Why do you expect from these uncircumcised and uncouth black monkeys with delusions of grandeur and no sense? Asantes are vermin and the reason why Ghana will never rise again.
Why do you expect from these uncircumcised and uncouth black monkeys with delusions of grandeur and no sense? Asantes are vermin and the reason why Ghana will never rise again.
OHENE KESE 6 months ago
Keep writing while all you people starve to DEATH
Keep writing while all you people starve to DEATH
The lady shouldn't have gone to kumasi 6 months ago
These chiefs or elders are just bullies. Since Asantehene hasn't condemned their actions, it means he supports them. This is sad and completely unacceptable. How can you treat women like that? On a more serious note, the lady ... read full comment
These chiefs or elders are just bullies. Since Asantehene hasn't condemned their actions, it means he supports them. This is sad and completely unacceptable. How can you treat women like that? On a more serious note, the lady spoke the truth.
Fiavi 6 months ago
The palace linguists insulted just the two women.. The two women insulted Asantehene and millions. Big difference.
The palace linguists insulted just the two women.. The two women insulted Asantehene and millions. Big difference.
DotCom 6 months ago
I have always had respect for my elders and chiefs irrespective of their ethnicity, so I condemn those who are currently insulting chiefs in the country. That said, I have read what these two women said ... read full comment
I have always had respect for my elders and chiefs irrespective of their ethnicity, so I condemn those who are currently insulting chiefs in the country. That said, I have read what these two women said and I don’t find any insults in it. Criticism yes but no insults. The main criticism was that the Asantehene has failed to act on illegal galamsey. Are they wrong? They surely didn’t insult Asantes. I think the elders were wrong in humiliating the women. The Asantehene is not a god, yes he is an important figure in the country but all public figures are vulnerable to being exposed to criticism. I am worried about the traumatic consequences of their treatment. Ashantis must calm down and see themselves as Ghanaians and not better or higher than the rest. Every Ghanaian has a rich cultural and traditional background and we are all united under one country, one constitution, one parliament, one judiciary and one president. Calm down everybody. Ethnic tensions have brought nothing but misery and death to many countries in Africa. Think wisely.
Kokwe 6 months ago
This is what you get when you insult Chiefs. Similar to when you are in contempt of Parliament or Court. In her it is even annoying because no one provoked her and no one summoned her. This is what you deserve if you call you ... read full comment
This is what you get when you insult Chiefs. Similar to when you are in contempt of Parliament or Court. In her it is even annoying because no one provoked her and no one summoned her. This is what you deserve if you call yourself a broadcaster with the necessary training and self discipline to navigate complex issues
Opinions 6 months ago
She never insulted anyone. She simply stated the truth unless people did not like the tone. Did you even listen to what she said? So she insulted chiefs and the chiefs in their own wisdom must also insult her in public. What ... read full comment
She never insulted anyone. She simply stated the truth unless people did not like the tone. Did you even listen to what she said? So she insulted chiefs and the chiefs in their own wisdom must also insult her in public. What does that tell of the chiefs. Think man!
James 6 months ago
If they had insulted her in closed doors you would have been ok with it? Well that's not for you to decide, she insulted Otumfuo and the chiefs portrayed that she does not even qualify to discuss Otumfuo.
If they had insulted her in closed doors you would have been ok with it? Well that's not for you to decide, she insulted Otumfuo and the chiefs portrayed that she does not even qualify to discuss Otumfuo.
Kofi 6 months ago
Please play the tape or what the lady said to your mum or daddy and they will definitely tell you that what the lady said was an insult to the people of ashanti and the king
Please play the tape or what the lady said to your mum or daddy and they will definitely tell you that what the lady said was an insult to the people of ashanti and the king
Sani 5 months ago
Ghanaians culture does not like the word accountability. When you try to hold them accountable...they will destroy you.
Poor Lady. I am a frafra too...and for me...she is a bold woman. Hate her or not she told them what ... read full comment
Ghanaians culture does not like the word accountability. When you try to hold them accountable...they will destroy you.
Poor Lady. I am a frafra too...and for me...she is a bold woman. Hate her or not she told them what got to their empty egos.
You sit there and say ...we use to cut people's head. Primitive people with a history of inhumane ,wicked culture.
Growing up in the North we were told that when the Ashantihene dies...they cut people's heads and bury those heads together with the king. So it is true. What a disgusting horror of a culture. It's even more disgusting that a bush man like that elder was still able to refer to that background. No wonder.
James 6 months ago
You didnt find Her claim of Otumfuo begging and unable to clear his goods at the port insulting knowing very well the king called on the people to raise funds to renovate a hospital that serves Ghanaias and even contributed 5 ... read full comment
You didnt find Her claim of Otumfuo begging and unable to clear his goods at the port insulting knowing very well the king called on the people to raise funds to renovate a hospital that serves Ghanaias and even contributed 5 million usd of his personal money? Sad.
Bobby 6 months ago
2 wrongs make no right. As elders they should have been careful with their words.
2 wrongs make no right. As elders they should have been careful with their words.
Nana Akwasi Agyemang Badu 6 months ago
Everyone in Asanteman support the action and that keeps us respect our elders, I don’t know and do not think about how you go about yours, but as for we Asantes we know it so don’t be surprise and focus on your tribe ok, ... read full comment
Everyone in Asanteman support the action and that keeps us respect our elders, I don’t know and do not think about how you go about yours, but as for we Asantes we know it so don’t be surprise and focus on your tribe ok, we don’t insult elders and turn to go and plead for forgiveness within a day or two, you wait for sometime for tempers to calm down
Jj 6 months ago
When we grew up,we were told the asantis eat cacars.do they still eat dead animal flesh .
When we grew up,we were told the asantis eat cacars.do they still eat dead animal flesh .
Kwami 6 months ago
Jj we still enjoy eating it. Have you heard of casu martzu? Those who manufacture your cherished Italian shoes and suits, that is one of their foods.
Jj we still enjoy eating it. Have you heard of casu martzu? Those who manufacture your cherished Italian shoes and suits, that is one of their foods.
Ghanaian 6 months ago
What is more insulting than destroying your own land and not have water to drink? How many times have Otumfumfuor condemned galamsey? If you respect him, why don't you stop? Respect is defined in action, not words.
What is more insulting than destroying your own land and not have water to drink? How many times have Otumfumfuor condemned galamsey? If you respect him, why don't you stop? Respect is defined in action, not words.
James 6 months ago
That's your truth but deep thinking people will understand the insult and hatred in her utterances. How can he treat a woman like that and there was nothing wrong to you how she spoke about a man and for that matter Otumfuo? ... read full comment
That's your truth but deep thinking people will understand the insult and hatred in her utterances. How can he treat a woman like that and there was nothing wrong to you how she spoke about a man and for that matter Otumfuo? Set emotions aside and be critical about the words she spoke to Otumfuo.
Papasi 6 months ago
Another FILTHY STINKY INFERIOR ECZEMA INGESTED second class humans , ayigbe ewe or pepeniii idiot right?? A lowly inferior minded person like you ? The lowest Asante is better in reasoning than your togbui afede or your filth ... read full comment
Another FILTHY STINKY INFERIOR ECZEMA INGESTED second class humans , ayigbe ewe or pepeniii idiot right?? A lowly inferior minded person like you ? The lowest Asante is better in reasoning than your togbui afede or your filthy togbes you’ve in that impoverished eczema infested people land. Shit is better than EWES TROKOSI AYIGBES, we have drop an atomic bomb there in future to cleanse ALL OF YOU FILTHY PEOPLE, you’re not worth living
TRUTH 6 months ago
Uncircumcised moshi/ fulani breeds. We know where you come from . You are the cause of the woes in Ghana. Self destructive apes .
Uncircumcised moshi/ fulani breeds. We know where you come from . You are the cause of the woes in Ghana. Self destructive apes .
Papasi 6 months ago
But you’re not a Ghanaian, how do you say that! Filthy inferior TOGOLESE
But you’re not a Ghanaian, how do you say that! Filthy inferior TOGOLESE
Northern Boy 6 months ago
Instead of being worried about the destruction caused by our colonial masters in partitioning Africa into tiny enclaves like Ghana Togo Benin and the rest, which is the major reason we are not able to develop as a people, you ... read full comment
Instead of being worried about the destruction caused by our colonial masters in partitioning Africa into tiny enclaves like Ghana Togo Benin and the rest, which is the major reason we are not able to develop as a people, you are constantly(ignorantly) referring to people as non-ghanaian, calling them togolese, Nigerians etc. Yes, they are not Ghanaian but there shouldn't be Togo Nigeria Benin ivory coast etc in the first place. What was, and should have, been there is Africa. But block-heads like you are more than happy live in the devastating mindset of your colonial masters who are happily watching you live their dream of keeping you apart. Fools
Tonto 6 months ago
Togolese trokosi Ayigbe vermin. If there are woes in in Ghana then go back to your Togolese utopia. Ghana has carried the the trokosi Ayigbe burden long enough. Go home Togolese!!
Togolese trokosi Ayigbe vermin. If there are woes in in Ghana then go back to your Togolese utopia. Ghana has carried the the trokosi Ayigbe burden long enough. Go home Togolese!!
Kofi 6 months ago
Useless brats called Asantes. They stink like fish rotten in water. Useless among the most useless. Have to crossbreed with other tribes to raise their own eminence and raise their IQ.
Useless brats called Asantes. They stink like fish rotten in water. Useless among the most useless. Have to crossbreed with other tribes to raise their own eminence and raise their IQ.
Prayer 6 months ago
I am terribly sorry that Tonto does not know that his fathers hailed from dirty,fly infested Mali to settle in the rain forests of Kumasi..He does not also know that his mothers had to improve the ugly looks of their breed wi ... read full comment
I am terribly sorry that Tonto does not know that his fathers hailed from dirty,fly infested Mali to settle in the rain forests of Kumasi..He does not also know that his mothers had to improve the ugly looks of their breed with Moshi Zongos from Burkina Faso because they weren't satisfied with the dirty black faces of Ashanti men
Kwame 6 months ago
Eeeiii bro!!! Why the insults? Can't you make your point without insults?
Eeeiii bro!!! Why the insults? Can't you make your point without insults?
So Mona Gucci is Ayigbe and Etse is another Ashanti Hater. Ayigbe, Ayigbe, Ayigbe ohhhh no, no, no.
So Mona Gucci is Ayigbe and Etse is another Ashanti Hater. Ayigbe, Ayigbe, Ayigbe ohhhh no, no, no.
Yaw D 6 months ago
Ewes we're in the Gold Coast/Ghana long long before so-called superior tribes emerged from caves or migrated from the northern part of Gold Coast/Ghana.
Ewes we're in the Gold Coast/Ghana long long before so-called superior tribes emerged from caves or migrated from the northern part of Gold Coast/Ghana.
Northern Boy 6 months ago
Asantes reason indeed. Tell us what asantes have invested in Ghana for our benefit. Finding yourself living on land that happens to be rich in gold is what you call reasoning. You are only insulting yourselves more.
Asantes reason indeed. Tell us what asantes have invested in Ghana for our benefit. Finding yourself living on land that happens to be rich in gold is what you call reasoning. You are only insulting yourselves more.
Lord Kwaku Agyeman 6 months ago
Asantes are in the Volta Region selling local herbs and cutting nails for people on the street for money
Asantes are in the Volta Region selling local herbs and cutting nails for people on the street for money
Kwaku Ananse 6 months ago
You state that the Asantes are selling items, not stealing them or begging for alms. THAT is what Asantes are trained to do: hard work and not waiting for alms to fall from heaven.
You state that the Asantes are selling items, not stealing them or begging for alms. THAT is what Asantes are trained to do: hard work and not waiting for alms to fall from heaven.
Panji 6 months ago
Are you sure, you are an Asante
The pepenii pregnant your mom and you are the results.
Are you sure, you are an Asante
The pepenii pregnant your mom and you are the results.
Oklemekuku 6 months ago
Togbe Afede is a self-made man.
Togbe Afede is a self-made man.
Oklemekuku 6 months ago
Your ancestors hailed the Pepefuo you insult. Go back to history 101
Your ancestors hailed the Pepefuo you insult. Go back to history 101
Togbe Kporwomordzikpo KpornugloAvumako 6 months ago
Galamsey occult chiefs.
Galamsey occult chiefs.
Amoatia Kwasiapanin 6 months ago
These are same chiefs who treated that stupod Wontumi with kids gloves, when the fool actually said worse things than Afia. Is it because money indeed changed hands?
These are same chiefs who treated that stupod Wontumi with kids gloves, when the fool actually said worse things than Afia. Is it because money indeed changed hands?
Carlos Ntim 6 months ago
Please what was the writer trying to achieve? To worsen the plight of Afia Pokua or make matters worst. Some of you young should educate yourself of reporting from chief palace and traditional proceedings There are protocol ... read full comment
Please what was the writer trying to achieve? To worsen the plight of Afia Pokua or make matters worst. Some of you young should educate yourself of reporting from chief palace and traditional proceedings There are protocols. Even in Buckingham place there are protocols regarding what writers can report. Afia Pokua and Mona did not go to court house or parliament committee they went to Manhyia. Have you watch proceedings of how chiefs are depose and have no right to appeal? Educate yourselves and stop deceiving the general public.
That's Ayigbe Writer for you. 6 months ago
If Afua Pokua had disrespected the Ayigbe Chief of Sukula, Pig Farm or Ashaiman, we wouldn't have had a minute of peace.
If Afua Pokua had disrespected the Ayigbe Chief of Sukula, Pig Farm or Ashaiman, we wouldn't have had a minute of peace.
Oh Africa 6 months ago
The writer wants the whole world to read and know how uncultured some of the chiefs behaved after summoning someone who offended them and they deciding to abuse her instead of addressing the issue for which reason she was bef ... read full comment
The writer wants the whole world to read and know how uncultured some of the chiefs behaved after summoning someone who offended them and they deciding to abuse her instead of addressing the issue for which reason she was before them. It is a pity.
Ghanani 6 months ago
Asantes are vermins? No wonder your tribe is a cancer in the body of Ghana and must be removed to save Ghana from dying.
Asantes are vermins? No wonder your tribe is a cancer in the body of Ghana and must be removed to save Ghana from dying.
Mary- Ho public toilet 6 months ago
If Ghana will never rise again why don't you relocated to your Togolese paradise? And by the way if you are not new to Ghanaweb you would have noticed that the word "vermin" has been reserved for Togolese trokosi Ayigbes. Ple ... read full comment
If Ghana will never rise again why don't you relocated to your Togolese paradise? And by the way if you are not new to Ghanaweb you would have noticed that the word "vermin" has been reserved for Togolese trokosi Ayigbes. Please keep it because the word describes you alien parasitic leeches best.
Kofi 6 months ago
You are a fool. Ewes have never relocated to Ghana. We were and have always been on this land even before the Europeans partitioned Africa. So block headed that you couldn't grasp your history lessons. Typical of Asantes. In ... read full comment
You are a fool. Ewes have never relocated to Ghana. We were and have always been on this land even before the Europeans partitioned Africa. So block headed that you couldn't grasp your history lessons. Typical of Asantes. In any case, why are you people refusing to grant us the independence that we have been fighting for? It is because you need us more than we need you. Useless dwarfs
Tonto 6 months ago
Etsey Atisu? Where does this one come from? Togo presumably?
Etsey Atisu? Where does this one come from? Togo presumably?
September is almost ended. You ever wondered why faith & hard work are essential for achieving success? It's because praying to God & trusting in His plan is just the first step - you also need to put your mind & skills to w ... read full comment
September is almost ended. You ever wondered why faith & hard work are essential for achieving success? It's because praying to God & trusting in His plan is just the first step - you also need to put your mind & skills to work for Him to bless. If you've spent money fixing a smartphone before, you'll understand it's a BUSINESS THAT PAYS WELL DAILY for the smart techies fixing them. Join them by getting this most comprehensive standard smartphone repair course worldwide! With this resource, you're guaranteed to earn up to 1,000 times your investment in just 1-2 days & master valuable skills to earn good money daily just after three weeks. Join thousands who have transformed their lives with Chukky Oparandu's guidebook on Amazon (search 'Chukky Oparandu' on Amazon). Invest in yourself or gift it to others today, break free from unemployment, & unlock financial independence! #SmartphoneRepair #SkillsForSuccess. Also, get his blockbuster book, "IT Career: A Roadmap" .12oo0897654
James 6 months ago
You are simply a confused being, what is one thing that Asantes have done that has collapsed Ghana? Keep such baseless assumption to yourself. When she insulted the king perhaps you didn't hear? And you claim the chiefs insul ... read full comment
You are simply a confused being, what is one thing that Asantes have done that has collapsed Ghana? Keep such baseless assumption to yourself. When she insulted the king perhaps you didn't hear? And you claim the chiefs insulted and sexualised her so Asantes are monkeys. So if insulting someone makes the person monkey then in the vain, you're insulting the Asantes so you're an ugly monkey.
Unpredictable Oye Onye Kwasi Atta 6 months ago
In spite of her harsh tone and choice of words, she was very precise and factually truthful
In spite of her harsh tone and choice of words, she was very precise and factually truthful
Papasi 6 months ago
Stop fooling, she is an imbecile just like your family
Stop fooling, she is an imbecile just like your family
Titus 6 months ago
Indeed she was.
Indeed she was.
Manu 6 months ago
What did they go there to do? What the lady said wasn't disrespectful. She only stated the truth but as we all know, the Ashantis claim Otumfuo is god and doesn't commit any mistakes. They issued apology both on live TV and s ... read full comment
What did they go there to do? What the lady said wasn't disrespectful. She only stated the truth but as we all know, the Ashantis claim Otumfuo is god and doesn't commit any mistakes. They issued apology both on live TV and social media. That's the end. If they banned them from going to Kumasi, is that place their hometowns?
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PRICE: 1,500gh. Call/WhatsApp. 0501796870 for m ... read full comment
We DESIGN and BUILD QUALITY Websites such as:
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Papasi 6 months ago
Stupid piece by a filthy EWE AYIGBE TOGOLESE moron, what’s wrong with the chiefs said? Filthy idiot like you! All that they said was true and perfecf
Stupid piece by a filthy EWE AYIGBE TOGOLESE moron, what’s wrong with the chiefs said? Filthy idiot like you! All that they said was true and perfecf
university of SELFMADE 6 months ago
We will deal with any Ghanaian that disrespect our elders and MANHYIA is on its way of eliminating disrespect from chieftaincy!
The short president has failed to do what’s needful but Manhyia is working on it!
We do ... read full comment
We will deal with any Ghanaian that disrespect our elders and MANHYIA is on its way of eliminating disrespect from chieftaincy!
The short president has failed to do what’s needful but Manhyia is working on it!
We don’t care what these ASSHOLES ll write or say here
Asantehene 6 months ago
We don't also care whatever a monkey will write here. Dormahene will get you people
We don't also care whatever a monkey will write here. Dormahene will get you people
Kweku Tsin 6 months ago
Fvck you. If you can insult Dormaa Hene, then all the monkeys enstooled as chiefs in Kumasi will be fair game.. You can't do FOKO. All you do is mouth mouth, you can't fight. Once again FVCK YOU!!!!
Fvck you. If you can insult Dormaa Hene, then all the monkeys enstooled as chiefs in Kumasi will be fair game.. You can't do FOKO. All you do is mouth mouth, you can't fight. Once again FVCK YOU!!!!
Bastie Tutu Asantefournyinaahene. 6 months ago
Kwasiatoliwa Selfade Animal. You’ve now changed your facebook profile from Nsofor obi to Tashieka Asante Whyte
Everybody Selfade in on Facebook as Tashieka Asante Whyte.
Kwasiatoliwa Selfade Animal. You’ve now changed your facebook profile from Nsofor obi to Tashieka Asante Whyte
Everybody Selfade in on Facebook as Tashieka Asante Whyte.
university of SELFMADE! 6 months ago
Wo gyimi papa! Wo y3 YAREFOO!! Wogyimi ruff! U piece of shit! The amount of insults u have rained on asantehene here?
Wo y3 kwaisapanyij
Aboa mu aboa!
Bono nni gyimifoo!
If am on ... read full comment
Wo gyimi papa! Wo y3 YAREFOO!! Wogyimi ruff! U piece of shit! The amount of insults u have rained on asantehene here?
Wo y3 kwaisapanyij
Aboa mu aboa!
Bono nni gyimifoo!
If am on Facebook and so what!
Kwasiapanyin, face me as a man here!
Now u running away!
ONE MAN thousand against u all weak minded, block headed PUNKS!
Clear off SUMMER!
U called yourself SUMMER ON YOUTUBE!
Bastie Tutu Asantefournyinaahene. 6 months ago
Kwasia ba . The Dormaahene is One man thousand . He alone shakes the whole Asante.
Asanteni Kronfour. Kohwinii. Wo ni ne wose nkwasiafuor
Kwasia ba . The Dormaahene is One man thousand . He alone shakes the whole Asante.
Asanteni Kronfour. Kohwinii. Wo ni ne wose nkwasiafuor
university of SELFMADE! 6 months ago
One man thousand who take plane from sunyani to Kumasi lmaooo
One man thousand who’s quiet now like a filthy roach hiding in his half plot planet of baboons
I thought he ll speak again but he’s quiet like a ARABIA ... read full comment
One man thousand who take plane from sunyani to Kumasi lmaooo
One man thousand who’s quiet now like a filthy roach hiding in his half plot planet of baboons
I thought he ll speak again but he’s quiet like a ARABIAN dog and he recently went to WENCHI and he cldnt mentioned OTUMFUOS name again
If he’s a ma with BALLS, let him mentioned OTUMFUOS name again now and let see
That dirty, filthy, classless, twisted tongue, diaper wearing DOG wld ve seen his fucking level
He’s a fucking coward and he’s is scared now!
Kwasiatoiwaaa, dormaaa nni KRAMAN
Why can’t the DERANGED DORMAA FILTHY trumu man make those BABOONIC noises again
Nkwasiafoooo, nkurasaaaefoo
Daakyehene 6 months ago
And their overlord is mute. Afi Pokuah should immediately drag the foolish chiefs to court over the treat comment
And their overlord is mute. Afi Pokuah should immediately drag the foolish chiefs to court over the treat comment
Leo,USA 6 months ago
He is worse than those people.
He is worse than those people.
Kyeremanteng 6 months ago
Remember Asantehene was banned from Canada for doing 419 fraud
Remember Asantehene was banned from Canada for doing 419 fraud
university of SELFMADE 6 months ago
Why don’t u do it for him!
Manhyia ll clean Ghanaian air space of these nonsenses!
Nkwiasaafoo, in AMERICA that last wldve being sue for inciting RACIAL discrimination
Agyimifoo asaasefoo
Why don’t u do it for him!
Manhyia ll clean Ghanaian air space of these nonsenses!
Nkwiasaafoo, in AMERICA that last wldve being sue for inciting RACIAL discrimination
Agyimifoo asaasefoo
Bastie Tutu Asantefournyinaahene. 6 months ago
Kwasiatoliwa Selfade Animal. You’ve now changed your facebook profile from Nsofor obi to Tashieka Asante Whyte
Everybody Selfade in on Facebook as Tashieka Asante Whyte.
Aboa te se wo
Kwasiatoliwa Selfade Animal. You’ve now changed your facebook profile from Nsofor obi to Tashieka Asante Whyte
Everybody Selfade in on Facebook as Tashieka Asante Whyte.
Aboa te se wo
university of SELFMADE! 6 months ago
People selfade is on Facebook as blah blah!
U crying now lol!
Calling for support!
Me and u who should people looked for?
Is u because u started these tribal insults here on Ghanaweb and is well documented!
US ... read full comment
People selfade is on Facebook as blah blah!
U crying now lol!
Calling for support!
Me and u who should people looked for?
Is u because u started these tribal insults here on Ghanaweb and is well documented!
I shit on you and that STUPID TRUMU KOO BADU!
Aboafunu, now u crying!
EDWARD 6 months ago
The level of attack from the chiefs on Afua Pokuah was not befitting of real and sensible chiefs. How dare you attack a woman with her body?
That was too low and very disgraceful of so called chiefs especially the "Okyeame". ... read full comment
The level of attack from the chiefs on Afua Pokuah was not befitting of real and sensible chiefs. How dare you attack a woman with her body?
That was too low and very disgraceful of so called chiefs especially the "Okyeame". They have disgraced Otumfuo and the entire Ashanti kingdom.If our chiefs are behaving like this then the Ashanti kingdom has a problem
university of SELFMADE 6 months ago
When nana dormaahene was using social media to attacked all ASHANTIS, we never saw u with this comment tho
Now u here writing this senseless comments right?
Is on now dude and this nation refuses to tell the truth, the ... read full comment
When nana dormaahene was using social media to attacked all ASHANTIS, we never saw u with this comment tho
Now u here writing this senseless comments right?
Is on now dude and this nation refuses to tell the truth, the BORLA FIRE is burning underground and we ll see where this ll led to!
When dormaahene was APPLAUDING JONAS and ohene david, u were excited right
Now u here condemning things because is Ashanti’s issues!
The nation is on its path to destruction if the truth isn’t told
Ivor Mensah 6 months ago
Edward you're Spot on. These chiefs behaved like some street folks. Very uncultured and crookish looking. There's no wisdom and gentlemanship talk less of statesmanship in them. Gallamsey Superintendents.
Wolves and hyenas.
Edward you're Spot on. These chiefs behaved like some street folks. Very uncultured and crookish looking. There's no wisdom and gentlemanship talk less of statesmanship in them. Gallamsey Superintendents.
Wolves and hyenas.
Sak 6 months ago
Uneducated sanctimonious chiefs. They are a bunch of unserious adult children
Uneducated sanctimonious chiefs. They are a bunch of unserious adult children
Ekumfi Akyen 6 months ago
Barbaric days are over. Chieftaincy ain't shit anymore
Barbaric days are over. Chieftaincy ain't shit anymore
university of SELFMADE 6 months ago
So put a camera in front of u, insult in Ghana and let see if u are a man!
ODWAN bi ba!
U piece of shit lol!
U fucking coward
So put a camera in front of u, insult in Ghana and let see if u are a man!
ODWAN bi ba!
U piece of shit lol!
U fucking coward
Shamsi Waleed 6 months ago
SELF MADE.....u go cry tire. Kwasiatutu can't do foko
SELF MADE.....u go cry tire. Kwasiatutu can't do foko
Kotibrim 6 months ago
Mamanom are bleeding!!! Hahaha
Mamanom are bleeding!!! Hahaha
Mary- Ho public toilet 6 months ago
In shithole ayigbeland, that is.
In shithole ayigbeland, that is.
Bastie Tutu Asantefournyinaahene. 6 months ago
When the lady was summoned to Manhyia, the elders interrogated her about her tribe. She identified herself as Kwahu.
However, the elders pressed on, inquiring about her parents' origin ... read full comment
When the lady was summoned to Manhyia, the elders interrogated her about her tribe. She identified herself as Kwahu.
However, the elders pressed on, inquiring about her parents' origins and refusing to acknowledge her Kwahu heritage.
They went further, attempting to impose their own narrative about her roots, linking her to Krobo, Ewe, or FraFra. Their ultimate motive was clear: to undermine her identity.
To what end was their questions even if she was Krobo, Ewe or Frafra. That was extreme Tribalism. Are Frafra’s , Ewes and Kronos not humans?
She boldly exposed Manhyia's entrenched tribalism. The very headquarters of tribalism was laid bare.
Bastie Tutu Asantefournyinaahene. 6 months ago
When the lady was summoned to Manhyia, the elders interrogated her about her tribe. She identified herself as Kwahu.
However, the elders pressed on, inquiring about her parents' origin ... read full comment
When the lady was summoned to Manhyia, the elders interrogated her about her tribe. She identified herself as Kwahu.
However, the elders pressed on, inquiring about her parents' origins and refusing to acknowledge her Kwahu heritage.
They went further, attempting to impose their own narrative about her roots, linking her to Krobo, Ewe, or FraFra. Their ultimate motive was clear: to undermine her identity.
To what end was their questions even if she was Krobo, Ewe or Frafra. That was extreme Tribalism. Are Frafra’s , Ewes and Kronos not humans?
She boldly exposed Manhyia's entrenched tribalism. The very headquarters of tribalism was laid bare.
university of SELFMADE! 6 months ago
Kwasiatoliwaaa, DORMAAA NNI aboa
U called yourself SUMMER on YouTube and u have posted the same thrash on YouTube and all social media tweaa
If your DORMAA, your filthy, dirty enclave is relevant u wldnt be here ta ... read full comment
Kwasiatoliwaaa, DORMAAA NNI aboa
U called yourself SUMMER on YouTube and u have posted the same thrash on YouTube and all social media tweaa
If your DORMAA, your filthy, dirty enclave is relevant u wldnt be here talking about Ashantis!
APONKYE bi ba!
When filthy, dirty and twisted tongue babe shit trumu BADU started inciting other tribes against Ashanti’s u were happy right
Kwasiafooo, now u are all crying here!
We don’t give a shit about u all and we STEP ON U ALL
Bastie Tutu Asantefournyinaahene. 6 months ago
Tell your Asantehe men Aboa dwan to go to Canada. He should clean Kumasi . Aboa dwan.
Ad3n na Asantefour y3 mmoa saa?
Now everyone is getting to knowing who truly are. Tribalism and Asante are synonymous
Tell your Asantehe men Aboa dwan to go to Canada. He should clean Kumasi . Aboa dwan.
Ad3n na Asantefour y3 mmoa saa?
Now everyone is getting to knowing who truly are. Tribalism and Asante are synonymous
university of SELFMADE! 6 months ago
Everyone’s is getting to us?
Which Ashanti gives a if these good for nothing, jealous punks get to know us
Akoa Adwene sua s3 WO MAAME CLITORIS lmaooo
Wogyimi s3 JOE BLACKIE who has been given a BAN ... read full comment
Everyone’s is getting to us?
Which Ashanti gives a if these good for nothing, jealous punks get to know us
Akoa Adwene sua s3 WO MAAME CLITORIS lmaooo
Wogyimi s3 JOE BLACKIE who has been given a BANANA from that half plot
Akoa kwasia
Ali Bomage 6 months ago
Our nation unity is been threatened by the rise of enthnocentrism. We complain about racism and yet even as Ghanaians some think they are better than others because of their tribe. I hold the creed that all men are created eq ... read full comment
Our nation unity is been threatened by the rise of enthnocentrism. We complain about racism and yet even as Ghanaians some think they are better than others because of their tribe. I hold the creed that all men are created equal.
university of SELFMADE 6 months ago
Who started it?
Who started these stuff?
It was stupid dormaahene that started these ethnocentrism and most of u applauded him here
He was the one that started this tribal incitement and now u pointing fingers at wh ... read full comment
Who started it?
Who started these stuff?
It was stupid dormaahene that started these ethnocentrism and most of u applauded him here
He was the one that started this tribal incitement and now u pointing fingers at who?
Point finger at DORMAAHENE
Osei 6 months ago
If you point finger at the Dormaahene your finger will break because the Dormaahene is fighting for all Ghanaians and not his tribe alone. Stop galamsey!
If you point finger at the Dormaahene your finger will break because the Dormaahene is fighting for all Ghanaians and not his tribe alone. Stop galamsey!
university of SELFMADE 6 months ago
See this gaslighted ape lmaooo
Go to that HALF PLOT dormaa and see how galamsey has destroyed their lands!
U ll forever be a big idiota lol
See this gaslighted ape lmaooo
Go to that HALF PLOT dormaa and see how galamsey has destroyed their lands!
U ll forever be a big idiota lol
Kofi Say 6 months ago
I can see you don't reason , because to live peacefully and happily on a half plot is better than to be in misery and thirsty on a 5 acres land.
I can see you don't reason , because to live peacefully and happily on a half plot is better than to be in misery and thirsty on a 5 acres land.
university of SELFMADE! 6 months ago
Kwaisatoliwaaa, ofui bi ba!
TIMID dormaa NNI gyimifoo
Dumb Bono man
That place is full of stds!
We ll descend into the gutters with u
... read full comment
Kwaisatoliwaaa, ofui bi ba!
TIMID dormaa NNI gyimifoo
Dumb Bono man
That place is full of stds!
We ll descend into the gutters with u
Wo nni TWASSIDDDDI wotei
Bono BENKOTO, kwasia
Tonto 6 months ago
If only Togolese trokosi Ayigbe tribal bigots will go back to their there will be no threat to Ghana's national cohesion. These people are very different from average Ghanaians. They have more in common with their Togolese c ... read full comment
If only Togolese trokosi Ayigbe tribal bigots will go back to their there will be no threat to Ghana's national cohesion. These people are very different from average Ghanaians. They have more in common with their Togolese countrymen in terms of their subversive behaviour, their names, language, culture and looks. These social misfits simply do not belong here.
Akotia Kosi 6 months ago
Tonto, why did you then resist them when they want to break away?
Tonto, why did you then resist them when they want to break away?
Kofi 6 months ago
You are very uneducated. You write in English but not learned otherwise you would have known that Eweland was cut from Togo and added to Ghana we didn't move to your Ghana that you have destroyed. Only fools destroy what they ... read full comment
You are very uneducated. You write in English but not learned otherwise you would have known that Eweland was cut from Togo and added to Ghana we didn't move to your Ghana that you have destroyed. Only fools destroy what they claim to own and you the Asantes have like apes destroyed your lands and water bodies. You can't fetch a cup of water from any of your rivers and drink due to galamsey. Do you then call yourselves reasonable being with brains!
TRUTH 6 months ago
Colonial mentality. “kum Nipa” meaning a murderer .
And you’re proud of your devilish utterances.
The cursed is reversed back to you.
Colonial mentality. “kum Nipa” meaning a murderer .
And you’re proud of your devilish utterances.
The cursed is reversed back to you.
university of SELFMADE 6 months ago
So put a camera now in front of u, insult any chief in Ghana and let see if u can say is colonial mentality
U can’t, u scumbag
So put a camera now in front of u, insult any chief in Ghana and let see if u can say is colonial mentality
U can’t, u scumbag
Ivor Mensah 6 months ago
They are still in the turbulent barbaric days. Wicked old crooks. Gallamsey chiefs
They are still in the turbulent barbaric days. Wicked old crooks. Gallamsey chiefs
Nana 6 months ago
These customs are outmoded. You either go strictly outmoded or modern where civil rights reign. Once they have blended the two, the chiefs have erred big time. That chief in particular out to be answerable to CHRAJ
These customs are outmoded. You either go strictly outmoded or modern where civil rights reign. Once they have blended the two, the chiefs have erred big time. That chief in particular out to be answerable to CHRAJ
university of SELFMADE 6 months ago
So put a camera and do same in Ghana and let see if they are outmoded lmaooo
Ur rotten feets ll be drag to that palace and u ll cry like a little baboon lmaooo
U stupid coward
Do it and I ll gi ... read full comment
So put a camera and do same in Ghana and let see if they are outmoded lmaooo
Ur rotten feets ll be drag to that palace and u ll cry like a little baboon lmaooo
U stupid coward
Do it and I ll give u 10 dollars lmaooo
Nana 6 months ago
10 dollars. See how petty one can be. No brainer.
10 dollars. See how petty one can be. No brainer.
university of SELFMADE! 6 months ago
Animals like u deserve only 5 dollars!
Animals like u deserve only 5 dollars!
Oyibo 6 months ago
Whoever wrote this should be ashamed of him/herself. Why do you want to emphasize on what divides us than what brings us to gather? In all fairness, do you support what the lady said about Asantehene and Asantes? Afia claimed ... read full comment
Whoever wrote this should be ashamed of him/herself. Why do you want to emphasize on what divides us than what brings us to gather? In all fairness, do you support what the lady said about Asantehene and Asantes? Afia claimed she was Kwahu so the chiefs only wanted to confirm her linage. Why did she say she was Kwahu when she knew she was not? Is it not a fact that her father is Frafra and her mom is Krobo? What's wrong with that and why was she hiding it? Considering intermarriages in Ghana, it is only ignorant and uncivilized people who still talk about tribes.
Leo,USA 6 months ago
In other words,u saw nothing wrong with what the chiefs did right?
Let’s assume she was wrong with her utterances and demeanor,does that warrant the actions of the “ properly trained and the custodians of our culture “ ... read full comment
In other words,u saw nothing wrong with what the chiefs did right?
Let’s assume she was wrong with her utterances and demeanor,does that warrant the actions of the “ properly trained and the custodians of our culture “?
university of SELFMADE 6 months ago
What action was that?
So u want the chiefs to KISS HER BBL ASS so that any Ashanti youth ll put a camera in front of him or her and denigrate any chief in Ghana?
Hell fucking no BUM!
We are using this LADY as a colla ... read full comment
What action was that?
So u want the chiefs to KISS HER BBL ASS so that any Ashanti youth ll put a camera in front of him or her and denigrate any chief in Ghana?
Hell fucking no BUM!
We are using this LADY as a collateral damage to show each and every Ashanti youth that, u can’t do that to any chief in Ghana!
If u can do that to your chief, fare enough but not us!
Can u talk to your father like that?
Or even your kids like that?
No y3 kwasifooo piii!
We ll deal with her according to how we see our traditions!
The chiefs did the right things because if they want to misbehaved anyhow to their chiefs, they can do it but they should KEEP OUR CHIEFS out of their filthy mouths
Had she used her KROBO OR FRAFRA chiefs, there wldnt have been any issues
Shamsi Waleed 6 months ago
THE PEDOPHILE CHIEFS THAT Rape, kill and murder????
They are USELESSS, can only talk shit in the bushes. Classless idiots looking at Pokua ass. Bet they want to her Bbl.
THE PEDOPHILE CHIEFS THAT Rape, kill and murder????
They are USELESSS, can only talk shit in the bushes. Classless idiots looking at Pokua ass. Bet they want to her Bbl.
New Sheriff in Town 6 months ago
Facts as came up at the meeting: Okyeame Adofo, who Afia Pokua claimed as her father is NOT her father. Okyeame Adofo had spoken from the hospital to the Kwahu Chief of Asante and the Saamanhene and denied Afia Pokua being hi ... read full comment
Facts as came up at the meeting: Okyeame Adofo, who Afia Pokua claimed as her father is NOT her father. Okyeame Adofo had spoken from the hospital to the Kwahu Chief of Asante and the Saamanhene and denied Afia Pokua being his daughter. Afia Pokua's father was from the north and her mother a Krobo. Questions: Why would Afia Pokua want to attach Asantes and the Otumfuor and falsely present herself as a Kwahu? Is she driven by inferiority complex? Was it from a desire to set the Kwahus against their kingsmen in Asante? Anyone who thinks she has bean demeaned or insulted by the Asante Chiefs must have his head examined.
Leo,USA 6 months ago
Did asantehene come public about not having funds to clear the goods at the harbor?
Is galamsey getting outrageous in that region?
Did asantehene solicit funds for komfo anokye hospital?
Did asantehene declare everyone to ... read full comment
Did asantehene come public about not having funds to clear the goods at the harbor?
Is galamsey getting outrageous in that region?
Did asantehene solicit funds for komfo anokye hospital?
Did asantehene declare everyone to stay indoors during his mother’s funeral??
Now examine your head first
university of SELFMADE 6 months ago
Did asantehene ask u or your stupid family to contribute any funds?
How much did your BABBIONIC ASS paid and where are your receipts?
Did asantehene called on ASHANTIS to help him fix KATH or the whole of Ghana?
How ... read full comment
Did asantehene ask u or your stupid family to contribute any funds?
How much did your BABBIONIC ASS paid and where are your receipts?
Did asantehene called on ASHANTIS to help him fix KATH or the whole of Ghana?
How much have your tribe paid anyway?
U dumb ass motherfucker!
Tell us one galamsey sites that u know is out of control in Ashanti?
U can’t u ugly cunt
And did asantehene told u and your stupid family to stayed indoors in ur region or it was only Ashanti region?
Akoa y3 kwaisa lol
Bastie Tutu Asantefournyinaahene. 6 months ago
Kwasiatoliwa Selfade Animal. You’ve now changed your facebook profile from Nsofor obi to Tashieka Asante Whyte
Everybody Selfade in on Facebook as Tashieka Asante Whyte...
Kwasiatoliwa Selfade Animal. You’ve now changed your facebook profile from Nsofor obi to Tashieka Asante Whyte
Everybody Selfade in on Facebook as Tashieka Asante Whyte...
university of SELFMADE! 6 months ago
Aboafunu i have changed wo Maame tw3!
I live rent free in in your small skull!
Useless, irrelevant and good for nothing dormaa PREKO!
U looking for me on Facebook? Akoa y3
Akoa gyimi s3 preko
TIMID dormaaa PI ... read full comment
Aboafunu i have changed wo Maame tw3!
I live rent free in in your small skull!
Useless, irrelevant and good for nothing dormaa PREKO!
U looking for me on Facebook? Akoa y3
Akoa gyimi s3 preko
TIMID dormaaa PIG
FACE me here and not looking for me on Facebook
Jones 6 months ago
Now,with this behavior by the Chiefs they have lowered tte status of Asantehene. No one will honor any invitation to Manhyia Palace to be disgraced like this.
Now,with this behavior by the Chiefs they have lowered tte status of Asantehene. No one will honor any invitation to Manhyia Palace to be disgraced like this.
Twum 6 months ago
Moroon stick to your uncouth culture which means nothing in this country.these pair of sickos hasn't seen any thing yet
Moroon stick to your uncouth culture which means nothing in this country.these pair of sickos hasn't seen any thing yet
Is not a crime 6 months ago
I see
I see
Amanor USA 6 months ago
Afia please change your name and move to the USA immediately to start a new life.. Use what has happened as evidence to seek asylum and you will be legal to work here in the USA.
Afia please change your name and move to the USA immediately to start a new life.. Use what has happened as evidence to seek asylum and you will be legal to work here in the USA.
Ghanani 6 months ago
Change her name and move to the US for what? Worse is happening to blacks in America. Afia shouldn't have made those comments in the first place. Insulting Asantehene live on the TV is unacceptable.
Change her name and move to the US for what? Worse is happening to blacks in America. Afia shouldn't have made those comments in the first place. Insulting Asantehene live on the TV is unacceptable.
KINGDUS 6 months ago
This is needless. The people have apologised. Why revisit the issue with what transpired overthrew. Trying to open healed wounds does not help matters less learn to be silent on matters that affect other badly.
This is needless. The people have apologised. Why revisit the issue with what transpired overthrew. Trying to open healed wounds does not help matters less learn to be silent on matters that affect other badly.
Sister Soulja 6 months ago
Backward MORONS parading as chiefs, what a sad spectacle.
Backward MORONS parading as chiefs, what a sad spectacle.
Kofi Sromani 6 months ago
What do you expect from people who still live in the past? These are people who arrogantly play God with impunity. Unfortunately, they have a pliant followership, most of who live in civilised countries where freedom of speec ... read full comment
What do you expect from people who still live in the past? These are people who arrogantly play God with impunity. Unfortunately, they have a pliant followership, most of who live in civilised countries where freedom of speech, however distasteful, is respected and not treated with such condescending arroance; they enjoy the fruits of the struggles made through the blood and unrelenting struggles of citizens of those countries; yet they want us to remain in the darkness of medieval times barbaric traditions and customs back home. That is the bane of the blackman; a people lost out in the progress of the 2st century, which is anchored on the dynamism of the information highway and a vibrant social social; we are a people cocooned is sycophantic buffoonery of hypocrisy, patronage and plain stupidity. May God liberate the african from the clutches of old minds who have no relevance in the advancement of modern times.
university of SELFMADE 6 months ago
We ll use our barbarism to deal with u stupid animals like u and your BABOONIC idiots!
If u are man, put a camera in front of u and insult any chief in ghana and let see!
U ll be drag like a dirty baboon to that palace ... read full comment
We ll use our barbarism to deal with u stupid animals like u and your BABOONIC idiots!
If u are man, put a camera in front of u and insult any chief in ghana and let see!
U ll be drag like a dirty baboon to that palace and u ll kneel down like a bitch like Afia pokuaaa and u ll sweat like A GALAMSEY rat haha
Kwasia, u mouth mouth coward
Kofi 6 months ago
Nothing will happen. It is not a force to honor any summon to your palace. To hell with you people
Nothing will happen. It is not a force to honor any summon to your palace. To hell with you people
Chaddar is the Answer 6 months ago
free cocoa drink available
free cocoa drink available
No shame 6 months ago
Look how they pride in their demons(spirits), exactly those demons will take them to their eternal place to the lake of fire if they won't repent!
Look how they pride in their demons(spirits), exactly those demons will take them to their eternal place to the lake of fire if they won't repent!
Osei 6 months ago
You BIG men are disgracing Ghana before the whole world. Can't you stop galamsey? You cherish money more than the lives of your citizens, aaba!
You BIG men are disgracing Ghana before the whole world. Can't you stop galamsey? You cherish money more than the lives of your citizens, aaba!
Konfo 6 months ago
Stupid ashantis, you are feeling too big in your shoes. Create your own country and let your otumfuo become your king. As at now he is a chief. Period.
Stupid ashantis, you are feeling too big in your shoes. Create your own country and let your otumfuo become your king. As at now he is a chief. Period.
Mary- Ho public toilet 6 months ago
You Togolese are the people who should create your own country because you have been straining at the leash to secede from Ghana after you voted in the 1956 Plebiscite to remain Togolese and Nkrumah dragged you into the Repub ... read full comment
You Togolese are the people who should create your own country because you have been straining at the leash to secede from Ghana after you voted in the 1956 Plebiscite to remain Togolese and Nkrumah dragged you into the Republic screaming and kicking. Just proceed with your secessionist agenda. You will not be missed because Mother Ghana is tired of carrying you parasites on her back.
SAGEMAN 6 months ago
Do you guys realize that what you write is read all over the world? A black man looking down on another black man is a sad thing to imagine. Wise up, folks!
Do you guys realize that what you write is read all over the world? A black man looking down on another black man is a sad thing to imagine. Wise up, folks!
Stitches 6 months ago
That is shear stupidity. Is this country governed by a chief of a central president who wills all the powers. Are those stipid chiefs aware under the laws of Ghana they can't banish anyone anymore? Foolish dwarfs.
That is shear stupidity. Is this country governed by a chief of a central president who wills all the powers. Are those stipid chiefs aware under the laws of Ghana they can't banish anyone anymore? Foolish dwarfs.
Dre 6 months ago
Mpenyin fuɔ, We have big problems in Ghana ooo, not this. If you have time to spare, discuss as a matter of urgency the issues we are facing as a nation - unstable electricity, tap water that doesnot flow, choked gutters in ... read full comment
Mpenyin fuɔ, We have big problems in Ghana ooo, not this. If you have time to spare, discuss as a matter of urgency the issues we are facing as a nation - unstable electricity, tap water that doesnot flow, choked gutters in kumasi, smelly and filthy environment, polluted water bodies due to galamsey, Accra Kumasi road which is always claiming lives prematurely, youth unemployment - most young people fleeing to Europe, lack of hospital beds, poor town planning, etɛ. If these traditional values, you think has been infringed, are not able to solve the above problems, then they are useless… I think you chiefs are idle that is why you time for this. Go to the Buckingham Palace, every royal is engaged…
The truth is bitter for Ashanti's 6 months ago
Ashanti's are pathological liers and criminals majority of them.They hate TRUTH.Just look at the fake pastors and scammers and the most corrupt politicians in this country are 95 %from Ashanti.Any institution headed by Ashant ... read full comment
Ashanti's are pathological liers and criminals majority of them.They hate TRUTH.Just look at the fake pastors and scammers and the most corrupt politicians in this country are 95 %from Ashanti.Any institution headed by Ashanti person is corrupt.They have no dignity at all as tribe.They care more about building a strong tribe than building a strong Nation.Ashantis are backwards and tribalistic and ignorants people.
Mary- Ho public toilet 6 months ago
This is our land. If you can't take it go jump in the Keta Lagoon or go back to Togo.
This is our land. If you can't take it go jump in the Keta Lagoon or go back to Togo.
Kwaku-Holland 6 months ago
You see your level? Open your mouth bajaa and insult an elderly man like Otumfuo. Your pit is too deep. Next time control your emotions. Christ!
You see your level? Open your mouth bajaa and insult an elderly man like Otumfuo. Your pit is too deep. Next time control your emotions. Christ!
Kath 6 months ago
Killing a fly with a sledgehammer. Regardless, these journalists should be circumspect in what they say on air. It’s not everything that you want to say with “vim” on air. What you say with “vim” has its consequence ... read full comment
Killing a fly with a sledgehammer. Regardless, these journalists should be circumspect in what they say on air. It’s not everything that you want to say with “vim” on air. What you say with “vim” has its consequences. I think it is a lesson well-learned for all.
Eric 6 months ago
If not in Ghana where some uncultured chiefs will deviate from issues before them and say anything because they are above the law. You can't say some of those things to your daughters let alone a grown woman.
If not in Ghana where some uncultured chiefs will deviate from issues before them and say anything because they are above the law. You can't say some of those things to your daughters let alone a grown woman.
Eraser of US of A 6 months ago
Who the hell are these so call chiefs think they are. They are sitting these with their dirty clothes and mouth trying to degenerate this lady. What she said is absolutely true so they should use the same energy and stop thei ... read full comment
Who the hell are these so call chiefs think they are. They are sitting these with their dirty clothes and mouth trying to degenerate this lady. What she said is absolutely true so they should use the same energy and stop their Bullshit talking and go after the Galamsayers, They are all complicit and doing the galamasay so that is why they are acting that stupid.
Y'all use the same energy and do something for your constituents and stop the nonsense. That is why we do not tolerate such nonsense in the US of A. Y'all sitting there with y'all dirty mouth trying to crucify this lady for speaking the truth. Tell your so call King to so something for y'all in the filthy and dirty Kumasi. Expend the same energy to clean the city and stop messing up all your water bodies assholes!!! Useless chiefs!!!
Sammed 6 months ago
So by over reacting they have elevated Afia Poku to the status of national hero and reduced respect for their chief or king or kum nipa.
If this level of reaction was directed at a person of importance it would have made sen ... read full comment
So by over reacting they have elevated Afia Poku to the status of national hero and reduced respect for their chief or king or kum nipa.
If this level of reaction was directed at a person of importance it would have made sense. If they continue this way their chief will soon be reduced to the level of a politician.
Just to let you know that Fararas don't also book asantes. Go to Bolga and see the miserable life of the Asante boy.
university of SELFMADE 6 months ago
U wish! Lmaooo
This is what u wish right?
AFUA pokuaa has being elevated to national hero?
Even a galamsey rat is more powerful in its brain than u lmaooo
Akoa kwasiaaa
U wish! Lmaooo
This is what u wish right?
AFUA pokuaa has being elevated to national hero?
Even a galamsey rat is more powerful in its brain than u lmaooo
Akoa kwasiaaa
Mary- Ho public toilet 6 months ago
O Ayigbes. You Togolese are pathetic. As aliens you have no appreciation or understanding of Ghanaian customs or culture. Be advised that the chieftaincy institution underpins Ghanaian culture and that is why it is revered fr ... read full comment
O Ayigbes. You Togolese are pathetic. As aliens you have no appreciation or understanding of Ghanaian customs or culture. Be advised that the chieftaincy institution underpins Ghanaian culture and that is why it is revered from Accra to Paga. There are millions in Ghana who are prepared to die to preserve it. But as an alien you do not understand.
Asantehene 6 months ago
Gentlemen and ladies, don't mind this stupid mentally retarded chiefs. They are still evolving. Ashante region is the only place in Ghana where evolution is still taking place, may be in some 50 years to come they will be OK ... read full comment
Gentlemen and ladies, don't mind this stupid mentally retarded chiefs. They are still evolving. Ashante region is the only place in Ghana where evolution is still taking place, may be in some 50 years to come they will be OK to contribute positevely to ghanas growth until then we have to endure them. NPP will continue to capitalise on their vulnerability for votes. Otherwise how can they continue to vote for them because of party t shirts?
Kee 6 months ago
Kwahumanhene and his elders should call this fake Afia Pokuaa to order. She isn't a Kwahu woman and she should be made to understand never to stand anywhere referring to herself as 'Obour ba.' Is she ashamed of being a Frafra ... read full comment
Kwahumanhene and his elders should call this fake Afia Pokuaa to order. She isn't a Kwahu woman and she should be made to understand never to stand anywhere referring to herself as 'Obour ba.' Is she ashamed of being a Frafra or Krobo? No wonder the two Krobos and Frafra/Ayigbe will insult great Asantes.
Mo 6 months ago
Let's trace the lineage and father's of all those so called Chiefs.
It is high time they started respecting Farafaras their fathers. At least now we have the technology to do that.
The egoism, ethnocentrism and backwardne ... read full comment
Let's trace the lineage and father's of all those so called Chiefs.
It is high time they started respecting Farafaras their fathers. At least now we have the technology to do that.
The egoism, ethnocentrism and backwardness must stop at a point.
Atans 6 months ago
Stupid egocentric people
Stupid egocentric people
Bastie Tutu Asantefournyinaahene. 6 months ago
Just give them Koobi and momone in Manhyia and you’re free to go. They go to the market women to collect salted fish Koobi. Can you imagine . Asante Ahenfo akohwifuo
Just give them Koobi and momone in Manhyia and you’re free to go. They go to the market women to collect salted fish Koobi. Can you imagine . Asante Ahenfo akohwifuo
Etsey Atisu from Wam paam 6 months ago
Etsey Atisu is from Dormaa.
Etsey Atisu is from Dormaa.
Kyeremanteng 6 months ago
Asantehene is banned from Canada for doing fraud
Asantehene is banned from Canada for doing fraud
Socrates 6 months ago
This is the most stupid article by Ghanaweb and I’m not surprised it is coming from an Ewe
This is the most stupid article by Ghanaweb and I’m not surprised it is coming from an Ewe
Kofi 6 months ago
Look at this foolish Asantes. When everyone in Ghana knows Asantes are unintelligent dumb beings who struggle to pronounce the letter "r". We teach you how to write and write if you don't know. Asante fools
Look at this foolish Asantes. When everyone in Ghana knows Asantes are unintelligent dumb beings who struggle to pronounce the letter "r". We teach you how to write and write if you don't know. Asante fools
Nana poku spoke the truth! 6 months ago
Charlie the girl is spoken the hard truth that must be spoken. Enough of this Ashanti is this that tribalism and rather focus on harnessing talent of the nation for our collective hood
Charlie the girl is spoken the hard truth that must be spoken. Enough of this Ashanti is this that tribalism and rather focus on harnessing talent of the nation for our collective hood
HOLY SINNER 6 months ago
@ University of self made, you sound like the son of a BIN=MAN and you a TRASH OF SOCIETY. Let me tell you ,God Almighty created this world with Beauty and Color and BRASH, ARROGANT and POMPOUS people like you can never ever ... read full comment
@ University of self made, you sound like the son of a BIN=MAN and you a TRASH OF SOCIETY. Let me tell you ,God Almighty created this world with Beauty and Color and BRASH, ARROGANT and POMPOUS people like you can never ever destroy this beautiful creation by the Almighty God. Get this fact into your coconut head
Ewvevi 6 months ago
It is not surprising when backwardness comes out of the Asante region. The people are just backward.
It is not surprising when backwardness comes out of the Asante region. The people are just backward.
Mary- Ho public toilet 6 months ago
Ewvevi take a trip to Kumari Anloga and ask your fellow trokosis who have made it their permanent home whether they would exchange life in Kumasi for life in your shithole region? They would ask you to see a psychiatrist. The ... read full comment
Ewvevi take a trip to Kumari Anloga and ask your fellow trokosis who have made it their permanent home whether they would exchange life in Kumasi for life in your shithole region? They would ask you to see a psychiatrist. They are at Kumasi Anloga because they know that Asantes are hospitable people and most importantly they expect Asante refinement to rub on them.
Eric Asante 6 months ago
Going thru all the comments, it is clear that most Ghanaians are total morons and idiots.
I blame the ladies for even making the trip to apologize to those stupid chiefs. Those chiefs are uncivilized and doesn't deserv ... read full comment
Going thru all the comments, it is clear that most Ghanaians are total morons and idiots.
I blame the ladies for even making the trip to apologize to those stupid chiefs. Those chiefs are uncivilized and doesn't deserve to lead.
What where they apologizing for?
They didn't owe any apology to anyone.
The asantehene eats and shits like any other
human and that nonsense must stop. He is not God and despite his age and the great wisdom he possess, he is just human.
When a group of people or a tribe shrouds themselves with inferiority complex in a country, that country's development lags.
There is nothing like monarchy in Ghana but paramount chiefs and other chiefs.
I know some idiots would try to reply to my comment but you know what go screw yourself and your parents.
3mua nma.
Mary- Ho public toilet 6 months ago
Togolese trokosi Ayigbe vermin. The chicken shit opinion of a lowerlife trokosi alien like yourself is of no consequence.
Togolese trokosi Ayigbe vermin. The chicken shit opinion of a lowerlife trokosi alien like yourself is of no consequence.
Useless Asantes. What the chiefs said have even infuriated me the more. These ladies should also stop apologizing as if they have committed any crime . I see nothing wrong or abusive in what that courageous woman said
Useless Asantes. What the chiefs said have even infuriated me the more. These ladies should also stop apologizing as if they have committed any crime . I see nothing wrong or abusive in what that courageous woman said
TRUEGHANAIAN 6 months ago
TRUEGHANAIAN 6 months ago
Brigadier Sabari v.2 6 months ago
HeyEtsey Atisu, i don't know if you are a mn, woman or beast but whatrever you are keep ypou shit opinion to yourself. If you will allow your Togbe to be insulted let it rest on you fucking head. This Afia Pokuaa and the like ... read full comment
HeyEtsey Atisu, i don't know if you are a mn, woman or beast but whatrever you are keep ypou shit opinion to yourself. If you will allow your Togbe to be insulted let it rest on you fucking head. This Afia Pokuaa and the likes of you are lucky we are not in years gone by. Such stupidity would have ended with your empty heads. Instead of writing crap and shit, Do so about your tribe and culture and project them. Demeaning and condescending indeed.
Ben Kwakye 6 months ago
The chiefs claimed her father is a frafra and at the same time claiming that that same frafra father is okyeame in Kwahu, since when did frafras became royals in Kwahu? These chiefs are just nuts!
The chiefs claimed her father is a frafra and at the same time claiming that that same frafra father is okyeame in Kwahu, since when did frafras became royals in Kwahu? These chiefs are just nuts!
K.N Arkaaa 6 months ago
Did they say that in English?
Did they say that in English?
Happy 6 months ago
All unnecessary. Africa...hmm...smh
All unnecessary. Africa...hmm...smh
Obroniba 6 months ago
That chief is very very uncultured and uncivilized. He was talking like a very stupid man with no manners and dignity. A village champion
That chief is very very uncultured and uncivilized. He was talking like a very stupid man with no manners and dignity. A village champion
George 6 months ago
Is this an opinion piece or a news report?
Is this an opinion piece or a news report?
Hmm 6 months ago
When that moron that calls itself okatakyie sldisrespect the Ga Kings,was he taken to history to let him know his forebears?Foolish ashanti chiefs.But for the Kindness of the Fulanis ,how would the the stupid chief be looking ... read full comment
When that moron that calls itself okatakyie sldisrespect the Ga Kings,was he taken to history to let him know his forebears?Foolish ashanti chiefs.But for the Kindness of the Fulanis ,how would the the stupid chief be looking now.You ashantis ,are supposed to be like Monkeys.The moshing and Fulanis came into your lives and made u look like humans and this is what u repay them with
Ghana1 6 months ago
Those chiefs have no respect for women and humanity. The lady is frafra and krobo so they can say anything they like to her. This same people will shower Praises on Wuntumi who says he has his own kingdom. They are the reason ... read full comment
Those chiefs have no respect for women and humanity. The lady is frafra and krobo so they can say anything they like to her. This same people will shower Praises on Wuntumi who says he has his own kingdom. They are the reason why Kumasi turned from garden city to refuge city.
Snowman 6 months ago
I love Lumba’s song ofon na ka nsem fon see woman en face. She should loose her job by now. The station is for an Ashanti Ofui
I love Lumba’s song ofon na ka nsem fon see woman en face. She should loose her job by now. The station is for an Ashanti Ofui
Aboa 6 months ago
We have time on our hands oo. No wonder stupid elders like this who have little sense on how to develop a crumbling nation will seat in committee to reprimand someone bringing out criticism.
We have time on our hands oo. No wonder stupid elders like this who have little sense on how to develop a crumbling nation will seat in committee to reprimand someone bringing out criticism.
Well she allowed herself 6 months ago
From the comments I read, she didn’t insult the chief,, she said her perspective and if they think she has said something wrong they should taking her to court. Ghana is not about Asantes. The lan who got independence for G ... read full comment
From the comments I read, she didn’t insult the chief,, she said her perspective and if they think she has said something wrong they should taking her to court. Ghana is not about Asantes. The lan who got independence for Ghana was not an asanti. We must respect chiefs but that doesn’t stop us from speaking what is constitutionally right. Look at those chiefs insulting her, chiefs selling lands illegally, chiefs involved in galamsay, are they saying we can’t talk about it, or the asante king is immuned. One Ghana one law
Unfortunately she took herself down there. My advice is she should think before she speaks, and when you speak to fight to defend what you said.
Ray 6 months ago
See these thieves
See these thieves
Achakanapaya 6 months ago
What Afia Pokua said is the bitter truth.
Ashanti's are very evil minded Idiots .
Is the Ashanti hene a god?
Greedy Basturds Piiaaaooooo. Ghanaian's problems are the Ashanti's.
What Afia Pokua said is the bitter truth.
Ashanti's are very evil minded Idiots .
Is the Ashanti hene a god?
Greedy Basturds Piiaaaooooo. Ghanaian's problems are the Ashanti's.
Ex-Pope 6 months ago
Pathetic, clownish, comical, and circus atmosphere. These palace bullying sycophants have lost their bearings. So what are you guys running out of that palace, a Sharia Court? You guys are acting just like the Taliban idiots ... read full comment
Pathetic, clownish, comical, and circus atmosphere. These palace bullying sycophants have lost their bearings. So what are you guys running out of that palace, a Sharia Court? You guys are acting just like the Taliban idiots in Afghanistan.
Kwakuo President 6 months ago
Enough of this stupidity call chieftancy
Enough of this stupidity call chieftancy
Bongo 6 months ago
What this lady said was not wrong in anyway. The person who asked her to go apologize, has ill-advised her. Afia Pokuaa is 100% far far better and human than these animals of asantes. They must be taken on by human right acti ... read full comment
What this lady said was not wrong in anyway. The person who asked her to go apologize, has ill-advised her. Afia Pokuaa is 100% far far better and human than these animals of asantes. They must be taken on by human right activists, and arrested for those threats. NPPigs!!!
Kwesi 6 months ago
Its Amazing the Ashantis are oblivious about galamsey wrecking havoc and destroying their lands! Who is Asantehene? if he is Otumfuor why cant he stop Wontumi and other galamseyers destroying lands? Wontumi said he had his ow ... read full comment
Its Amazing the Ashantis are oblivious about galamsey wrecking havoc and destroying their lands! Who is Asantehene? if he is Otumfuor why cant he stop Wontumi and other galamseyers destroying lands? Wontumi said he had his own kingdom in Ashanti but nothing was done to him...shameful hypocrites
Nsemsem 6 months ago
Wow...this be country jungle palaver.....Black people are dead...
Wow...this be country jungle palaver.....Black people are dead...
Mens 6 months ago
Last week, it was a fight against the most tribalistic tag been assigned to Ashantis, and yet the comments on this so far are nothing but very deep ethnocentric tribalism driven and fueled by Ashantis. There is no doubt that ... read full comment
Last week, it was a fight against the most tribalistic tag been assigned to Ashantis, and yet the comments on this so far are nothing but very deep ethnocentric tribalism driven and fueled by Ashantis. There is no doubt that this space is very polarized to directing tribal vitriol against other tribes especially Ewes by Ashantis. So just accept the tribalistic tag you have systematically created for yourself with glee and pride. So do the following 1. Don't intermarry. Make sure you marry one of your 14 million population and leave the Ewes alone
2. Eat only food from your tribe from morning till even and see how it goes.
3. Ensure to choose lecturers, trainers, work superiors, coaches, etc from your tribe alone and see how that goes.
Do well to bring feedback here, hopefully you would appreciate the needless nature of your desire for Ashanti tribalism
Dunny 6 months ago
What in the world did she say wrong? Somebody help me
What in the world did she say wrong? Somebody help me
Prayer 6 months ago
The only original Ghanian is a Guan.The rest of you are settlers on our land and yet you won't keep cool.Stop the strife and sober up,fools.Ashantis will be the worse of if they breakaway(Atemeho people).You are landlocked wi ... read full comment
The only original Ghanian is a Guan.The rest of you are settlers on our land and yet you won't keep cool.Stop the strife and sober up,fools.Ashantis will be the worse of if they breakaway(Atemeho people).You are landlocked with poisoned waters and soil.Ewes are in a big fix.How did you settlers forget so pretty soon that you are from Mali,Chad and Nigerian through Benin and Togo.
Solomon London 6 months ago
The lady apologise to save her job not because she is afraid of the chiefs, and I am asking again why the chiefs did not call lawyer maurice ampaw who said on Wontumi TV that all the chiefs in manhyia are womaniser ? The dow ... read full comment
The lady apologise to save her job not because she is afraid of the chiefs, and I am asking again why the chiefs did not call lawyer maurice ampaw who said on Wontumi TV that all the chiefs in manhyia are womaniser ? The downfall of our country is the so called chiefs, tweaa AKRONFO.selling one land of plots to two people,
Yaw Appaiah 6 months ago
Asantes!!! They are the downfall of Ghana . They should just create their own country for their citizens. They hate the truth .
Asantes!!! They are the downfall of Ghana . They should just create their own country for their citizens. They hate the truth .
Solomon London 6 months ago
Ah can someone tell me what did the lady say wrong ?or is because she mentioned the name of Dormaahene ?
Ah can someone tell me what did the lady say wrong ?or is because she mentioned the name of Dormaahene ?
Kwaku Ananse 6 months ago
Solomon, could you, kindly, be solomonic and view her entire presentation on Mona Gucci’s show and you will understand. She was supremely insulting in her manner, tone and words to Asantes. The worst thing for me, was that ... read full comment
Solomon, could you, kindly, be solomonic and view her entire presentation on Mona Gucci’s show and you will understand. She was supremely insulting in her manner, tone and words to Asantes. The worst thing for me, was that she was speaking as a self-described Kwahu woman, repeatedly referencing her Kwahuness. Once she did that, she opened herself up to a lot more than a blowback: she was inviting others to query her background and upbringing because we all asked how a well-raised Kwahu lady would speak and act as she did. Then it turned out she is not Kwahu. The rest, they say, is what you see. We should ALL learn to be measured in our language.
Nee 6 months ago
Ghanaweb and their haters for Ashanti should glorify insanity and disrespect towards us. When we start to hit back, no idiot should say the Ashantis wants tribal war. We will revenge any one who dare insult us.
Ghanaweb and their haters for Ashanti should glorify insanity and disrespect towards us. When we start to hit back, no idiot should say the Ashantis wants tribal war. We will revenge any one who dare insult us.
Bastie Tutu Asantefournyinaahene. 6 months ago
When the lady was summoned to Manhyia, the elders interrogated her about her tribe. She identified herself as Kwahu.
However, the elders pressed on, inquiring about her parents' origin ... read full comment
When the lady was summoned to Manhyia, the elders interrogated her about her tribe. She identified herself as Kwahu.
However, the elders pressed on, inquiring about her parents' origins and refusing to acknowledge her Kwahu heritage.
They went further, attempting to impose their own narrative about her roots, linking her to Krobo, Ewe, or FraFra. Their ultimate motive was clear: to undermine her identity.
To what end was their questions even if she was Krobo, Ewe or Frafra. That was extreme Tribalism. Are Frafra’s , Ewes and Kronos not humans?
She boldly exposed Manhyia's entrenched tribalism. The very headquarters of tribalism was laid bare.
Bastie Tutu Asantefournyinaahene. 6 months ago
When the lady was summoned to Manhyia, the elders interrogated her about her tribe. She identified herself as Kwahu.
However, the elders pressed on, inquiring about her parents' origin ... read full comment
When the lady was summoned to Manhyia, the elders interrogated her about her tribe. She identified herself as Kwahu.
However, the elders pressed on, inquiring about her parents' origins and refusing to acknowledge her Kwahu heritage.
They went further, attempting to impose their own narrative about her roots, linking her to Krobo, Ewe, or FraFra. Their ultimate motive was clear: to undermine her identity.
To what end was their questions even if she was Krobo, Ewe or Frafra. That was extreme Tribalism. Are Frafra’s , Ewes and Kronos not humans?
She boldly exposed Manhyia's entrenched tribalism. The very headquarters of tribalism was laid bare.
Rustym 6 months ago
Truth 6 months ago
Bullshit! Am Ashanti but we have better issues in the country to talk about, galamsey, unemployment, corruption etc. is that what is important? Let's be serious and stop these things. Afterall they have apologized and we stil ... read full comment
Bullshit! Am Ashanti but we have better issues in the country to talk about, galamsey, unemployment, corruption etc. is that what is important? Let's be serious and stop these things. Afterall they have apologized and we still holding on...
Kyeremanteng 6 months ago
Ashanti's are in civilized racoons
Ashanti's are in civilized racoons
One 6 months ago
What happened was uncalled for and I expected the GJA to have stepped in, condemn what Afia said but defend her right to voice her opinion as a journalist. But they are quiet. So given this, the nect time another chief decide ... read full comment
What happened was uncalled for and I expected the GJA to have stepped in, condemn what Afia said but defend her right to voice her opinion as a journalist. But they are quiet. So given this, the nect time another chief decides to subject a different journalist to such conduct, will they comment? I have said it severally, we are creating conditions that will erupt in our faces in the nesr future. The respect accorded the asantehene must ne extended to other chiefs. Equality before the law.
Bastie Tutu Asantefournyinaahene. 6 months ago
When the lady was summoned to Manhyia, the elders interrogated her about her tribe. She identified herself as Kwahu.
However, the elders pressed on, inquiring about her parents' origin ... read full comment
When the lady was summoned to Manhyia, the elders interrogated her about her tribe. She identified herself as Kwahu.
However, the elders pressed on, inquiring about her parents' origins and refusing to acknowledge her Kwahu heritage.
They went further, attempting to impose their own narrative about her roots, linking her to Krobo, Ewe, or FraFra. Their ultimate motive was clear: to undermine her identity.
To what end was their questions even if she was Krobo, Ewe or Frafra. That was extreme Tribalism. Are Frafra’s , Ewes and Kronos not humans?
Yesterday, she boldly exposed Manhyia's entrenched tribalism. The very headquarters of tribalism was laid bare.
Abrewatia 6 months ago
Asem o
Asem o
Konka 6 months ago
Backward people period
Backward people period
Mother GHANA is doomed 6 months ago
My Lady. You just spoke the had pills of truth .with time, the chiefs will digest your statement and accept it.
My Lady. You just spoke the had pills of truth .with time, the chiefs will digest your statement and accept it.
Straight Talk 6 months ago
These are the elders who advise Asantehene; no wonder he spews rubbish sometimes.
These are the elders who advise Asantehene; no wonder he spews rubbish sometimes.
Osei 6 months ago
Some of our leaders are integrating this country. You go round behaving as if every Ghanaian is under you, why won't your people misbehave. Other tribes in Ghana also have kings so unite Ghanaians and stop making gestures and ... read full comment
Some of our leaders are integrating this country. You go round behaving as if every Ghanaian is under you, why won't your people misbehave. Other tribes in Ghana also have kings so unite Ghanaians and stop making gestures and actions which make your people to look down upon others. Your successors didn't behave that way!
Osei 6 months ago
I mean disintegrating this country!
I mean disintegrating this country!
Nee 6 months ago
Some of your people have decided not to have respect for the King of Ashanti and his subjects all because of hatred for them so no obvious reasons. Better get ready for reprisals when the time comes. We have had enough pf you ... read full comment
Some of your people have decided not to have respect for the King of Ashanti and his subjects all because of hatred for them so no obvious reasons. Better get ready for reprisals when the time comes. We have had enough pf your stupidity, hatred and jealousy towards us. It is not our fault that God created us as industrious and hard working people. Going forward, anyone who attached us will get more than fire on their ugly heads.
Daniel 6 months ago
As a GaDangbe I won't agree that Asantehene is my father. The Asantehene is the father of only Asantes and not even a ll the Akan tribes. So he can't be a father for all.
As a GaDangbe I won't agree that Asantehene is my father. The Asantehene is the father of only Asantes and not even a ll the Akan tribes. So he can't be a father for all.
Ayigbefuo chop stray bullet again 6 months ago
Please leave us out of this ooo tom. Why are people insulting Ewes? Please we love our Asante brothers and sisters as well as respect all our chiefs in Ghana. Why do people trying to create a wedge between Ewes and Asantes?
... read full comment
Please leave us out of this ooo tom. Why are people insulting Ewes? Please we love our Asante brothers and sisters as well as respect all our chiefs in Ghana. Why do people trying to create a wedge between Ewes and Asantes?
We are tired of the insults directed at us. Why is Afia Pokua an ewe?
Another educate fool exhibiting his stupidity. 6 months ago
Stop your nonsense. What sort of training did you give that lady before she opened her stinking mouth to insult the Asantehene? You should have condemned her verbal assault before condemning the Chiefs. You idiots can never d ... read full comment
Stop your nonsense. What sort of training did you give that lady before she opened her stinking mouth to insult the Asantehene? You should have condemned her verbal assault before condemning the Chiefs. You idiots can never do our elders anything. In fact, nobody can. Not even your begging parents. Let her or even you
insult our King again. We are going to stop your indicipline and backwardness from now on.
Achakanapaya 6 months ago
This are people calling themselves Wiseman??? Tweeaaaa. Tribal bigots.
This are people calling themselves Wiseman??? Tweeaaaa. Tribal bigots.
Another educated fool exhibiting his stupidity. 6 months ago
Stop your nonsense. What sort of training did you give that lady before she opened her stinking mouth to insult the Asantehene? You should have condemned her verbal assault before condemning the Chiefs. Ask her if she can ins ... read full comment
Stop your nonsense. What sort of training did you give that lady before she opened her stinking mouth to insult the Asantehene? You should have condemned her verbal assault before condemning the Chiefs. Ask her if she can insult her village elder or the last time she insulted her
village elder on air. You idiots can never do our elders anything. In fact, nobody can. Not even your begging parents. Let her or even you insult our King again. You dare not. We are going to stop your indicipline and backwardness from now on. Jealousy is killing you all.
Kotibrim 6 months ago
It about time someone told it as it is, the TRUTH!!! We are in a democratic dispensation and no one has the right to stop anyone else from speaking their mind, she did not insult anybody, she just spoke the truth!!! Bravo A ... read full comment
It about time someone told it as it is, the TRUTH!!! We are in a democratic dispensation and no one has the right to stop anyone else from speaking their mind, she did not insult anybody, she just spoke the truth!!! Bravo Afia Pokua!!!
Chris 6 months ago
Too bad
Too bad
Spirit 6 months ago
Afia will live to be a hundred years. No weapon, not spirit can change that. God is in control
Afia will live to be a hundred years. No weapon, not spirit can change that. God is in control
Bastie Tutu Asantefournyinaahene. 6 months ago
Useless Asante chiefs . Including KWAKUO DUAH
Useless Asante chiefs . Including KWAKUO DUAH
Gborlahn 6 months ago
Hahaha! It appears that these two women have exposed how these chiefs think and Ghanaians are taking notes.
Some of us have always known the problems with some of our elders but we don't talk. They are in my hometown plen ... read full comment
Hahaha! It appears that these two women have exposed how these chiefs think and Ghanaians are taking notes.
Some of us have always known the problems with some of our elders but we don't talk. They are in my hometown plenty. I have heard some of them say things about women and almost yelled at them to keep quiet. I said, almost.
JJ KUFFOUR AKUFO 6 months ago
This Asantehene and his notorious chiefs are becoming unbecoming
This Asantehene and his notorious chiefs are becoming unbecoming
. 6 months ago
Ghana still has a long way to go. Reading the comments section the hatred is too much in this country. We hate ourselves here and when we go out of the country too they also hate us all together
Ghana still has a long way to go. Reading the comments section the hatred is too much in this country. We hate ourselves here and when we go out of the country too they also hate us all together
Kwame 6 months ago
But it was a fact that my Brother Osei Tutu II waited until this year which is an election year to destool those chiefs who were involved in galamsey.
But it was a fact that my Brother Osei Tutu II waited until this year which is an election year to destool those chiefs who were involved in galamsey.
Afia Polish.... 6 months ago
Where is the common era enlightenment among those critics of those ladies.?. We live in a world of enlightenment void of primitive believes ,whereby,anybody can voice out ..or explain the obvious through any means.
... read full comment
Where is the common era enlightenment among those critics of those ladies.?. We live in a world of enlightenment void of primitive believes ,whereby,anybody can voice out ..or explain the obvious through any means.
People of different emotions towards the policies of government of the day ,insult and say disgusting things against the leader who happens to be at the helm of the nations affairs..especially the people of Ashanti region in particular .This happens because democracy is being prevailed.
So therefore in this circumstances that involves the lives of the citizens of the nation ,one would need to voice something like this out.The Asante kingdom is not an island of itself in this our precious nation .The chiefs and those condemning the ladies should try and enlighten themselves by listening to news from other parts of the world and put stop to these acts of primitivity.
KofSam 6 months ago
Ghanaians do not understand the gravity of the rift between the Asantehene and the Bono chief -Agyemang Badu util it explodes into our faces . This is what Afia Pokua wanted to draw our attention to and there was nothing wron ... read full comment
Ghanaians do not understand the gravity of the rift between the Asantehene and the Bono chief -Agyemang Badu util it explodes into our faces . This is what Afia Pokua wanted to draw our attention to and there was nothing wrong about it . People just interpreted it the wrong way. Ghanaians have witnessed the fracas between the two chiefs with the counter punches between the two . The house of chiefs , the ministry of chieftiancy and the peace council have not done anything to bring about peace between these two chiefs and that is worrying. Ghanaians have seen the instability and chaos in chieftiancy issues in the northern region with the outbreak in fighting leading to the loss of lives and destruction of properties. The government cannot even contain this situation and can any one imagine what will happen if the Asantehene and the Bono chief escalate their frictions . This is what is of primary concern to Afia Pokua .
Test 2 6 months ago
Chai!!! 6 months ago
Insult for insult?
Do we use muddy water to clean mud?
They are doing it to those who throw themselves at their dirty feet.
Chai! Chai!! Chai!!!
Insult for insult?
Do we use muddy water to clean mud?
They are doing it to those who throw themselves at their dirty feet.
Chai! Chai!! Chai!!!
Akufomia 5 months ago
The truth hurts, but it's still what it is. Afua Pokua was simply expressing her frustration to the fact that, Otumfuo with all his traditional authority, was looking on while galamseyers were destroying Ashanti Landa and riv ... read full comment
The truth hurts, but it's still what it is. Afua Pokua was simply expressing her frustration to the fact that, Otumfuo with all his traditional authority, was looking on while galamseyers were destroying Ashanti Landa and riverbodies. She, even not being an Ashanti but Ghanaian all the same, was pained and was calling on the Asantehene to act to stop the destruction. She insulted neither the Asantehene nor Asantes.
It is quite unfortunate how the Ashanti chiefs treated Afua Pokua when she visited the palace to make peace. It was quite disgraceful and uncalled for. Ghana first and we are all equal.
Bob 5 months ago
Hmm. So honestly if this lady dresses we'll, will lady Julia be more a woman than her?
Ask that elder to bring his daughters so we co.pare with Afia and I bet ...he will run away. Foolish old cow tribal bigot.
Hmm. So honestly if this lady dresses we'll, will lady Julia be more a woman than her?
Ask that elder to bring his daughters so we co.pare with Afia and I bet ...he will run away. Foolish old cow tribal bigot.
Why do you expect from these uncircumcised and uncouth black monkeys with delusions of grandeur and no sense? Asantes are vermin and the reason why Ghana will never rise again.
Keep writing while all you people starve to DEATH
These chiefs or elders are just bullies. Since Asantehene hasn't condemned their actions, it means he supports them. This is sad and completely unacceptable. How can you treat women like that? On a more serious note, the lady ...
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The palace linguists insulted just the two women.. The two women insulted Asantehene and millions. Big difference.
I have always had respect for my elders and chiefs irrespective of their ethnicity, so I condemn those who are currently insulting chiefs in the country. That said, I have read what these two women said ...
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This is what you get when you insult Chiefs. Similar to when you are in contempt of Parliament or Court. In her it is even annoying because no one provoked her and no one summoned her. This is what you deserve if you call you ...
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She never insulted anyone. She simply stated the truth unless people did not like the tone. Did you even listen to what she said? So she insulted chiefs and the chiefs in their own wisdom must also insult her in public. What ...
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If they had insulted her in closed doors you would have been ok with it? Well that's not for you to decide, she insulted Otumfuo and the chiefs portrayed that she does not even qualify to discuss Otumfuo.
Please play the tape or what the lady said to your mum or daddy and they will definitely tell you that what the lady said was an insult to the people of ashanti and the king
Ghanaians culture does not like the word accountability. When you try to hold them accountable...they will destroy you.
Poor Lady. I am a frafra too...and for me...she is a bold woman. Hate her or not she told them what ...
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You didnt find Her claim of Otumfuo begging and unable to clear his goods at the port insulting knowing very well the king called on the people to raise funds to renovate a hospital that serves Ghanaias and even contributed 5 ...
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2 wrongs make no right. As elders they should have been careful with their words.
Everyone in Asanteman support the action and that keeps us respect our elders, I don’t know and do not think about how you go about yours, but as for we Asantes we know it so don’t be surprise and focus on your tribe ok, ...
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When we grew up,we were told the asantis eat cacars.do they still eat dead animal flesh .
Jj we still enjoy eating it. Have you heard of casu martzu? Those who manufacture your cherished Italian shoes and suits, that is one of their foods.
What is more insulting than destroying your own land and not have water to drink? How many times have Otumfumfuor condemned galamsey? If you respect him, why don't you stop? Respect is defined in action, not words.
That's your truth but deep thinking people will understand the insult and hatred in her utterances. How can he treat a woman like that and there was nothing wrong to you how she spoke about a man and for that matter Otumfuo? ...
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Another FILTHY STINKY INFERIOR ECZEMA INGESTED second class humans , ayigbe ewe or pepeniii idiot right?? A lowly inferior minded person like you ? The lowest Asante is better in reasoning than your togbui afede or your filth ...
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Uncircumcised moshi/ fulani breeds. We know where you come from . You are the cause of the woes in Ghana. Self destructive apes .
But you’re not a Ghanaian, how do you say that! Filthy inferior TOGOLESE
Instead of being worried about the destruction caused by our colonial masters in partitioning Africa into tiny enclaves like Ghana Togo Benin and the rest, which is the major reason we are not able to develop as a people, you ...
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Togolese trokosi Ayigbe vermin. If there are woes in in Ghana then go back to your Togolese utopia. Ghana has carried the the trokosi Ayigbe burden long enough. Go home Togolese!!
Useless brats called Asantes. They stink like fish rotten in water. Useless among the most useless. Have to crossbreed with other tribes to raise their own eminence and raise their IQ.
I am terribly sorry that Tonto does not know that his fathers hailed from dirty,fly infested Mali to settle in the rain forests of Kumasi..He does not also know that his mothers had to improve the ugly looks of their breed wi ...
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Eeeiii bro!!! Why the insults? Can't you make your point without insults?
So Mona Gucci is Ayigbe and Etse is another Ashanti Hater. Ayigbe, Ayigbe, Ayigbe ohhhh no, no, no.
Ewes we're in the Gold Coast/Ghana long long before so-called superior tribes emerged from caves or migrated from the northern part of Gold Coast/Ghana.
Asantes reason indeed. Tell us what asantes have invested in Ghana for our benefit. Finding yourself living on land that happens to be rich in gold is what you call reasoning. You are only insulting yourselves more.
Asantes are in the Volta Region selling local herbs and cutting nails for people on the street for money
You state that the Asantes are selling items, not stealing them or begging for alms. THAT is what Asantes are trained to do: hard work and not waiting for alms to fall from heaven.
Are you sure, you are an Asante
The pepenii pregnant your mom and you are the results.
Togbe Afede is a self-made man.
Your ancestors hailed the Pepefuo you insult. Go back to history 101
Galamsey occult chiefs.
These are same chiefs who treated that stupod Wontumi with kids gloves, when the fool actually said worse things than Afia. Is it because money indeed changed hands?
Please what was the writer trying to achieve? To worsen the plight of Afia Pokua or make matters worst. Some of you young should educate yourself of reporting from chief palace and traditional proceedings There are protocol ...
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If Afua Pokua had disrespected the Ayigbe Chief of Sukula, Pig Farm or Ashaiman, we wouldn't have had a minute of peace.
The writer wants the whole world to read and know how uncultured some of the chiefs behaved after summoning someone who offended them and they deciding to abuse her instead of addressing the issue for which reason she was bef ...
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Asantes are vermins? No wonder your tribe is a cancer in the body of Ghana and must be removed to save Ghana from dying.
If Ghana will never rise again why don't you relocated to your Togolese paradise? And by the way if you are not new to Ghanaweb you would have noticed that the word "vermin" has been reserved for Togolese trokosi Ayigbes. Ple ...
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You are a fool. Ewes have never relocated to Ghana. We were and have always been on this land even before the Europeans partitioned Africa. So block headed that you couldn't grasp your history lessons. Typical of Asantes. In ...
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Etsey Atisu? Where does this one come from? Togo presumably?
September is almost ended. You ever wondered why faith & hard work are essential for achieving success? It's because praying to God & trusting in His plan is just the first step - you also need to put your mind & skills to w ...
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You are simply a confused being, what is one thing that Asantes have done that has collapsed Ghana? Keep such baseless assumption to yourself. When she insulted the king perhaps you didn't hear? And you claim the chiefs insul ...
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In spite of her harsh tone and choice of words, she was very precise and factually truthful
Stop fooling, she is an imbecile just like your family
Indeed she was.
What did they go there to do? What the lady said wasn't disrespectful. She only stated the truth but as we all know, the Ashantis claim Otumfuo is god and doesn't commit any mistakes. They issued apology both on live TV and s ...
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Stupid piece by a filthy EWE AYIGBE TOGOLESE moron, what’s wrong with the chiefs said? Filthy idiot like you! All that they said was true and perfecf
We will deal with any Ghanaian that disrespect our elders and MANHYIA is on its way of eliminating disrespect from chieftaincy!
The short president has failed to do what’s needful but Manhyia is working on it!
We do ...
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We don't also care whatever a monkey will write here. Dormahene will get you people
Fvck you. If you can insult Dormaa Hene, then all the monkeys enstooled as chiefs in Kumasi will be fair game.. You can't do FOKO. All you do is mouth mouth, you can't fight. Once again FVCK YOU!!!!
Kwasiatoliwa Selfade Animal. You’ve now changed your facebook profile from Nsofor obi to Tashieka Asante Whyte
Everybody Selfade in on Facebook as Tashieka Asante Whyte.
Wo gyimi papa! Wo y3 YAREFOO!! Wogyimi ruff! U piece of shit! The amount of insults u have rained on asantehene here?
Wo y3 kwaisapanyij
Aboa mu aboa!
Bono nni gyimifoo!
If am on ...
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Kwasia ba . The Dormaahene is One man thousand . He alone shakes the whole Asante.
Asanteni Kronfour. Kohwinii. Wo ni ne wose nkwasiafuor
One man thousand who take plane from sunyani to Kumasi lmaooo
One man thousand who’s quiet now like a filthy roach hiding in his half plot planet of baboons
I thought he ll speak again but he’s quiet like a ARABIA ...
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And their overlord is mute. Afi Pokuah should immediately drag the foolish chiefs to court over the treat comment
He is worse than those people.
Remember Asantehene was banned from Canada for doing 419 fraud
Why don’t u do it for him!
Manhyia ll clean Ghanaian air space of these nonsenses!
Nkwiasaafoo, in AMERICA that last wldve being sue for inciting RACIAL discrimination
Agyimifoo asaasefoo
Kwasiatoliwa Selfade Animal. You’ve now changed your facebook profile from Nsofor obi to Tashieka Asante Whyte
Everybody Selfade in on Facebook as Tashieka Asante Whyte.
Aboa te se wo
People selfade is on Facebook as blah blah!
U crying now lol!
Calling for support!
Me and u who should people looked for?
Is u because u started these tribal insults here on Ghanaweb and is well documented!
US ...
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The level of attack from the chiefs on Afua Pokuah was not befitting of real and sensible chiefs. How dare you attack a woman with her body?
That was too low and very disgraceful of so called chiefs especially the "Okyeame". ...
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When nana dormaahene was using social media to attacked all ASHANTIS, we never saw u with this comment tho
Now u here writing this senseless comments right?
Is on now dude and this nation refuses to tell the truth, the ...
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Edward you're Spot on. These chiefs behaved like some street folks. Very uncultured and crookish looking. There's no wisdom and gentlemanship talk less of statesmanship in them. Gallamsey Superintendents.
Wolves and hyenas.
Uneducated sanctimonious chiefs. They are a bunch of unserious adult children
Barbaric days are over. Chieftaincy ain't shit anymore
So put a camera in front of u, insult in Ghana and let see if u are a man!
ODWAN bi ba!
U piece of shit lol!
U fucking coward
SELF MADE.....u go cry tire. Kwasiatutu can't do foko
Mamanom are bleeding!!! Hahaha
In shithole ayigbeland, that is.
When the lady was summoned to Manhyia, the elders interrogated her about her tribe. She identified herself as Kwahu.
However, the elders pressed on, inquiring about her parents' origin ...
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When the lady was summoned to Manhyia, the elders interrogated her about her tribe. She identified herself as Kwahu.
However, the elders pressed on, inquiring about her parents' origin ...
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Kwasiatoliwaaa, DORMAAA NNI aboa
U called yourself SUMMER on YouTube and u have posted the same thrash on YouTube and all social media tweaa
If your DORMAA, your filthy, dirty enclave is relevant u wldnt be here ta ...
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Tell your Asantehe men Aboa dwan to go to Canada. He should clean Kumasi . Aboa dwan.
Ad3n na Asantefour y3 mmoa saa?
Now everyone is getting to knowing who truly are. Tribalism and Asante are synonymous
Everyone’s is getting to us?
Which Ashanti gives a if these good for nothing, jealous punks get to know us
Akoa Adwene sua s3 WO MAAME CLITORIS lmaooo
Wogyimi s3 JOE BLACKIE who has been given a BAN ...
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Our nation unity is been threatened by the rise of enthnocentrism. We complain about racism and yet even as Ghanaians some think they are better than others because of their tribe. I hold the creed that all men are created eq ...
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Who started it?
Who started these stuff?
It was stupid dormaahene that started these ethnocentrism and most of u applauded him here
He was the one that started this tribal incitement and now u pointing fingers at wh ...
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If you point finger at the Dormaahene your finger will break because the Dormaahene is fighting for all Ghanaians and not his tribe alone. Stop galamsey!
See this gaslighted ape lmaooo
Go to that HALF PLOT dormaa and see how galamsey has destroyed their lands!
U ll forever be a big idiota lol
I can see you don't reason , because to live peacefully and happily on a half plot is better than to be in misery and thirsty on a 5 acres land.
Kwaisatoliwaaa, ofui bi ba!
TIMID dormaa NNI gyimifoo
Dumb Bono man
That place is full of stds!
We ll descend into the gutters with u
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If only Togolese trokosi Ayigbe tribal bigots will go back to their there will be no threat to Ghana's national cohesion. These people are very different from average Ghanaians. They have more in common with their Togolese c ...
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Tonto, why did you then resist them when they want to break away?
You are very uneducated. You write in English but not learned otherwise you would have known that Eweland was cut from Togo and added to Ghana we didn't move to your Ghana that you have destroyed. Only fools destroy what they ...
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Colonial mentality. “kum Nipa” meaning a murderer .
And you’re proud of your devilish utterances.
The cursed is reversed back to you.
So put a camera now in front of u, insult any chief in Ghana and let see if u can say is colonial mentality
U can’t, u scumbag
They are still in the turbulent barbaric days. Wicked old crooks. Gallamsey chiefs
These customs are outmoded. You either go strictly outmoded or modern where civil rights reign. Once they have blended the two, the chiefs have erred big time. That chief in particular out to be answerable to CHRAJ
So put a camera and do same in Ghana and let see if they are outmoded lmaooo
Ur rotten feets ll be drag to that palace and u ll cry like a little baboon lmaooo
U stupid coward
Do it and I ll gi ...
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10 dollars. See how petty one can be. No brainer.
Animals like u deserve only 5 dollars!
Whoever wrote this should be ashamed of him/herself. Why do you want to emphasize on what divides us than what brings us to gather? In all fairness, do you support what the lady said about Asantehene and Asantes? Afia claimed ...
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In other words,u saw nothing wrong with what the chiefs did right?
Let’s assume she was wrong with her utterances and demeanor,does that warrant the actions of the “ properly trained and the custodians of our culture “ ...
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What action was that?
So u want the chiefs to KISS HER BBL ASS so that any Ashanti youth ll put a camera in front of him or her and denigrate any chief in Ghana?
Hell fucking no BUM!
We are using this LADY as a colla ...
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THE PEDOPHILE CHIEFS THAT Rape, kill and murder????
They are USELESSS, can only talk shit in the bushes. Classless idiots looking at Pokua ass. Bet they want to her Bbl.
Facts as came up at the meeting: Okyeame Adofo, who Afia Pokua claimed as her father is NOT her father. Okyeame Adofo had spoken from the hospital to the Kwahu Chief of Asante and the Saamanhene and denied Afia Pokua being hi ...
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Did asantehene come public about not having funds to clear the goods at the harbor?
Is galamsey getting outrageous in that region?
Did asantehene solicit funds for komfo anokye hospital?
Did asantehene declare everyone to ...
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Did asantehene ask u or your stupid family to contribute any funds?
How much did your BABBIONIC ASS paid and where are your receipts?
Did asantehene called on ASHANTIS to help him fix KATH or the whole of Ghana?
How ...
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Kwasiatoliwa Selfade Animal. You’ve now changed your facebook profile from Nsofor obi to Tashieka Asante Whyte
Everybody Selfade in on Facebook as Tashieka Asante Whyte...
Aboafunu i have changed wo Maame tw3!
I live rent free in in your small skull!
Useless, irrelevant and good for nothing dormaa PREKO!
U looking for me on Facebook? Akoa y3
Akoa gyimi s3 preko
TIMID dormaaa PI ...
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Now,with this behavior by the Chiefs they have lowered tte status of Asantehene. No one will honor any invitation to Manhyia Palace to be disgraced like this.
Moroon stick to your uncouth culture which means nothing in this country.these pair of sickos hasn't seen any thing yet
I see
Afia please change your name and move to the USA immediately to start a new life.. Use what has happened as evidence to seek asylum and you will be legal to work here in the USA.
Change her name and move to the US for what? Worse is happening to blacks in America. Afia shouldn't have made those comments in the first place. Insulting Asantehene live on the TV is unacceptable.
This is needless. The people have apologised. Why revisit the issue with what transpired overthrew. Trying to open healed wounds does not help matters less learn to be silent on matters that affect other badly.
Backward MORONS parading as chiefs, what a sad spectacle.
What do you expect from people who still live in the past? These are people who arrogantly play God with impunity. Unfortunately, they have a pliant followership, most of who live in civilised countries where freedom of speec ...
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We ll use our barbarism to deal with u stupid animals like u and your BABOONIC idiots!
If u are man, put a camera in front of u and insult any chief in ghana and let see!
U ll be drag like a dirty baboon to that palace ...
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Nothing will happen. It is not a force to honor any summon to your palace. To hell with you people
free cocoa drink available
Look how they pride in their demons(spirits), exactly those demons will take them to their eternal place to the lake of fire if they won't repent!
You BIG men are disgracing Ghana before the whole world. Can't you stop galamsey? You cherish money more than the lives of your citizens, aaba!
Stupid ashantis, you are feeling too big in your shoes. Create your own country and let your otumfuo become your king. As at now he is a chief. Period.
You Togolese are the people who should create your own country because you have been straining at the leash to secede from Ghana after you voted in the 1956 Plebiscite to remain Togolese and Nkrumah dragged you into the Repub ...
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Do you guys realize that what you write is read all over the world? A black man looking down on another black man is a sad thing to imagine. Wise up, folks!
That is shear stupidity. Is this country governed by a chief of a central president who wills all the powers. Are those stipid chiefs aware under the laws of Ghana they can't banish anyone anymore? Foolish dwarfs.
Mpenyin fuɔ, We have big problems in Ghana ooo, not this. If you have time to spare, discuss as a matter of urgency the issues we are facing as a nation - unstable electricity, tap water that doesnot flow, choked gutters in ...
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Ashanti's are pathological liers and criminals majority of them.They hate TRUTH.Just look at the fake pastors and scammers and the most corrupt politicians in this country are 95 %from Ashanti.Any institution headed by Ashant ...
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This is our land. If you can't take it go jump in the Keta Lagoon or go back to Togo.
You see your level? Open your mouth bajaa and insult an elderly man like Otumfuo. Your pit is too deep. Next time control your emotions. Christ!
Killing a fly with a sledgehammer. Regardless, these journalists should be circumspect in what they say on air. It’s not everything that you want to say with “vim” on air. What you say with “vim” has its consequence ...
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If not in Ghana where some uncultured chiefs will deviate from issues before them and say anything because they are above the law. You can't say some of those things to your daughters let alone a grown woman.
Who the hell are these so call chiefs think they are. They are sitting these with their dirty clothes and mouth trying to degenerate this lady. What she said is absolutely true so they should use the same energy and stop thei ...
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So by over reacting they have elevated Afia Poku to the status of national hero and reduced respect for their chief or king or kum nipa.
If this level of reaction was directed at a person of importance it would have made sen ...
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U wish! Lmaooo
This is what u wish right?
AFUA pokuaa has being elevated to national hero?
Even a galamsey rat is more powerful in its brain than u lmaooo
Akoa kwasiaaa
O Ayigbes. You Togolese are pathetic. As aliens you have no appreciation or understanding of Ghanaian customs or culture. Be advised that the chieftaincy institution underpins Ghanaian culture and that is why it is revered fr ...
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Gentlemen and ladies, don't mind this stupid mentally retarded chiefs. They are still evolving. Ashante region is the only place in Ghana where evolution is still taking place, may be in some 50 years to come they will be OK ...
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Kwahumanhene and his elders should call this fake Afia Pokuaa to order. She isn't a Kwahu woman and she should be made to understand never to stand anywhere referring to herself as 'Obour ba.' Is she ashamed of being a Frafra ...
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Let's trace the lineage and father's of all those so called Chiefs.
It is high time they started respecting Farafaras their fathers. At least now we have the technology to do that.
The egoism, ethnocentrism and backwardne ...
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Stupid egocentric people
Just give them Koobi and momone in Manhyia and you’re free to go. They go to the market women to collect salted fish Koobi. Can you imagine . Asante Ahenfo akohwifuo
Etsey Atisu is from Dormaa.
Asantehene is banned from Canada for doing fraud
This is the most stupid article by Ghanaweb and I’m not surprised it is coming from an Ewe
Look at this foolish Asantes. When everyone in Ghana knows Asantes are unintelligent dumb beings who struggle to pronounce the letter "r". We teach you how to write and write if you don't know. Asante fools
Charlie the girl is spoken the hard truth that must be spoken. Enough of this Ashanti is this that tribalism and rather focus on harnessing talent of the nation for our collective hood
@ University of self made, you sound like the son of a BIN=MAN and you a TRASH OF SOCIETY. Let me tell you ,God Almighty created this world with Beauty and Color and BRASH, ARROGANT and POMPOUS people like you can never ever ...
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It is not surprising when backwardness comes out of the Asante region. The people are just backward.
Ewvevi take a trip to Kumari Anloga and ask your fellow trokosis who have made it their permanent home whether they would exchange life in Kumasi for life in your shithole region? They would ask you to see a psychiatrist. The ...
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Going thru all the comments, it is clear that most Ghanaians are total morons and idiots.
I blame the ladies for even making the trip to apologize to those stupid chiefs. Those chiefs are uncivilized and doesn't deserv ...
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Togolese trokosi Ayigbe vermin. The chicken shit opinion of a lowerlife trokosi alien like yourself is of no consequence.
Ugly, useless, senseless, shameless, gormless, lawless, corrupt, foolish, ignorant, arrogant, primitive and irresponsible fools. Kwasiaa4 buuluubuuluuu!!!
Useless Asantes. What the chiefs said have even infuriated me the more. These ladies should also stop apologizing as if they have committed any crime . I see nothing wrong or abusive in what that courageous woman said
HeyEtsey Atisu, i don't know if you are a mn, woman or beast but whatrever you are keep ypou shit opinion to yourself. If you will allow your Togbe to be insulted let it rest on you fucking head. This Afia Pokuaa and the like ...
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The chiefs claimed her father is a frafra and at the same time claiming that that same frafra father is okyeame in Kwahu, since when did frafras became royals in Kwahu? These chiefs are just nuts!
Did they say that in English?
All unnecessary. Africa...hmm...smh
That chief is very very uncultured and uncivilized. He was talking like a very stupid man with no manners and dignity. A village champion
Is this an opinion piece or a news report?
When that moron that calls itself okatakyie sldisrespect the Ga Kings,was he taken to history to let him know his forebears?Foolish ashanti chiefs.But for the Kindness of the Fulanis ,how would the the stupid chief be looking ...
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Those chiefs have no respect for women and humanity. The lady is frafra and krobo so they can say anything they like to her. This same people will shower Praises on Wuntumi who says he has his own kingdom. They are the reason ...
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I love Lumba’s song ofon na ka nsem fon see woman en face. She should loose her job by now. The station is for an Ashanti Ofui
We have time on our hands oo. No wonder stupid elders like this who have little sense on how to develop a crumbling nation will seat in committee to reprimand someone bringing out criticism.
From the comments I read, she didn’t insult the chief,, she said her perspective and if they think she has said something wrong they should taking her to court. Ghana is not about Asantes. The lan who got independence for G ...
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See these thieves
What Afia Pokua said is the bitter truth.
Ashanti's are very evil minded Idiots .
Is the Ashanti hene a god?
Greedy Basturds Piiaaaooooo. Ghanaian's problems are the Ashanti's.
Pathetic, clownish, comical, and circus atmosphere. These palace bullying sycophants have lost their bearings. So what are you guys running out of that palace, a Sharia Court? You guys are acting just like the Taliban idiots ...
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Enough of this stupidity call chieftancy
What this lady said was not wrong in anyway. The person who asked her to go apologize, has ill-advised her. Afia Pokuaa is 100% far far better and human than these animals of asantes. They must be taken on by human right acti ...
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Its Amazing the Ashantis are oblivious about galamsey wrecking havoc and destroying their lands! Who is Asantehene? if he is Otumfuor why cant he stop Wontumi and other galamseyers destroying lands? Wontumi said he had his ow ...
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Wow...this be country jungle palaver.....Black people are dead...
Last week, it was a fight against the most tribalistic tag been assigned to Ashantis, and yet the comments on this so far are nothing but very deep ethnocentric tribalism driven and fueled by Ashantis. There is no doubt that ...
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What in the world did she say wrong? Somebody help me
The only original Ghanian is a Guan.The rest of you are settlers on our land and yet you won't keep cool.Stop the strife and sober up,fools.Ashantis will be the worse of if they breakaway(Atemeho people).You are landlocked wi ...
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The lady apologise to save her job not because she is afraid of the chiefs, and I am asking again why the chiefs did not call lawyer maurice ampaw who said on Wontumi TV that all the chiefs in manhyia are womaniser ? The dow ...
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Asantes!!! They are the downfall of Ghana . They should just create their own country for their citizens. They hate the truth .
Ah can someone tell me what did the lady say wrong ?or is because she mentioned the name of Dormaahene ?
Solomon, could you, kindly, be solomonic and view her entire presentation on Mona Gucci’s show and you will understand. She was supremely insulting in her manner, tone and words to Asantes. The worst thing for me, was that ...
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Ghanaweb and their haters for Ashanti should glorify insanity and disrespect towards us. When we start to hit back, no idiot should say the Ashantis wants tribal war. We will revenge any one who dare insult us.
When the lady was summoned to Manhyia, the elders interrogated her about her tribe. She identified herself as Kwahu.
However, the elders pressed on, inquiring about her parents' origin ...
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When the lady was summoned to Manhyia, the elders interrogated her about her tribe. She identified herself as Kwahu.
However, the elders pressed on, inquiring about her parents' origin ...
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Bullshit! Am Ashanti but we have better issues in the country to talk about, galamsey, unemployment, corruption etc. is that what is important? Let's be serious and stop these things. Afterall they have apologized and we stil ...
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Ashanti's are in civilized racoons
What happened was uncalled for and I expected the GJA to have stepped in, condemn what Afia said but defend her right to voice her opinion as a journalist. But they are quiet. So given this, the nect time another chief decide ...
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When the lady was summoned to Manhyia, the elders interrogated her about her tribe. She identified herself as Kwahu.
However, the elders pressed on, inquiring about her parents' origin ...
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Asem o
Backward people period
My Lady. You just spoke the had pills of truth .with time, the chiefs will digest your statement and accept it.
These are the elders who advise Asantehene; no wonder he spews rubbish sometimes.
Some of our leaders are integrating this country. You go round behaving as if every Ghanaian is under you, why won't your people misbehave. Other tribes in Ghana also have kings so unite Ghanaians and stop making gestures and ...
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I mean disintegrating this country!
Some of your people have decided not to have respect for the King of Ashanti and his subjects all because of hatred for them so no obvious reasons. Better get ready for reprisals when the time comes. We have had enough pf you ...
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As a GaDangbe I won't agree that Asantehene is my father. The Asantehene is the father of only Asantes and not even a ll the Akan tribes. So he can't be a father for all.
Please leave us out of this ooo tom. Why are people insulting Ewes? Please we love our Asante brothers and sisters as well as respect all our chiefs in Ghana. Why do people trying to create a wedge between Ewes and Asantes?
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Stop your nonsense. What sort of training did you give that lady before she opened her stinking mouth to insult the Asantehene? You should have condemned her verbal assault before condemning the Chiefs. You idiots can never d ...
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This are people calling themselves Wiseman??? Tweeaaaa. Tribal bigots.
Stop your nonsense. What sort of training did you give that lady before she opened her stinking mouth to insult the Asantehene? You should have condemned her verbal assault before condemning the Chiefs. Ask her if she can ins ...
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It about time someone told it as it is, the TRUTH!!! We are in a democratic dispensation and no one has the right to stop anyone else from speaking their mind, she did not insult anybody, she just spoke the truth!!! Bravo A ...
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Too bad
Afia will live to be a hundred years. No weapon, not spirit can change that. God is in control
Useless Asante chiefs . Including KWAKUO DUAH
Hahaha! It appears that these two women have exposed how these chiefs think and Ghanaians are taking notes.
Some of us have always known the problems with some of our elders but we don't talk. They are in my hometown plen ...
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This Asantehene and his notorious chiefs are becoming unbecoming
Ghana still has a long way to go. Reading the comments section the hatred is too much in this country. We hate ourselves here and when we go out of the country too they also hate us all together
But it was a fact that my Brother Osei Tutu II waited until this year which is an election year to destool those chiefs who were involved in galamsey.
Where is the common era enlightenment among those critics of those ladies.?. We live in a world of enlightenment void of primitive believes ,whereby,anybody can voice out ..or explain the obvious through any means.
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Ghanaians do not understand the gravity of the rift between the Asantehene and the Bono chief -Agyemang Badu util it explodes into our faces . This is what Afia Pokua wanted to draw our attention to and there was nothing wron ...
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Insult for insult?
Do we use muddy water to clean mud?
They are doing it to those who throw themselves at their dirty feet.
Chai! Chai!! Chai!!!
The truth hurts, but it's still what it is. Afua Pokua was simply expressing her frustration to the fact that, Otumfuo with all his traditional authority, was looking on while galamseyers were destroying Ashanti Landa and riv ...
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Hmm. So honestly if this lady dresses we'll, will lady Julia be more a woman than her?
Ask that elder to bring his daughters so we co.pare with Afia and I bet ...he will run away. Foolish old cow tribal bigot.