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Regional News of Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Source: GNA

YUFRIST shows love to the less fortunate in society

Bawjiase (C/R), Feb. 15, GNA - The management of Youth for Christ Heritage (YUFRIST), a Christian non-governmental organisation (NGO) on Tuesday distributed assorted items worth GH¢2,000 to residents of Bawjias= e in the Central Region.

They include drinks, chocolate, biscuits, candies, used clothing and shoes. Mr Jedoiada Amuzu, Executive Director of YUFRIST, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, said the presents formed part of the organisation'= s Valentine Day outreach project to fete the less fortunate and less privileged in the community.

He said the organisation's aim was to meet the people's physical a= nd spiritual needs through the enabling power and providence of the Holy Spirit. "The plight of quite a number of these people who are passing throug= h some of life's challenges, be it material or spiritual, may be due to nature's own design or through the negligence of parents, relatives, government and the civil society." Mr Amuzu said the outreach project was initiated to ensure that the less privileged in the communities throughout the country were shown the type of love demonstrated by God to his children. Mr Amuzu expressed gratitude to government for introducing the Nationa= l Chocolate Day to help change the psyche and attitude of Ghanaians concernin= g Valentine Day celebrations.

"The proliferation of media organisations in the country has culmina= ted largely in promoting Valentine Day celebrations among a cross-section of Ghanaians, and giving rise to a flagrant display of sexual promiscuity, blatant display of vanity and immorality by the youth," he noted. He lauded the government's effort towards improving the lives of Ghanaians by continuing with the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) project initiated by the pervious government. He called on government to punish those civil and public servant whose corrupt, fraudulent and unchristian activities lead to loss of national revenue and retard government's quest to provide better Ghana for all. Mr Amuzu expressed the hope that the example would be emulated by othe= r individuals, Christian NGOs and civil society to help provide for the needy in society. The Reverend Emmanuel Korsah, Board Chairman of YUFRIST, speaking on the theme 93God still loves you", urged members of the community to show compassion for one another as God taught them. "God had compassion for his people even after they had disobeyed him= by eating the forbidden fruit and were cast out of the Garden of Eden," he added.

He asked them to forgive one another and have faith in the almighty God, believing that He will provide all their needs in due cause. Mr Korsah also explained the importance and relevance of Valentine Day to them and cautioned the youth not to use the Day for promiscuous activities. Pastor Daniel Enyo, a resident of the community was grateful to the organisers and said the outreach project had really enlightened them on the importance and relevance of Valentine Day celebration. Members of the community also appealed to the organisation to support them with Christian literature to aid them in their religious activities. The organisation also supported some selected members with an undisclosed amount to help them expand their businesses and pay their children's school fees.