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Regional News of Saturday, 12 September 2020

Source: Michael Oberteye, Contributor

Work begins on Krobo town roads

Samuel Nuertey Ayertey with others at the groundbreaking ceremony Samuel Nuertey Ayertey with others at the groundbreaking ceremony

Construction works have finally commenced on the 8km of town roads in the Lower Manya Krobo municipality in the Eastern Region after months of delay following a sod-cutting ceremony officially marked the commencement of works.

Deputy Eastern Regional Minister, Samuel Nuertey Ayertey on Thursday, September 1, 2020 broke the ground for work to start on the 8km of town roads within the municipality.

The fifteen million Ghana cedis phase one road projects to be undertaken by Kingdwosco Construction Limited and expected to be completed within twelve calendar months include the Nuaso town roads, Kpong beach road, Ablotsi-Agbom-Airport road, Atua hospital road and the Kpong Quarters road.

The project which was initially awarded to Mistral Ventures Ghana Limited for commencement in January, 2020, had to be re-awarded to the new contractors following financial challenges to the former which delayed the commencement of works by some seven months.

The contract for the project awarded on November 1, 2019 to be executed by Mistral Ventures Ghana Limited, was scheduled to be executed between February 25, 2020 and February 24, 2021, a period of 12 calendar months.

The project to be constructed at a cost of Ghc 15,539839.68, is being funded by the Ghana Road Fund.

Deputy Eastern Regional Minister, Samuel Nuertey Ayertey on his part noted that the construction of the roads formed part of the national cake for Krobos.

He was emphatic that works would be jealously monitored to ensure that the best of quality work is done to ensure that the people get value for money.

Mr. Ayertey who also said major town roads in the municipality had not seen any facelifts since the days of ex-president Kufuor, said the project was timely in providing the required facelift for the municipal.

The chiefs and people present at the function expressed gratitude to the President for the commencement of the roads which has been a problem to them for a long time.

Municipal Chief Executive for the area, Simon Kweku Tetteh said the construction of the roads in the municipality fell in line with the president’s year of roads declaration.

Mr. Tetteh who said the roads were Lower Manya Krobo’s fair share of the country’s road projects noted that the sod-cutting would pave the way for the official commencement of works on the project.

The assembly chief used the occasion to implore his constituents to reciprocate the gesture shown by the president”, by voting to retain the NPP government in the December 2020 elections and electing the party’s Parliamentary Candidate, Samuel Nuertey Ayertey to the august house of parliament.

He called on all to support the government in order to bring the needed infrastructural development to bear and called on residents to support the contractor to execute excellent job.

He assured the stakeholders of quality work to be done on the roads to ensure that they last long to serve their intended purpose.

The construction of the roads is expected to improve upon the socio economic development in the Lower Manya Krobo municipal as the roads, strategic as they are, connect several communities in the municipality.