General News of Monday, 24 October 2005

Source: GNA

Workshop on media opens on Tuesday

Accra, Oct. 24, GNA - A three-day workshop to examine the information and media environment in Ghana and how it impacts on government and development opens in Accra on Tuesday.

A statement signed by Bright Kwame Blewu, General Secretary of the Ghana Journalist Association (GJA), said the workshop is being organised by the World Bank Institute, the training and capacity building division of the World Bank Group, in partnership with the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA).

The workshop's theme: "Media Information Access, Governance and Development: The Ghana Context", will address key issues related to the media and development, the capacity and constraint of government departments in making information easily available and accessible to citizens and the mass media.

The event would also examine the constraint civil society faces in effectively making demands on government to make information public and the role of the media as effective intermediaries of information. About 50 participants made up of media practitioners, parliamentarians, Government officials and communication experts would attend. There would also be representatives of civil society organisations, constitutional bodies and Public and Civil Servants. The statement said the organizers were optimistic that the workshop would provide a platform to identify the challenges facing the country's media industry and its information and communication system in order to make recommendations for overcoming them.