General News of Friday, 20 March 2020


Wickedness! Choosing votes over our lives? - Ghanaians blast Akufo-Addo, Ken Attafuah over Ghana Card registration

Chief Executive Officer of the National Identification Authority, Professor Ken Attafuah Chief Executive Officer of the National Identification Authority, Professor Ken Attafuah

At this point in the country, virtually every Ghanaian is apprehensive, unsure of what is next in the face of some 16 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Ghana.

Ghana’s first two cases were recorded on March 12, 2020 and announced by the Ministry of Health on Thursday March 13, 2020. Shortly after the first, there was a second, which prompted some stringent decisions by government.

Decisions including issuing directives and bans on travels, public and social gatherings, religious and educational meetings, as well as conferences.

These have largely been adhered to, even by the Presidency which limited the number of clergymen and women, both Christian and Muslim invited for prayers at the Jubilee House and observed the ‘at least one-meter’ rule for the seating arrangement.

Amidst all this, the National Identification Authority appears resilient in its decision to issue out national identification cards (Ghana Card) which will be required as identification in the upcoming polls in December.

Chief Executive Officer of the National Identification Authority Professor Ken Attafuah has been blasted, especially by critics who believe the registration process defies the President’s directive and will only expose people to risk, as well as pose a risk to officials of the authority spearheading the registration.

President Akufo-Addo has also not been spared by tweeps who believe he is permitting its occurrence, despite his directives in other areas.

The authority which is currently holding a mass registration in the Eastern Region, in their defence, said they are only complying with the President’s omissions for businesses and other workplaces, adding that they are enforcing all the necessary safety measures to ensure registrants and registration officers are safe.

In a statement, they said;

“The state of Ghana is not in a lock-down, and the business of Government is not expected to cease. The activities of NIA are consistent with this position and the above directive of the President.

NIA is using a numbering and appointment system to manage queues at the registration centres and ensure that there is no crowd build-up and violation of social distancing protocols. All NIA field staff are being supplied with the requisite Personal Protection Equipment (PPEs), such as hand sanitizers and gloves. Veronica Buckets, water bowls, liquid soap and hand towels are also being provided at each registration centre.

…All staff and applicants at registration centres are regularly advised by the Supervising Registration Officer (SRO) to observe the appropriate two-meter social distancing instruction, as well as personal hygiene protocols.”

But Ghanaians will have none of it. For them, their explanations don’t hold water and they stand by their demands for a halt in the registration process.

Some of these views were expressed through posts on social media.

Here are a few of them compiled by;