General News of Tuesday, 2 May 2017


Yapei Bridge closed down for maintenance

The Yapei Bridge will be closed to traffic from tomorrow May 3, 2017 from 6pm to 6am The Yapei Bridge will be closed to traffic from tomorrow May 3, 2017 from 6pm to 6am

The Yapei Bridge will be closed to traffic from tomorrow May 3, 2017 from 6pm to 6am for emergency maintenance work.

The bridge which is on the Techiman-Tamale highway is one of the major bridges on that stretch.

Minister of Roads and Highways, Mr Kwasi Amoako Atta is currently on the bridge with officials of the Bridge Maintenance Unit of the Ghana Highway Authority (GHA) inspecting its current state before work commences.

It is gathered that the bridge was originally constructed to serve for 50 years but was in its 54th year reason for its structural defects and the need for urgent.

Earlier this year, the Buipe Bridge which was constructed almost the same year with the Yapei one was closed to traffic for similar work following complaints by users of structural defects