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Politics of Friday, 2 February 2024


‘Zacchaeus’ Bawumia is behind Emission Tax; vote against him – Chris Doughan

Chris Doughan is a member of the communications team of the NDC Chris Doughan is a member of the communications team of the NDC

A member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Communications Team, Chris Doughan has called on Ghanaians to reject the flag bearer of the NPP, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, during the December elections for his dishonesty.

The Vice President, he said, is the head of the Government’s Economic Management Team (EMT) and thus takes critical decisions that affect the economy of the country.

Doughan who was reacting to the implementation of the new vehicle tax aimed at reducing carbon emission in the country, argued that by virtue of Bawumia’s position in government, he cannot absolve himself from blame as far as the tax is concerned.

He told Inside Politics host Mugabe Maase on TV XYZ that Bawumia is a “shameless liar” who is trying to sell a new message to electorates to hoodwink them to vote for him during the polls.

Urging Ghanaians to kick against Bawumia at the polls, Chris Doughan said the Vice President takes taxes more than the Biblical character, Zacchaeus, who was noted for collecting taxes incessantly.

“Bawumia takes taxes more than Zacchaeus and keeps lying to Ghanaians about the projects of the NPP. He said he has his own vision to govern. He is a shameless liar who must be rejected. He is the reason the economy has failed and as a result, Ghanaians are going through hardship,” Doughan declared.

He said Bawumia knows about the Emission Tax that has infuriated commercial drivers and vehicle owners in the country at a time unemployment has heightened.

To him, Bawumia’s government will impose more taxes on Ghanaians hence he must not be allowed any near the preidency.

Emissions Levy Act

The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) announced on February 1, 2024, the commencement of the implementation of the Emissions Levy Act, 2023 (Act 1112).

GRA says the Act will impose a levy on carbon dioxide equivalent emissions on internal combustion engine vehicles, stressing that the move aligns with the government’s commitment to addressing greenhouse gas emissions.


The Ghana Private Roads and Transport Union (GPRTU) has expressed disappointment at the implemention of the Emissions Levy and announced that it will increase transport fares.

Reacting to the news of the implementation on the midday news on TV XYZ, the Public Relations Officer for the GPRTU, Mr Abass Imoro, told Piesie Okrah a discussion had been held with the Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta who assured them of a feedback before government made any move.

“We had talks with the Finance Minister about the impact of the tax on our businesses and he assured us that we would here from him only to hear that the tax has been implemented. This tax is being charged twice because when you buy fuel, you are charged for emission on every litre fuel,” Imoro said in Akan.

Asked what their next move will be, he stated that “we will come out next about our next move but definitely it is our passengers who will bear the impact of the new tax.”

Imoro bemoaned the prices of vehicle parts and lubricants and wondered why the government has decided to ignore their concerns and introduce new taxes whereas the existing ones are having a toll on their daily sales.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of Africa Centre for Energy Policy (ACEP), Benjamin Boakye believes that the new vehicle tax will not reduce carbon emissions.

According to him, the implementation of the Act 1112 will not only fail to reduce carbon emission but will also encourage people to avoid paying the tax.