Politics of Monday, 23 September 2024

Source: Aminu Ibrahim, Contributor

YAAC calls for forensic audit of voters' register to ensure peaceful elections

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Youth Alliance and Action for Change (YAAC) has called on the Electoral Commission (EC) of Ghana to conduct an immediate forensic audit of the voters' register ahead of the upcoming elections, citing concerns over the integrity of the electoral process.

In a press release issued on September 20, 2024, and signed by Dr. Eunice Yorgrì, Convener of YAAC, the youth group emphasized that a transparent audit of the voters' register is critical to ensuring peace and stability during and after the elections.

YAAC expressed deep concern over the credibility of the current voters' register, which has been the subject of widespread public scrutiny.

The group noted allegations of inconsistencies in the register, including the inclusion of ineligible voters and the omission of eligible ones.

In their statement, YAAC warned that these issues could lead to “disenfranchisement, voter suppression, or worse, contestation of the results that could fuel political tension.”

YAAC stressed that the voters' register is the foundation of any democratic election, and its integrity must be beyond question.

They argued that a forensic audit would not only address the existing concerns but also help to protect the peace and stability of the nation.

The youth group noted that Ghanaians, especially the youth, could suffer the most in the event of post-election unrest, which could lead to economic downturns, disruptions in education, and the breakdown of public services.

“We refuse to sit idly by while the future of our generation is put at risk due to an avoidable issue that can be solved through transparency and accountability,” the release stated.

YAAC added that by conducting a forensic audit, the EC would be “taking a critical step in safeguarding peace and ensuring that the election results are accepted by all.”

In the statement, YAAC further added that a transparent audit would also protect the integrity of the Electoral Commission, demonstrating its commitment to fairness and democratic principles.

The group noted that this audit would restore public confidence in the electoral process, ensuring that all citizens have trust in the EC’s ability to conduct credible elections.

YAAC further emphasized, “This process will also protect the commission’s integrity, demonstrating that it is committed to fairness, transparency, and democratic principles.”

YAAC's press release urged the EC to listen to the concerns of the people and fulfill its constitutional duty by conducting the forensic audit, noting that this was not just a demand from one group, but a call from all Ghanaians who value peace, fairness, and the long-term prosperity of the nation.

In a direct appeal to the EC, the release stated, “We respectfully urge the EC to listen to the voice of the people and fulfill its constitutional duty by conducting a forensic audit of the voter’s register.”

YAAC concluded its statement by urging the EC to act swiftly, noting that Ghana’s democracy is at a crossroads, further insisting that the forensic audit of the voter’s register is necessary to protect the peace and stability of the country.

“Ghana’s democracy is at a crossroads, and we must choose the path of transparency and peace. We, the youth, insist that the EC conduct a forensic audit of the voter’s register. The peace and stability of Ghana, and indeed our future, depend on it,” the statement added.