President Mills has been exposed as a liar and a man of double standards who has serious intentions of defrauding the people of Ghana.
At a secret meeting at Peduasi Lodge on Wednesday ,attended by Mr Henry Martey Newman, Dr Kwabena Adjei, David Lamptey, a business associate of President Mills, Dr Cadman Mills,President Mills brother and member of the Economic Advisory Council Dr Valerie Saywer , a deputy chief of staff, Professor Kwamena Ahwoi and Dr Benjamin Kumbour, President made it clear everything must be done to get Alfred Agbesi Woyome, a financier of President Mills currently on trial for allegedly defrauding the state of the hook. President was reported by observers to have said “I don’t care what it takes, woyome must not refund this money. We need this money to win the elections”.
When Dr Kwabena Adjei said that the woyome scandal was doing damage to all their hardwork and making it difficult to get Ex President Rawlings and other disgruntled party members on board ,Mills said “I am the President of Ghana. If I want to win elections, I will win with or without Rawlings’s help. I don’t want to hear his name at all. We are here fighting for the interests of the party, where is he ? having holidays in the desert in Somalia while we are dealing with issues here”.Please I am not interested.
Dr Cadman Mills, President Mill’s brother then appealed to the members present not to break ranks but support his brother. Dr Mills said “We have put the usual measures in place. Nothing will happen to Woyome. There will be no need to pay back anything. Everything is on track.We have sacrificed Betty and Martin. Nobody will talk.There will be no more resignations. We are in charge don’t worry”.
Stay tuned on more revelations from this clandestine Peduasi Lodge meeting meeting.
George Kitcher -The New Free Press-0244566264