I have lost all the sympathy I have for them because of the bias judiciary we have in Ghana now. The present Supreme Court judges are disgracing the martyrs
I have lost all the sympathy I have for them because of the bias judiciary we have in Ghana now. The present Supreme Court judges are disgracing the martyrs
Osama 8 months ago
They were no Martys. The same behaviour the supreme Goat judges are exhibiting in court is the same thing that brought them their untimely death
They were no Martys. The same behaviour the supreme Goat judges are exhibiting in court is the same thing that brought them their untimely death
Who judge the judges? 8 months ago
Man pass man. If the judges think they are sacrosanct, they should rethink. Who judge the judges?
Man pass man. If the judges think they are sacrosanct, they should rethink. Who judge the judges?
Amedeka is walking g freely between ghana togo 8 months ago
The murderer is free in Togo and comes to Ghana frequently. Why is he not arrested?
The murderer is free in Togo and comes to Ghana frequently. Why is he not arrested?
Aboa 8 months ago
Go and arrest Amedeka and bring him. We will help you kill him. FOOLS.
Go and arrest Amedeka and bring him. We will help you kill him. FOOLS.
Mary- Ho public toilet 8 months ago
Open your eyes Akans! Togolese trokosi Ayigbes are your mortal enemies. Take note that all the murderers were Ayigbes.
Open your eyes Akans! Togolese trokosi Ayigbes are your mortal enemies. Take note that all the murderers were Ayigbes.
Esum 8 months ago
And besides the killers being all Ayigbes, who exhibited their hatred for Akans by killing the Judges and the Army Officer, the killing took place under the regime of an Ayigbe, the half-caste bastard son of an Ayigbe whore R ... read full comment
And besides the killers being all Ayigbes, who exhibited their hatred for Akans by killing the Judges and the Army Officer, the killing took place under the regime of an Ayigbe, the half-caste bastard son of an Ayigbe whore Rawlings. These aliens are indeed the mortal enemies of Akans. This should never be forgotten as Akans cast their votes in the coming elections.
Aboa 8 months ago
More of the killings will happen soon if those leading and looting do not repent. Unfortunately this time, population of Ghana is huge and we will witness massive slaughter of those faggot ruining this noble country down.
More of the killings will happen soon if those leading and looting do not repent. Unfortunately this time, population of Ghana is huge and we will witness massive slaughter of those faggot ruining this noble country down.
The Supreme Court justices today are worse than the previous ones. Who would have sympathy for them? These judges are killing Ghanaians more than the military. Can you imagine the amount of money stolen by this NPP kleptomani ... read full comment
The Supreme Court justices today are worse than the previous ones. Who would have sympathy for them? These judges are killing Ghanaians more than the military. Can you imagine the amount of money stolen by this NPP kleptomaniacs? Not a single one has been prosecuted. They even refused to hold evil, kobolor, certificateless Akuffo Addo to account. .Few Ghanaians can afford one square meal a day. I blame the judges even more than the politicians.
Kunta 8 months ago
Where did you read Law to appreciate judgements?
Where did you read Law to appreciate judgements?
Slim 8 months ago
May God have mercy on the 7-0 ones.
May God have mercy on the 7-0 ones.
Kunta 8 months ago
Are you serious? I don't think so. Common sense should tell you that if one comes to court without proof or evidence then what is the use of that case? I do not want to sound insulting but have doubts about your mentality. Wh ... read full comment
Are you serious? I don't think so. Common sense should tell you that if one comes to court without proof or evidence then what is the use of that case? I do not want to sound insulting but have doubts about your mentality. Which judge will disgrace himself by passing judgement in favour of anyone presenting a case without evidence?
It appears your understanding of issues is way beyond comprehension. No doubt people like you should rather embrace free shs , yet what do we see? Come again bro
Semantical 8 months ago
So masterminded day??? I mean who sent dem??? A mightier hand then was surely behind dat.
So masterminded day??? I mean who sent dem??? A mightier hand then was surely behind dat.
Semantical 8 months ago
I mean who masterminded dat ???.
I mean who masterminded dat ???.
Yaw 8 months ago
Nana Konadu Agyemine Rawlings masterminded it. The Ashanti Ejisu witch with the flat anus. You remember THE KEY on her dinning table?
Nana Konadu Agyemine Rawlings masterminded it. The Ashanti Ejisu witch with the flat anus. You remember THE KEY on her dinning table?
King 8 months ago
Rawlings and the NDC killed the judges.
Rawlings and the NDC killed the judges.
Aboa 8 months ago
Those judges deserved what was served them. Taking brown envelopes and goat home at the expense of justice. I pray more judges who dispense justice and or circumvent justice on the alter of goats and other backdoor incentives ... read full comment
Those judges deserved what was served them. Taking brown envelopes and goat home at the expense of justice. I pray more judges who dispense justice and or circumvent justice on the alter of goats and other backdoor incentives met more horrible death than these judges.
Kunta 8 months ago
Be careful for what you wish for. If your relative was among them is that what you would wish for them when you do not have any evidence of corruption against the three judges.
I am giving you 24 hours to retract your post ... read full comment
Be careful for what you wish for. If your relative was among them is that what you would wish for them when you do not have any evidence of corruption against the three judges.
I am giving you 24 hours to retract your post for which I know you do not have any evidence against the three judges else the curse that will follow your household wouldn't be palatable. Accusing people for no reason or accusing them wrongly results in a curse on your family. A word to the wise is enough. He who has ears let him hear. If something bad follows you or your relative do not blame me.
Foli Foli 8 months ago
Stop being hypocritical and tell the story as it was/ is. Was it only 3 judges who were killed? What about the military officer Maj Acquah? You keep telling the Ghanaian people about 3 judges who were murdered leaving the M ... read full comment
Stop being hypocritical and tell the story as it was/ is. Was it only 3 judges who were killed? What about the military officer Maj Acquah? You keep telling the Ghanaian people about 3 judges who were murdered leaving the Maj as if he was not important. Who said that only the judges are martyrs? Who even authorised their busts to be placed in front of the supreme court? When and what did they contribute to the supreme court building in Ghana? Stop the nonsense and don't corrupt the history of Ghana with your cacophony of martyrs day celebrations without recognition of the major who was also murdered on that fateful day.
ROGUE LAWYER 8 months ago
is this ecessary anymore ? looking at what the 7:0 FC at the Supreme Court is doing now, for me what happened ought to happen.
even if it may has a chance ,it could be repeated- because the type of judges we have who are c ... read full comment
is this ecessary anymore ? looking at what the 7:0 FC at the Supreme Court is doing now, for me what happened ought to happen.
even if it may has a chance ,it could be repeated- because the type of judges we have who are collecting bribes, Tonga, sheep etc to turn the truth into lies, and lies into into truth-
I wish history could repeat itself.
how on earth and in true democracy -that EC who is the returning officer of an important electoral duty cannot be asked to account for her duty ?
how on earth could a democratic republic which has representative in parliament, - The EC is allowed to ask section of the people to stay away from casting their vote in electing who they want to represent them in parliament ?- such an EC is still at post ?
all these are happening because of people we called Supreme Court judges.
so just convince me why I should sympathise with a corrupt judge who has face his or her justice on earth ?
your deeds shall follow you, so do good and get the support of the people.
Kwaku 8 months ago
I hope the NDC would have the courage to build a memorial in honour if the 8 citizens who were shot and killed at a polling station.
I hope the NDC would have the courage to build a memorial in honour if the 8 citizens who were shot and killed at a polling station.
Ataa Obeng site 19 Tema 8 months ago
The same thing that happened before the judges were killed is happening today under this useless regime, we need the military now for 5 years to clean the system
The same thing that happened before the judges were killed is happening today under this useless regime, we need the military now for 5 years to clean the system
Yao Davlo, Aflao 8 months ago
DEEVINITY 8 months ago
Anything CELEBRATED by the GBA is SUSPECT. May the Judges and Major Acquah rest in peace. And may we all be guided by history.
Anything CELEBRATED by the GBA is SUSPECT. May the Judges and Major Acquah rest in peace. And may we all be guided by history.
I have lost all the sympathy I have for them because of the bias judiciary we have in Ghana now. The present Supreme Court judges are disgracing the martyrs
They were no Martys. The same behaviour the supreme Goat judges are exhibiting in court is the same thing that brought them their untimely death
Man pass man. If the judges think they are sacrosanct, they should rethink. Who judge the judges?
The murderer is free in Togo and comes to Ghana frequently. Why is he not arrested?
Go and arrest Amedeka and bring him. We will help you kill him. FOOLS.
Open your eyes Akans! Togolese trokosi Ayigbes are your mortal enemies. Take note that all the murderers were Ayigbes.
And besides the killers being all Ayigbes, who exhibited their hatred for Akans by killing the Judges and the Army Officer, the killing took place under the regime of an Ayigbe, the half-caste bastard son of an Ayigbe whore R ...
read full comment
More of the killings will happen soon if those leading and looting do not repent. Unfortunately this time, population of Ghana is huge and we will witness massive slaughter of those faggot ruining this noble country down.
The Supreme Court justices today are worse than the previous ones. Who would have sympathy for them? These judges are killing Ghanaians more than the military. Can you imagine the amount of money stolen by this NPP kleptomani ...
read full comment
Where did you read Law to appreciate judgements?
May God have mercy on the 7-0 ones.
Are you serious? I don't think so. Common sense should tell you that if one comes to court without proof or evidence then what is the use of that case? I do not want to sound insulting but have doubts about your mentality. Wh ...
read full comment
So masterminded day??? I mean who sent dem??? A mightier hand then was surely behind dat.
I mean who masterminded dat ???.
Nana Konadu Agyemine Rawlings masterminded it. The Ashanti Ejisu witch with the flat anus. You remember THE KEY on her dinning table?
Rawlings and the NDC killed the judges.
Those judges deserved what was served them. Taking brown envelopes and goat home at the expense of justice. I pray more judges who dispense justice and or circumvent justice on the alter of goats and other backdoor incentives ...
read full comment
Be careful for what you wish for. If your relative was among them is that what you would wish for them when you do not have any evidence of corruption against the three judges.
I am giving you 24 hours to retract your post ...
read full comment
Stop being hypocritical and tell the story as it was/ is. Was it only 3 judges who were killed? What about the military officer Maj Acquah? You keep telling the Ghanaian people about 3 judges who were murdered leaving the M ...
read full comment
is this ecessary anymore ? looking at what the 7:0 FC at the Supreme Court is doing now, for me what happened ought to happen.
even if it may has a chance ,it could be repeated- because the type of judges we have who are c ...
read full comment
I hope the NDC would have the courage to build a memorial in honour if the 8 citizens who were shot and killed at a polling station.
The same thing that happened before the judges were killed is happening today under this useless regime, we need the military now for 5 years to clean the system
Anything CELEBRATED by the GBA is SUSPECT. May the Judges and Major Acquah rest in peace. And may we all be guided by history.