Politics of Thursday, 15 December 2022

Source: atinkaonline.com

YAG eulogizes Oboshie Sai Cofie for magnificent work as Presidential Advisor on Media Relations

Florence Oboshie Sai Cofie Florence Oboshie Sai Cofie

An advocacy group, Youth for Accountable Governance (YAG) has eulogized the Presidential Advisor on Media Relations, Mrs. Florence Oboshie Sai Cofie for her significant contribution to the development of the media space.

The group in a press release outlined reasons why the politician and Government’s Advisor on Media and Strategic Communications Mrs. Oboshie Sai Cofie deserves commendation and recognition.

Below is the statement

It was no mistake that, in his own right, President Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo Addo had to appoint an expert to advise the government on media and communication.

As a former minister in charge of information in the erstwhile Kufuor government, her expertise was needed to manage and steer the affairs of engagement with the media and how strategically the government and the party can collaborate to make an impactful and effective communication of its achievements to the Ghanaian populace.

Following her appointment as the government’s advisor on media and strategic communications, Mrs. Florence Oboshie Sai Cofie has made some significant gains in the development of the communications prowess of both the government and the party at large.

The party’s communication machinery is now proactive and well-resourced, thanks to the recommendations of the communication specialist.
Now party communicators, after attending training, are fed well and provided with allowance and transportation.

This at least motivates them to remain resolute in discharging their duties. A recent informal survey from party communicators shows massive improvement in their affairs and how the leadership of Mrs. Florence Oboshie Sai Cofie has impacted the operations of the government’s communications and bridged the gap between the government and the party.

If for nothing else, the communications expert deserves some commendation for her handling of the media and how strategically she has positioned the government in the hearts of the people.

Also, her strategies and collaboration with the party have yielded some visible results in the past few months. We at Youth in Accountable Government commend her for the injection she has made into the communications machinery of the New Patriotic Party and how her efforts have made it more effective over the past few months since her appointment.


Benjamin Gyewu-Appiah


Youth in Accountable Government (YAG)