and to bring them to book.

"The Regional Police Command is on a manhunt for some six (6) armed men who attacked the victim and his wife, Monica Nda, with guns, robbed them of valuables and bolted on board two (2) unregistered motorbikes, thus the reward by the Western REGSEC," a statement said.

The police have announced for any such persons with information to "report to the nearest police station or call the Western Regional Police Command on telephone number 0249983333, 0244591076 and 0245961522."

The Command has also announced that it will operate total confidentiality in the way it handles any information it receives in this matter.
