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General News of Thursday, 21 August 2003

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Why Gbevlo-Lartey Was Retired

The Ghana Armed Forces says Lt Col Larry Gbevlo-Lartey, the former Commander of the 64th Regiment Forces Reserve Battalion (Commandos) was retired according to the Armed Forces regulations. There has been controversy about the retirement of Lt Col Gbevlo-Lartey who was interrogated about two weeks ago, in connection with an alleged coup plot.

Former President Rawlings has also expressed dismay at his retirement.

But the Head of Public Affairs Directorate of the Ghana Armed Forces, Lt Col Nibo has explained that Gbevlo-Lartey was given an honourable release according to the relevant armed forces regulations.

He noted that the letter of honourable release did not entail any issue of misconduct or any disciplinary measures against him.

Lt Col Nibo said under military regulations, one could be retired for various reasons, which could be compulsory, voluntary or honourable release.

Soon after Lt Col Gbevlo-Lartey was interrogated in connection with the coup plot, he was transferred to the Legal Department of the Ghana Armed Forces from the Armed Forces Senior Staff College. This transfer did not last quite a week before the news of his honourable release was made public.