Where is the location of this university of communication. Scoring low point on communication is an indictment so you must screen your publicists to avoid embarrassments.
Where is the location of this university of communication. Scoring low point on communication is an indictment so you must screen your publicists to avoid embarrassments.
Oyiwa 3 months ago
From last-minute doling out of huge tax concessions to favored businesses, violating laid-down processes to employ grassroots supporters into state institutions and now granting Presidential Charters to ailing educational ins ... read full comment
From last-minute doling out of huge tax concessions to favored businesses, violating laid-down processes to employ grassroots supporters into state institutions and now granting Presidential Charters to ailing educational institutions before he leaves office in a few weeks. What next?
OZYMANDIAS 3 months ago
Of what rank is this fly-by-night college in Ghana, not to mention Africa? Booklong and theories. Not much economic impact in Ghana’s development.
Of what rank is this fly-by-night college in Ghana, not to mention Africa? Booklong and theories. Not much economic impact in Ghana’s development.
Mtchee.w poor mushroom
Where is the location of this university of communication. Scoring low point on communication is an indictment so you must screen your publicists to avoid embarrassments.
From last-minute doling out of huge tax concessions to favored businesses, violating laid-down processes to employ grassroots supporters into state institutions and now granting Presidential Charters to ailing educational ins ...
read full comment
Of what rank is this fly-by-night college in Ghana, not to mention Africa? Booklong and theories. Not much economic impact in Ghana’s development.