Diaspora News of Wednesday, 10 March 2004
Source: www.jmu.edu
St. Harrisonburg, VA -- Dr. Daniel A. Wubah, who headed a presidential commission on enhancing diversity at James Madison University, has been named a special assistant to JMU President Linwood H. Rose.
Wubah will oversee the university's efforts for additional diversity. The university's admissions office, financial aid office and affirmative action office will also report to Wubah in his new position.
"Dr. Wubah has been a valued member of the JMU team since he joined us in 2000," Rose said. "He has done an outstanding job as a faculty member, as an administrator and in the special assignment as commission chair."
In September, Wubah was appointed chair of a 65-member Presidential Commission on Diversity. The commission made an intensive study of ways to enhance diversity at JMU and submitted its report to Rose in late January.
"We are fortunate to have someone at the university with Dr. Wubah's skills and background to move into this important position," Rose said.
Wubah has been at JMU since 2000 as associate dean of the College of Science and Mathematics and professor of biology.
Before coming to JMU, Wubah was chair of the biology department at Towson University in Maryland. He had earlier coordinated botany department teaching assistants at the University of Georgia.
A native of Ghana, Wubah holds two bachelor's degrees from the University of Cape Coast in Ghana, a master's from the University of Akron and a doctorate from the University of Georgia.
After receiving his doctorate, Wubah served as a postdoctoral fellow at the U.S. Environmental Agency Research Laboratory in Athens, Ga.
Wubah was a panelist in 2002 at a U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science hearing. He received the Diversity Scholar Award from the American Institute of Biological Science in 2001 and has received several outstanding teacher awards.
Since 1992, Wubah has been involved in the development of 22 research and training grants, totaling more than $2.6 million.
As special assistant to the president, Wubah will be responsible for the strategic and operational plan for enhanced diversity in employment and the student body at JMU, along with his responsibilities for the admissions, financial aid and affirmative action offices.