General News of Sunday, 30 November 2014

Source: Bernice Owusuwaa

World of relationship: Do fathers really hate their daughters’ boyfriends?

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Daddy’s little angel brings home a new boyfriend; mommy and daddy are appalled and start asking so many questions about their angels mate. But there is a reason for which most parents react the way they do to their kids' choice of mates, boyfriend or fiancée.

Over generations, research has shown that there is always a huge tension between fathers and daughters on the choice of boyfriend to be taken.

Daughters look out for qualities such as sexual compatibility, physical attraction, someone who will be approved of by her friends, ambition and of course who loves her but parents on the other hand desperately encourage or expect that mates of their daughters should have a well defined career to cater for their daughter.

So that is where the classic tension begins.

Daughters are mostly of the view that they have a right in choosing whom to be with, because it’s their life and expect their parents especially fathers to respect that right.

Fathers are also of the view that, they are have the full responsibility and right to protect their daughters from going into bad relationships. To them, daughters often are not matured and well informed on matters concerning love and life; hence might be making a huge mistake in the choice of boyfriends or mate.

So what do you reckon, do you think daughters always have the right to choose their partner or its daddies have a say in who becomes their daughter’s boyfriend or husband?