General News of Saturday, 7 March 2020


Western region recorded over 23k disasters in 2019

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Western Region recorded a total of 23,000 disaster cases in 2019.

Regional Director Abdul Ganiyu revealed his outfit was able to offer relief items to only 10,000 of the victims.

“The remaining victims, we could not support because there were no items to give,” he said.

“It is unfortunate but we could only help 10,000 of the victims. That is why it is important that people become conscious of their actions and do well to protect themselves and property from disaster. Of course, sometimes the disaster is natural but largely what we have is man-made. So, we all have to be careful because, when a disaster occurs what we give is only a relief.”

The regional director was speaking to on the sidelines of the presentation of motorbikes to all 26 districts in the Western Region.

The motorbikes with a helmet have been insured by the State Insurance Company (SIC).

He explained that over the years one difficulty they have to contend with is how to reach people in remote communities for sensitization programmes.

Abdul Ganiyu is hopeful the motorbikes will enable them work efficiently.

He indicated that majority of the cases they recorded could have been avoided with a little sense of care to personal property.

According to him, even some of the natural disasters the region recorded were largely due to human negligence.

“People will build on a waterway knowing very well that the place is susceptible to flood. But because they think they have money they will fill the area. Obviously, you are putting yourself and property in harm’s way. And you know water will always find its level. You will see people living close to drains turning them into a refuse dump. When it rains these drains get choked and flood their houses. Who do you blame?” he asked.

He noted that “sometimes when they are dealing with the victims, they will be asking for us to give them all what they have lost. But that is very difficult. That is why we will keep urging people to be extra careful because imagine you sleep on a 12-inch mattress and you lose it in a fire outbreak, at best what we can give is a 3 to 4 inches mattress and that is unfair to yourself.”

The motor bikes were largely distributed to the Amenfi Central District.

The District is made up of over 167 communities, most of them hard to reach.

Last year, it recorded over 13 flood cases. Already it has recorded two fire outbreaks this year.

District Director of NADMO Stephen Nyarko said the motorbikes have come in handy.

“A good number of the communities under my care are in the remotest part of the region. The nature of the road also makes it very difficult to reach these communities. So, we are unable to go there for sensitization programmes. But with the motorbikes, we can meander our way around the difficult terrain to go and sensitize members of these hard-to-reach communities on especially disaster prevention.”