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Regional News of Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Source: Daniel Kaku

Withdraw your DCE nominee - Jomoro Assembly member to Nana Addo

Kennedy Yankey made the call when he spoke on a locally based radio station in Jomoro District Kennedy Yankey made the call when he spoke on a locally based radio station in Jomoro District

The Assembly Member for the people of Nuba electoral area in Jomoro District of the Western Region:Hon Kennedy Yankey has called on President Nana Addo to immediately withdraw the DCE nominee of Jomoro District, Mr Eric Muah and nominate another nominee for confirmation.

Hon Kennedy Yankey made the call when he spoke on a locally based radio station in Jomoro District, New Day FM political morning show dubbed 'Adeakye ebia' on July 17, 2017 which was hosted by Jerry Mensah.

Admittedly, Hon Kennedy who is well-known as NDC communication team member told the host that before the confirmation of the President's nominee, he made a lot of consultation at his electoral area and his people told him to vote against the President's nominee. "I made a lot of consultation and 85% of my town folks told me to vote against the President's nominee, Mr Eric Muah and I did exactly that".

The President's nominee, Mr Eric Muah polled 26 votes during his second confirmation representing 54% as against 22 votes on July 12 that has automatically qualified him to come again to be confirm in ten days time.

However, Hon Kennedy Yankey said the President also has a power to withdraw the nomination of Mr Eric Muah and bring different person. "The standing orders of Assembly and order 16(8) also says the President may withdraw the nomination of the DCE nominee so President Nana Addo must withdraw Mr Eric Muah nomination".

He also added "Mr Eric Muah is not the right person to lead the Jomoro District so Mr Muah should resign honourably else a serious disgrace is awaiting Him" in ten days time.

" We don't need Mr Eric Muah because he is not the right person to lead us so Mr Muah can't force himself on us as DCE, we don't need him and we mean it", Hon Kennedy Yankey emphasized.

Hon Kennedy Yankey emphatically stated that some Assembly Members were given million of cedis plus mobile phones each to confirm Mr Eric Muah during the second confirmation at Half Assini.

After the call made by Hon Kennedy Yankey, majority of the people of Jomoro District have expressed their displeasure over the Assembly man's comments and some have described him(Hon Kennedy Yankey) as an enemy of progress.

Notably is a native of Jomoro District who was on the show, Mr Alswel Quarshie condemned his comments and described it as selfish comment indicating that these comments retard development.

An insider told's Western Regional Correspondent, Daniel Kaku that Hon Kennedy Yankey is leading some couple of Assembly Members in the Jomoro District who have sworn by a deity that anytime the President brings Mr Eric Muah as DCE nominee they will vote against him.

The insider also added that the if they allow Mr Eric Muah to become DCE, the partnership of Mr Eric Muah as DCE and Hon Paul Essien as MP for Jomoro constituency, the Jomoro District will develop rapidly.

"Early in the morning before the confirmation of the President's nominee on July 12, Hon Kennedy Yankey met some Assembly Members at Atwebanso near Half Assini and decided to vote against the nominee and in the meeting Hon Kennedy Yankey shared money to his colleague Assembly members and he told them that this money it's coming from some NDC guru in the Jomoro constituency whose name is (withheld)", the insider told

Before Mr Eric Muah's second confirmation and that couldn't make him to get the 2/3 majority, Hon Kennedy Yankey who represented the National Democratic Congress (NDC) on Hope FM political show in the Jomoro District categorically stated that if President Nana Addo brings Mr Eric Muah as DCE nominee, "we will vote against him 100 times".