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Regional News of Thursday, 23 October 2014

Source: GNA

‘Women need interventions to empower them’

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Abibiman Sankofa Cultural Movement (ASCUM) on Wednesday called on the Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs, to put in place interventions to encourage women to go into high income-earning activities.

“Women will be able to support their…homes, if they are urged to go into cash crop farming, animal husbandry, agro-processing and horticulture production for export,” Mr Freeman K. Madji, said.

He made the call in an interview with Ghana News Agency (GNA) shortly after ASCUM’s general meeting at Akim Oda, to discuss the welfare of female members of the Movement, which is a community – based organisation.

The Agormeda-based Movement with more than 600 members mostly women across three districts in the country, has among its core activities, “Aid for Child Development Project” and “Women Empowerment”.

Mr Madji asserted that it is about time the Ministry focuses on its core mandate of formulating and influencing national policies in the interest of women and children.

He urged the government to formulate policies that would help improve and develop the rural women in their plight against poverty.

He suggested the need for policy makers to link issues concerning women with development.

Mr Madji urged women advocacy groups to intensify public education on the fight against poverty.

The CEO said it is the core mandate of the Ministry, to champion the cause of women, by focusing on its function of formulating and influencing national policies in their interests and that of children.

He said Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy has not considered the development of women, who form the majority of the poor, hence making poverty alleviation difficult to achieve.

Mr Freeman explained that this would deny Ghanaians the opportunity to appreciate and understand key issues, like the state of the woman in the fight against poverty.

He advised women advocacy groups to form a consensus that would help to champion the concerns of women who form the majority of the poor.

Mr Freeman said specific commitments are required to address the needs of the vulnerable, and to explore ways to mitigate the effect of women and children’s standards of living.