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General News of Tuesday, 3 July 2001

Source: Joy Online

Workforce Of GNPC To Be Reduced

Ghana’s Energy minister, Albert Kan Dapaah says the government will drastically reduce the workforce of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) to cut down the cost of expenditure incurred by the corporation.

Currently, the GNPC employs about 700 people, which puts the corporation’s expenditure at 2 billion cedis monthly. Speaking at a press conference in Accra, Mr. Dapaah explained that once the size of the workforce is reduced, those maintained will be motivated to concentrate on the core business of oil exploration.

The Energy Minister who has since left for Nigeria disclosed that one of the reasons for his trip was the fate of an oil badge owned by the GNPC, which faces possible repossession from the non-payment of demurrage and other charges.

As parts of efforts to ensure that the GNPC concentrates on its core operations, Ghana’s equity in the West African Gas pipeline managed by the corporation was earlier this year transferred to the Volta River Authority and Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT).