General News of Monday, 30 January 2006

Source: GNA

Workshop on aquaculture opens

Accra, Jan 30, GNA - A day's workshop that seeks to dialogue on how to exploit ideas related to sustainable development of aquaculture in mining communities opened in Accra on Monday.

The Chamber of Mines organised the workshop, which was attended by officials from the Ministry of Fisheries, Ministry of Mines, the Mining Industry, Non-Governmental Organisations and other stakeholders. Mrs Gladys Asmah, Minster of Fisheries, pointed out that it was a known fact that Ghana could not meet her fish requirements from the traditional sources and had to rely on imports.

" Its, therefore, imperative for us to explore avenues in the development of aquaculture to at least make up for the national consumption", she said.

She praised the Resolute Amansie Concessions at Abore and Obotan in the Amansie West District of Ashanti Region for supporting the community to provide 50 out of the 81 fish ponds for aquaculture and asked other mining companies to emulate them.

Mrs Asmah noted that the Ministry had collaborated with Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and other stakeholders in the industry to prepare an aquaculture development strategic framework to govern aquaculture projects with the aim to ensure increased fish production from aquaculture and culture based fisheries.

Mrs Rita Tani Iddi, Deputy Minister of Forestry and Mines, observed that the provision of fishponds to the communities were another area in which mining companies could extend their social responsibilities of being responsive to the national needs.

"The project normally included in the corporate social contract is usually the provision of health and educational facilities, therefore, the inclusion of aquaculture is commendable and must be followed by other companies".

Mr Lionel Awitey of the Ministry of Fisheries identified inadequate feed and seed, market accessibility, credit facilities and technical know-how as being the main constraints facing the development of aquaculture. 30 Jan. 06
