It has been over nine decades (9) since the inception of the television and just as the technology has been through various phases, so has its impact on humanity.
Since the United Nations declared November 21 as World Television Day, the world on this day in every year takes a moment to look back on how the journey of converting visual images and sound into electrical signals and transmitting it to various locations has impacted the globe.
In this news desk report, brings to some of the impacts television has had on humanity.
In the scope of defining globalization, one cannot do so without including information dissemination. Today the world population is interdependent through information. Information sharing has had a lot of impact on global activities such as culture and trade. Through information shared and received via television programs the quest to make the world a global village has been taken several notches higher. The real-time coverage of various events by media outlets globally has not only made the global population informed on events immediate environment but has also made us informed on happenings in other parts of the world. The leverage on technology by media outlets in the dissemination of their programs is also helping the leaderships of organizations and nations to make much more viable decisions that encompass their various subjects.
With the world being informed through television, the global population has also had the benefit of receiving education. The infusion of educational methods such as storytelling, discussion, teaching, training and research in various television programs has had the world population enlightened on various local and international issues. New technologies being explored by TV media houses is helping to create a much more interactive and engaging experience for their audience, thus peoples understanding and knowledge base on issues of political, social and economic amongst others have been greatly impacted through their television experience.
The tripartite impact of television cannot be complete without mention of the entertaining bit of TV experience. The United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Statistics says approximately 80% of American population watch TV on any given day, further statistics show that 50% of the time spent seeking gratification. This statistics clearly gives an insight into the importance of television as a medium of entertainment for viewers in the United States. One thing that can be certain is the relativity in the statistics when compared to other countries. 21st Century Television viewers are not only able to view their favourite sports and music programs, but are also able to watch such events in real-time regardless of their geographical location.
With the many positive impacts the advent of television has had on the global population, the world has also had to grapple with some downsides one of the most important inventions in global communication and information dissemination. The negatives of television on its viewers exist in various forms from individual to regional, national and global.
On an individual base, the perception of television viewers is likely to be influenced one way or another, depending on the kind of programs an individual exposed to. Research has shown that a good number of child molesters, rapists and sexual offenders had their exposure to television content such as pornography serving as an incitement to their acts. Once it is agreed that education can come through television content, it is imperative that the potential of people’s thoughts and reasoning, and in essence their actions being influenced by the kind of television content they consume is underscored.
Again on individual bases another down some people have had to deal with in their exposure to television is addiction. The compulsive viewing of television is a threat some people deal with every day. For some the urge to stare at a screen over a long period of time is one that surpasses their resistibility. This results in issues threatening the individual's psyche as well as their physical health. A person’s sight may get affected from the long stare of a television screen, especially at a close range. Again one can develop spinal problems when their posture and the time they spend watching TV is not checked over time.
On a regional and national level when a group of people get exposed to a particular content, there exist the potential of their thoughts being in conformity. Their common understanding of certain issues may lead to issues of stereotyping, racism, tribalism, and ethnocentrism.
The control of media groups by individuals and organizations with various agendas threatens independent and objective thinking. Currently, in the United States, it is established that the media influence is having a big influence on the current political pluralization which seems to affect their national discourse.
The television space is only going to keep growing and so will its impact on the world population. It is important serious attention is paid to them in order to effectively utilize the positives and also work on managing the downsides.