Politics of Wednesday, 7 November 2007

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Atta Mills Grabs Central Region With House-To-House Campaign

?Adze Wo Fie Oye? Is The Refrain

NDC Leader and Presidential Candidate, John Evans Atta Mills, since Saturday, November 03, 2007, has been touring parts of his home region, Central Region, with his innovative house-to-house retail campaign style which is really stinging the NPP.

In the past six days that the former vice president and president-in-waiting has been touching base with his people, it is as clear as daylight that the presence of the NPP in the Central Region has waned to a very low and insignificant level as wherever the NDC Presidential Candidate visits, there is no pretence at all that there is the realization in the whole of the region that the time has come for them to throw their total and unalloyed support behind a son of the soil.

?Adze wo fie oye?, to wit, ?it is good to be proud of what is yours?, has been the slogan everywhere the NDC Presidential Candidate has visited.

The scales have certainly fallen off and having tasted seven years of the misrule of the Kufuor administration and especially how the Central Region has not benefited in any way from the nepotic and tribalistic NPP, there is a strong resolve that come December 2008, the region would either be the second World Bank or the IMF of the NDC.

Indeed, the road from Mallam Junction to Cape Coast, which the NPP is expecting the Central Region to be eternally grateful to them for, is already playing host to huge potholes; evidence of the shoddy work that was done.

In Mankesim, Saltpond, Cape Coast, Komenda, Elmina and parts of Ekumfi, there is an overwhelming desire for a meaningful change and not the positive change turned negative change that Kufuor and his moribund NPP has tied around the necks of the majority of Ghanaians.

The pervasive high levels of poverty in most of the communities has hardened the resolve of the people to untie their unholy union with the cruel and visionless NPP government and give the mandate to Atta Mills and the NDC since it is manifestly clear to them that they lived more decent lives in the period before the NPP emerged onto the governance scene.

In most of the communities, fishing is the mainstay of the people and the unacceptable manner in which the NPP has destroyed the fishing industry is the main reason for which the days of the NPP are numbered.

The high price of premix fuel, the non subsidization of the cost of outboard motors, the high price of fishing nets, and the allowing of foreign vessels to fish in Ghana?s territorial waters thereby crowding out the local fishermen, is what has killed the NPP in those areas.

Most of the fishing communities recall how the NDC government kept a close eye on the fishing industry and made sure that the prices of fishing inputs were subsidized to enable the local fisherfolk grow their businesses.

In particular, they recall how the NDC government made premix fuel very affordable.

With his ?I Care For You? message and meeting people in their natural habitats where it is easy for them to open up and discuss their concerns and worries with the president-in-waiting, John Evans Atta Mills has been touching the hearts and minds of his people in a way that would surely translate into massive votes for the learned professor and the NDC in the next general elections.

As somebody who respects customs and traditions, Atta Mills has respectfully been paying courtesy calls on the Omanhene?s of the various areas.

The NDC Leader has been doing his rounds with Ama Benyiwa Doe, National Women?s Organiser of the NDC, Kojo Allotey Jacobs, Patrick Aniegyie, Tina Frimpong, Light Koomson, And Abeiku Aggrey, all Central Regional Executives of the NDC.

In Mankesim and Saltpond, the Parliamentary Candidate for the area, Aquinas Quansah, an advertising and marketing consultant, was also part of the team.

Two weeks ago, Atta Mills and his team were in the Assin Areas of the Central Region with the house-to-house campaign and as is becoming the norm everywhere the NDC Presidential Candidate goes, the chiefs and people are hell-bent on making sure that the Region is no more sneered at for voting against their own flesh and blood.