Mr All- knowing self- appointed Security Analyst, since you KNOW what really happened kindly let us ignorant people understand what really happened
Mr All- knowing self- appointed Security Analyst, since you KNOW what really happened kindly let us ignorant people understand what really happened
Ibrahim 4 months ago
Adib is the blood brother of Rashida. What's the information Adib has from the Sister?
Adib is the blood brother of Rashida. What's the information Adib has from the Sister?
Twafoc miserable 4 months ago
Kate okyere the smelling girl if you don't shut your mouth about i will add more curse to your cripple smelling family. Stupid girl dont provoke me You were the most ugliest girl i ever dated just to waste my time 3yrs and r ... read full comment
Kate okyere the smelling girl if you don't shut your mouth about i will add more curse to your cripple smelling family. Stupid girl dont provoke me You were the most ugliest girl i ever dated just to waste my time 3yrs and resources. At least I remember buying you a phone and tv not even 1cedi handkerchief from you. Who said you are beautiful your big head like helmet you're even smelling 8AM in the morning. For the sake of love we overlooked these flaws. I remember we met on vacation classes. It was my friend isaac who recommended you to me and i told him you were not all good but manageable so i was reluctant. I saw you the second time at church and my teenage mind thought it has something to do with fate that was when I started talking to you. I remember my mother question me why you were my friend i thought she didn't like you. You never told me you love me neither did you call me even i intentionally sent you credit thinking you use that to call me but you didn't. You pay me visit and act strange like no sex relationship thing i didn't want to force my ways sometimes you even tell me you're in your period to avoid me. Do you have to take your period to my house are you mad. You forget my birthday no text nor anything. I didn't have good grades after school so you preferred your ex who had gotten polytechnic than me so you didn't want to anything serious to do with me placing me on standby if true loves fails i will be their replacement. I knew all these your wicked plans so i decided to go my way and my next relationship let me know how wicked you were. Kwasea baaa which of your cripple brothers looking miserable can you compared to me. Kwasea ugly dirty face girl with lean legs apuuu
Ken 4 months ago
Adib comes directly after Rashida Saani. One mother and one father. Adib should be able to tell us what his sister narrated to him. This will help the Police in their investigation
Adib comes directly after Rashida Saani. One mother and one father. Adib should be able to tell us what his sister narrated to him. This will help the Police in their investigation
Kwame Angel 4 months ago
Security Analyst. Looks like this is the newest profession in Ghana. It requires no resume.
Security Analyst. Looks like this is the newest profession in Ghana. It requires no resume.
Samurai 4 months ago
I no go lie you. All you need is some media station to call you for your opinion and introduce you as such.
I no go lie you. All you need is some media station to call you for your opinion and introduce you as such.
Hannan 4 months ago
`` Welcome to the best sex dating site =
`` Welcome to the best sex dating site =
Bugbaba 4 months ago
If people can wake up and Go to our airport and kidnap people eiiiiiiii then may Allah save us.
If people can wake up and Go to our airport and kidnap people eiiiiiiii then may Allah save us.
Samurai 4 months ago
Any buffoon can now get up and call themselves security analysts. Who should you be investigating? the kidnappers or the victim? Kwaasiato!!!
Any buffoon can now get up and call themselves security analysts. Who should you be investigating? the kidnappers or the victim? Kwaasiato!!!
Sam 4 months ago
As for Ghanaians they love one sided story. They will never investigate anything. That is our weakness !
As for Ghanaians they love one sided story. They will never investigate anything. That is our weakness !
Mr All- knowing self- appointed Security Analyst, since you KNOW what really happened kindly let us ignorant people understand what really happened
Adib is the blood brother of Rashida. What's the information Adib has from the Sister?
Kate okyere the smelling girl if you don't shut your mouth about i will add more curse to your cripple smelling family. Stupid girl dont provoke me You were the most ugliest girl i ever dated just to waste my time 3yrs and r ...
read full comment
Adib comes directly after Rashida Saani. One mother and one father. Adib should be able to tell us what his sister narrated to him. This will help the Police in their investigation
Security Analyst. Looks like this is the newest profession in Ghana. It requires no resume.
I no go lie you. All you need is some media station to call you for your opinion and introduce you as such.
`` Welcome to the best sex dating site =
If people can wake up and Go to our airport and kidnap people eiiiiiiii then may Allah save us.
Any buffoon can now get up and call themselves security analysts. Who should you be investigating? the kidnappers or the victim? Kwaasiato!!!
As for Ghanaians they love one sided story. They will never investigate anything. That is our weakness !