Ghanaians say YES to LGBTQ+ and same sex marriage. We accept eachother in Ghana no matter your sexual orientation.
Ghanaians say YES to LGBTQ+ and same sex marriage. We accept eachother in Ghana no matter your sexual orientation.
FRANKIE 1 week ago
This afenyo Markin guy is just an attention seeking narcissistic and histrionic personality disorder client who needs a quick trip to the Accra Psychiatric Health facility for an evaluation.
This afenyo Markin guy is just an attention seeking narcissistic and histrionic personality disorder client who needs a quick trip to the Accra Psychiatric Health facility for an evaluation.
NPP Square Pegs. How Sad! 1 week ago
Don't mind him! He thinks he is somebody, yet NONE! Unfortunately, he messages himself as a bufoon and an empty barrel. An unprinipled, clownish, cheap protocol crook.With AkufoAddoian sub-standard characteristics
Don't mind him! He thinks he is somebody, yet NONE! Unfortunately, he messages himself as a bufoon and an empty barrel. An unprinipled, clownish, cheap protocol crook.With AkufoAddoian sub-standard characteristics
Penchi Otu 1 week ago
Afenyo Kwasea Markin. A fool calling himself Osahene of Winneba . An idiot ProMax. You need to face one of the NDC female warriors. So that she tickles your balls to angrily walk out of the hall with boycotts followed by pr ... read full comment
Afenyo Kwasea Markin. A fool calling himself Osahene of Winneba . An idiot ProMax. You need to face one of the NDC female warriors. So that she tickles your balls to angrily walk out of the hall with boycotts followed by press conferences. You will be made to call press conference everyday to explain taya. Fool. Some of the men are too soft for you hence your egoistic stupidity. Master get away. You no be anybody. NDC can provide more than half the members of parliament to do business. Micro kwasea. You are as stupid as Annor Dompreh. Insignificant rat
Czar 1 week ago
Fool Afenyo,you can do your worse, you are still micro minority,you are irrelevant.
Fool Afenyo,you can do your worse, you are still micro minority,you are irrelevant.
Freewill 1 week ago
U are best fit for opposition. Keep that up! Another mistake the poisonous people party made is choosing this occultic guy as their leader. He messed them up as their majority leader a few months ago.
U are best fit for opposition. Keep that up! Another mistake the poisonous people party made is choosing this occultic guy as their leader. He messed them up as their majority leader a few months ago.
Kwaku Tee 1 week ago
Don't take Afenyo Markins threat as an empty joke he knows what he's talking about.For e.g. he could have disqualified Cassiel Ato Forson for carrying FAKE Certificates if he wanted to do so.His friendship with Ato could have ... read full comment
Don't take Afenyo Markins threat as an empty joke he knows what he's talking about.For e.g. he could have disqualified Cassiel Ato Forson for carrying FAKE Certificates if he wanted to do so.His friendship with Ato could have also influenced his decision.
Yaw 1 week ago
He can not disqualify anybody. Kwasea. Why didn't he allow the secret voting for Armah Kofi Buah's approval. Who will vote for the useless stance of your micro minority? You cleverly chickened out. Apuuuu
He can not disqualify anybody. Kwasea. Why didn't he allow the secret voting for Armah Kofi Buah's approval. Who will vote for the useless stance of your micro minority? You cleverly chickened out. Apuuuu
KwakuTee. Which Fake Certificates? Nana or Ato? 1 week ago
@Kwaku Tee. I dare you over this FakeCert allegation input. In the name of your two balls, bubble this claim up again. We shall rise. And summon it in parallel, for Nana Akufo-Addo to make public, all his certificates too.
@Kwaku Tee. I dare you over this FakeCert allegation input. In the name of your two balls, bubble this claim up again. We shall rise. And summon it in parallel, for Nana Akufo-Addo to make public, all his certificates too.
Skill-up, acquire new knowledge, make money & stay on top. This very skill is a low hanging fruit for you to cash out. SOWING & REAPING is an everlasting principle, so SOW knowledge/skill, & REAP money in exchange. It is trai ... read full comment
Skill-up, acquire new knowledge, make money & stay on top. This very skill is a low hanging fruit for you to cash out. SOWING & REAPING is an everlasting principle, so SOW knowledge/skill, & REAP money in exchange. It is training that would give you an edge towards earning & mastery . No cash-capital for a sales business this year? Set up this smartphones skilled-service business instead! Learn & earn daily cash - first 10 orders each day in the next 7-days gets $10 cashback discount. If YOU ALSO WANT TO BREAK INTO IT-CAREERS, Get any of Chukky Oparandu's Guidebooks for yourself or a loved one. Remember, you EARN from what you LEARN, that's 90% into financial freedom! Master this valuable skill to earn good money daily after just three weeks of training. Join thousands who've transformed their lives this way! Invest in yourself today: Search "Chukky Oparandu" on Amazon Or VISIT ( FRENCH EDITION "Gagnez de l'Argent en Réparant des Téléphones & Tablettes" is also available. Get his blockbuster book, "IT Career: A Roadmap" NewYearIsHere! #SkillsForSuccess...Get for yourself, or as a gift for that young boy idling around..jo9099
Afenyo-Markin, Have U Read Your News(with photos)? 5 days ago
Your Nyash is all over the World
Your Nyash is all over the World
MK OFORI 1 week ago
Afenyo Markins it's seems you don't know you and your Npp caucus are micro minority? What you do to oppose the NDC government and their huge majority Massa stop bragging and calm down you talk too much
Afenyo Markins it's seems you don't know you and your Npp caucus are micro minority? What you do to oppose the NDC government and their huge majority Massa stop bragging and calm down you talk too much
Ama 1 week ago
Micro Minority and a Zuuguu Empty Headed Majority which one is better?
Micro Minority and a Zuuguu Empty Headed Majority which one is better?
NPP Square Pegs. How Sad! 1 week ago
@Ama.Which one is better, abi?
The answer lies in Ama Zuuguu's Empty Head.
@Ama.Which one is better, abi?
The answer lies in Ama Zuuguu's Empty Head.
What a Pity! NPPians with your Nana Empty Head 1 week ago
#Ama. Your comment stinks bad. Such so high, do you people self-airborne, only to soon expose your nyass. How hollow Akufo-Addo was! Unknowing to him he was Empty Headed. Then ended up collapsing the ECOWAS Bloc
#Ama. Your comment stinks bad. Such so high, do you people self-airborne, only to soon expose your nyass. How hollow Akufo-Addo was! Unknowing to him he was Empty Headed. Then ended up collapsing the ECOWAS Bloc
He Thought Niger was Like Techiman-8. Look yin Nyash! 1 week ago
Yes! Whilst Asomdwehene Mills, wisely then insisted on Dialogue&Diplomacy towards Gbagbo in 2010/11, Old Pana pushed his pedal on his Mobile-Chair-V8. To use military force. In his Empty Head, Niger was equal to Techiman.
Yes! Whilst Asomdwehene Mills, wisely then insisted on Dialogue&Diplomacy towards Gbagbo in 2010/11, Old Pana pushed his pedal on his Mobile-Chair-V8. To use military force. In his Empty Head, Niger was equal to Techiman.
Insult! Calling 58% of the Ghanaian Populace BlockHead Heads? 1 week ago
This chap has unleashed a huge and unpardonalbe insult upon Ghanaians. Calling Ghanaians "Block Headed", abi? This is very serious.
This chap has unleashed a huge and unpardonalbe insult upon Ghanaians. Calling Ghanaians "Block Headed", abi? This is very serious.
godfather 1 week ago
When real work starts, you will understand your smoothness level
When real work starts, you will understand your smoothness level
Ewvevi 1 week ago
You seem to be having your way because the ndc itself hasn't showed its seriousness by appointing a timid, useless 1st deputy speaker in Ahiafor. That Ahiafor man is just too weak and clueless. So, among all the Voltarian MPs ... read full comment
You seem to be having your way because the ndc itself hasn't showed its seriousness by appointing a timid, useless 1st deputy speaker in Ahiafor. That Ahiafor man is just too weak and clueless. So, among all the Voltarian MPs, they couldn't find any classy and sharp person than Ahiafor as the deputy speaker. ? Ooh no. Tweeea.
Nii 1 week ago
Parliament is not a place where fisticuffs are displayed and for that matter a party would rely on numbers.The brain power is what is going to determine the strength
Parliament is not a place where fisticuffs are displayed and for that matter a party would rely on numbers.The brain power is what is going to determine the strength
Kim 1 week ago
That man Ahiafor is causing all this, he's incompetent
That man Ahiafor is causing all this, he's incompetent
Johnny 1 week ago
Thank God NDC has an Ahiafor one of the few intelligent ppl in that party.NPP can walk out of that vetting if NDC makes the attempt to misbehave.
Thank God NDC has an Ahiafor one of the few intelligent ppl in that party.NPP can walk out of that vetting if NDC makes the attempt to misbehave.
Asante 1 week ago
Bagbin has created this Bully in parliament. Blame The Speaker who still thinks he is the King and has created this monster.
Bagbin has created this Bully in parliament. Blame The Speaker who still thinks he is the King and has created this monster.
Major 1 week ago
We have not seen your opposition yet. But it is clear that you are a Master Clown, and you belong to the National Theatre instead of Parliament. We are not at all amused by your misguided and misplaced antics. We believe in E ... read full comment
We have not seen your opposition yet. But it is clear that you are a Master Clown, and you belong to the National Theatre instead of Parliament. We are not at all amused by your misguided and misplaced antics. We believe in Exodus 14:13: Your time will surely come.
Achakanapaya 1 week ago
Look at this Idiot, he thinks they are still in power. I blame Ahiafor for allowing this idiot to be fooling around in Parliament. Nonsense.
Look at this Idiot, he thinks they are still in power. I blame Ahiafor for allowing this idiot to be fooling around in Parliament. Nonsense.
Nana Adjei 1 week ago
You have never made sense in all your opposition views. The world is seeing you as a FOOL who must oppose even the obvious TRUTH by reason of political colouration.
You have never made sense in all your opposition views. The world is seeing you as a FOOL who must oppose even the obvious TRUTH by reason of political colouration.
Micro minority 1 week ago
This micro minority leader is always making noise, empty barrel
This micro minority leader is always making noise, empty barrel
matthew 1 week ago
with your micro minority what you can do is very limited.
with your micro minority what you can do is very limited.
Citizen 1 week ago
Reserve your muscles to your household. NDC saw you majority. Huhuhuhubianyehu
Reserve your muscles to your household. NDC saw you majority. Huhuhuhubianyehu
Patty 1 week ago
NDC can make things difficult for you, know that. By the time they are done with NPP dossier Afenyo won't get mouth to talk his nonsense. I understand NDC wants a water tight dossier so that the court cannot play any tricks
NDC can make things difficult for you, know that. By the time they are done with NPP dossier Afenyo won't get mouth to talk his nonsense. I understand NDC wants a water tight dossier so that the court cannot play any tricks
Boafo 1 week ago
Gone are the days when you could run to the supreme Court over trivial issues. Even then you couldn't succeed and now that you are a micro minority leader you think you can be a hurdle in our quest to build the Ghana we want ... read full comment
Gone are the days when you could run to the supreme Court over trivial issues. Even then you couldn't succeed and now that you are a micro minority leader you think you can be a hurdle in our quest to build the Ghana we want ? You lie.
Arab 1 week ago
And your opposing view will reduce the dollar or what, my friend shut up, you are not that important mtcheew
And your opposing view will reduce the dollar or what, my friend shut up, you are not that important mtcheew
Chimney 1 week ago
You're just begging for serious beatings, you think cane is scared of a very foolish idiot like you??? You will be caned if you dare. Very foolish ass.hole.
You're just begging for serious beatings, you think cane is scared of a very foolish idiot like you??? You will be caned if you dare. Very foolish ass.hole.
The NDC is taking too long on this man 1 week ago
Ah, what is wrong with you the NDC guys? Open his cupboard now and let us spill his skeletons.
Ah, what is wrong with you the NDC guys? Open his cupboard now and let us spill his skeletons.
kojo 1 week ago
Micro minority leader, you can do your worst. You are just a toothless dog barking.
Micro minority leader, you can do your worst. You are just a toothless dog barking.
À ç t ï ø ñ 1 week ago
This guy is nothing but a braggart
This guy is nothing but a braggart
Nana Yaw 123 1 week ago
Hon. Afenyo Markins, your so-called opposition is nothing but a sad reflection of the severe trauma you are go through after having lost powe. Your behavior is pitiful.
You throw yourself as an all-knowing sage but failed ... read full comment
Hon. Afenyo Markins, your so-called opposition is nothing but a sad reflection of the severe trauma you are go through after having lost powe. Your behavior is pitiful.
You throw yourself as an all-knowing sage but failed to prove such qualities when you and your party held power for 8 years, driving Ghana into bankruptcy and upholding kleptocracy.
Learn to be humble.
Moor 1 week ago
Do ur job but Afenyo please make sure your criticizing has weight because we r not going to allow u to mislead us. Tell us the truth when you send the heat but if u dare try to mislead public we shall come for u too Mr Afenyo ... read full comment
Do ur job but Afenyo please make sure your criticizing has weight because we r not going to allow u to mislead us. Tell us the truth when you send the heat but if u dare try to mislead public we shall come for u too Mr Afenyo if u think u r stubborn we r more prepared as well
Justrac Africa Ltd 1 week ago
TRACK your vehicle/motorbike with ease. With Justrac GPS Tracker one can Shutdown engine remotely, Real-time tracking, Voice monitoring, playback route by your phone etc. PRICE: GHS750. Call/WhatsApp: 0501796870 for more info ... read full comment
TRACK your vehicle/motorbike with ease. With Justrac GPS Tracker one can Shutdown engine remotely, Real-time tracking, Voice monitoring, playback route by your phone etc. PRICE: GHS750. Call/WhatsApp: 0501796870 for more info. Odess
Kweku 1 week ago
Afenyo stop barking for you don't have the numbers when it comes to voting.
Afenyo stop barking for you don't have the numbers when it comes to voting.
Mary 1 week ago
Toilet self is better than John Mahama also known as Scamahama - Scammer Mahama....
Toilet self is better than John Mahama also known as Scamahama - Scammer Mahama....
This funking Mary LGBTQ++ is back online 1 week ago
#Mary. You seem to like toilet as meal a lot, abi?
If Akufo-Addo's toilet in not enough menu for you, u can seek those of Bawumia and Afenyo-Markin. Then drink 'fresh water', fetched from Odaw River to drink. Garbage
#Mary. You seem to like toilet as meal a lot, abi?
If Akufo-Addo's toilet in not enough menu for you, u can seek those of Bawumia and Afenyo-Markin. Then drink 'fresh water', fetched from Odaw River to drink. Garbage
K.B 1 week ago
You are only a noise maker that all.
You are only a noise maker that all.
Marquis 1 week ago
Mini Micro Minority. Let us see when the game starts
Mini Micro Minority. Let us see when the game starts
Jb 1 week ago
Your opposition will get nowhere. You are micro minority. This is not hunge parliament. Microscopic minority. Nana addo bad governance landed you in this medd.
Your opposition will get nowhere. You are micro minority. This is not hunge parliament. Microscopic minority. Nana addo bad governance landed you in this medd.
Thief of Staff - Akosua Frema 1 week ago
What can you do? Tweaaa!!! Micro minority.
What can you do? Tweaaa!!! Micro minority.
Josh 1 week ago
The point is, you can't change anything. You can't disqualify any nominee from becoming a minister. The majority will always have their way on parliament
So you see, you're only an empty box; freemason and all
The point is, you can't change anything. You can't disqualify any nominee from becoming a minister. The majority will always have their way on parliament
So you see, you're only an empty box; freemason and all
Abrefa 1 week ago
Afenyo Markin is immature. No wonder he's the leader of a Micro Minority. Hahaha
Afenyo Markin is immature. No wonder he's the leader of a Micro Minority. Hahaha
Daakyehene 1 week ago
Is that why you took the NPP to opposition and also blocked Mr Bawumia from becoming election
Is that why you took the NPP to opposition and also blocked Mr Bawumia from becoming election
Jim 1 week ago
Don't turn yourself into a caricature of buffoonery in showing your toughness or what you think you are. You are in a responsible and sensitive position to influence and make a positive change. However, do not try to prove a ... read full comment
Don't turn yourself into a caricature of buffoonery in showing your toughness or what you think you are. You are in a responsible and sensitive position to influence and make a positive change. However, do not try to prove a point that you are tough and because the NDC did it to your party, you intend to pay them back. You are better than that. Probe and criticize when they are due to show your maturity, wisdom and experience. Anything other than that would cast you as a political bum.
Sam Fante warrior. 1 week ago
You'll stay in opposition until end of your life. Nasty Peoples Party.
You'll stay in opposition until end of your life. Nasty Peoples Party.
Kask 1 week ago
Afenyo-Markin, you are just a fool, a pocket lawyer who knows nothing. You are only using the vetting to learn how to talk in court, unfortunately you are just a useless pocket lawyer who will not even find your way into real ... read full comment
Afenyo-Markin, you are just a fool, a pocket lawyer who knows nothing. You are only using the vetting to learn how to talk in court, unfortunately you are just a useless pocket lawyer who will not even find your way into real practice.
Truth alone 1 week ago
You are becoming a nuisance Mr Afenyo
You are becoming a nuisance Mr Afenyo
Nii Adjei 1 week ago
Apuuu.... With your micro-minority caucus? Thank your Freemason god that you have a magnanimous Majority leader in Mahama Ayariga, who would tolerate your theatrics and buffoonery. If I were Hon. Ahiafor, I would not offer yo ... read full comment
Apuuu.... With your micro-minority caucus? Thank your Freemason god that you have a magnanimous Majority leader in Mahama Ayariga, who would tolerate your theatrics and buffoonery. If I were Hon. Ahiafor, I would not offer you the opportunity to ask even one question at the vetting.
Not Possible 1 week ago
Ghana is watching NPP keenly
Ghana is watching NPP keenly
He rather meant the opposite but not concealment. 6 days ago
`Foko' you cant compare hung parliament to minute minority. Won timi ye foko.
`Foko' you cant compare hung parliament to minute minority. Won timi ye foko.
matthew 6 days ago
constructive opposition is welcomed in any democracy but not destructive opposition we`ve been witnessing from you so far. we need to build the nation together. you don`t have to be overly partisan to the detriment of the col ... read full comment
constructive opposition is welcomed in any democracy but not destructive opposition we`ve been witnessing from you so far. we need to build the nation together. you don`t have to be overly partisan to the detriment of the collective good of the nation. ghanaians are wide awake!!
TonyB 6 days ago
You are really petty and immature Learn from the previous people who have held that position before you
You are really petty and immature Learn from the previous people who have held that position before you
Kk Kumasi 6 days ago
If the ndc allows such npp clueless mps to frequent their offices in the name of friendship, we will not take it lightly at all. These npp apparachiks are anti Ghanaians. It has been their DNA since time immemorial. Any ndc a ... read full comment
If the ndc allows such npp clueless mps to frequent their offices in the name of friendship, we will not take it lightly at all. These npp apparachiks are anti Ghanaians. It has been their DNA since time immemorial. Any ndc appointtee who wants to succeed should stay away from the npp fraternity. Get close to them at your own peril.
Kofi 4 days ago
Your position is micro minority leader, which one else do you want add to your current position
Your position is micro minority leader, which one else do you want add to your current position
Bongo 4 days ago
Any intelligent person can see through you. You are bitter and frustrated due to NPP's shameful and disgraceful loss. Stop being a KG boy. You can't fool us. NPPig!!!
Any intelligent person can see through you. You are bitter and frustrated due to NPP's shameful and disgraceful loss. Stop being a KG boy. You can't fool us. NPPig!!!
keep on running your mouth
Ghanaians say YES to LGBTQ+ and same sex marriage. We accept eachother in Ghana no matter your sexual orientation.
This afenyo Markin guy is just an attention seeking narcissistic and histrionic personality disorder client who needs a quick trip to the Accra Psychiatric Health facility for an evaluation.
Don't mind him! He thinks he is somebody, yet NONE! Unfortunately, he messages himself as a bufoon and an empty barrel. An unprinipled, clownish, cheap protocol crook.With AkufoAddoian sub-standard characteristics
Afenyo Kwasea Markin. A fool calling himself Osahene of Winneba . An idiot ProMax. You need to face one of the NDC female warriors. So that she tickles your balls to angrily walk out of the hall with boycotts followed by pr ...
read full comment
Fool Afenyo,you can do your worse, you are still micro minority,you are irrelevant.
U are best fit for opposition. Keep that up! Another mistake the poisonous people party made is choosing this occultic guy as their leader. He messed them up as their majority leader a few months ago.
Don't take Afenyo Markins threat as an empty joke he knows what he's talking about.For e.g. he could have disqualified Cassiel Ato Forson for carrying FAKE Certificates if he wanted to do so.His friendship with Ato could have ...
read full comment
He can not disqualify anybody. Kwasea. Why didn't he allow the secret voting for Armah Kofi Buah's approval. Who will vote for the useless stance of your micro minority? You cleverly chickened out. Apuuuu
@Kwaku Tee. I dare you over this FakeCert allegation input. In the name of your two balls, bubble this claim up again. We shall rise. And summon it in parallel, for Nana Akufo-Addo to make public, all his certificates too.
Skill-up, acquire new knowledge, make money & stay on top. This very skill is a low hanging fruit for you to cash out. SOWING & REAPING is an everlasting principle, so SOW knowledge/skill, & REAP money in exchange. It is trai ...
read full comment
Your Nyash is all over the World
Afenyo Markins it's seems you don't know you and your Npp caucus are micro minority? What you do to oppose the NDC government and their huge majority Massa stop bragging and calm down you talk too much
Micro Minority and a Zuuguu Empty Headed Majority which one is better?
@Ama.Which one is better, abi?
The answer lies in Ama Zuuguu's Empty Head.
#Ama. Your comment stinks bad. Such so high, do you people self-airborne, only to soon expose your nyass. How hollow Akufo-Addo was! Unknowing to him he was Empty Headed. Then ended up collapsing the ECOWAS Bloc
Yes! Whilst Asomdwehene Mills, wisely then insisted on Dialogue&Diplomacy towards Gbagbo in 2010/11, Old Pana pushed his pedal on his Mobile-Chair-V8. To use military force. In his Empty Head, Niger was equal to Techiman.
This chap has unleashed a huge and unpardonalbe insult upon Ghanaians. Calling Ghanaians "Block Headed", abi? This is very serious.
When real work starts, you will understand your smoothness level
You seem to be having your way because the ndc itself hasn't showed its seriousness by appointing a timid, useless 1st deputy speaker in Ahiafor. That Ahiafor man is just too weak and clueless. So, among all the Voltarian MPs ...
read full comment
Parliament is not a place where fisticuffs are displayed and for that matter a party would rely on numbers.The brain power is what is going to determine the strength
That man Ahiafor is causing all this, he's incompetent
Thank God NDC has an Ahiafor one of the few intelligent ppl in that party.NPP can walk out of that vetting if NDC makes the attempt to misbehave.
Bagbin has created this Bully in parliament. Blame The Speaker who still thinks he is the King and has created this monster.
We have not seen your opposition yet. But it is clear that you are a Master Clown, and you belong to the National Theatre instead of Parliament. We are not at all amused by your misguided and misplaced antics. We believe in E ...
read full comment
Look at this Idiot, he thinks they are still in power. I blame Ahiafor for allowing this idiot to be fooling around in Parliament. Nonsense.
You have never made sense in all your opposition views. The world is seeing you as a FOOL who must oppose even the obvious TRUTH by reason of political colouration.
This micro minority leader is always making noise, empty barrel
with your micro minority what you can do is very limited.
Reserve your muscles to your household. NDC saw you majority. Huhuhuhubianyehu
NDC can make things difficult for you, know that. By the time they are done with NPP dossier Afenyo won't get mouth to talk his nonsense. I understand NDC wants a water tight dossier so that the court cannot play any tricks
Gone are the days when you could run to the supreme Court over trivial issues. Even then you couldn't succeed and now that you are a micro minority leader you think you can be a hurdle in our quest to build the Ghana we want ...
read full comment
And your opposing view will reduce the dollar or what, my friend shut up, you are not that important mtcheew
You're just begging for serious beatings, you think cane is scared of a very foolish idiot like you??? You will be caned if you dare. Very foolish ass.hole.
Ah, what is wrong with you the NDC guys? Open his cupboard now and let us spill his skeletons.
Micro minority leader, you can do your worst. You are just a toothless dog barking.
This guy is nothing but a braggart
Hon. Afenyo Markins, your so-called opposition is nothing but a sad reflection of the severe trauma you are go through after having lost powe. Your behavior is pitiful.
You throw yourself as an all-knowing sage but failed ...
read full comment
Do ur job but Afenyo please make sure your criticizing has weight because we r not going to allow u to mislead us. Tell us the truth when you send the heat but if u dare try to mislead public we shall come for u too Mr Afenyo ...
read full comment
TRACK your vehicle/motorbike with ease. With Justrac GPS Tracker one can Shutdown engine remotely, Real-time tracking, Voice monitoring, playback route by your phone etc. PRICE: GHS750. Call/WhatsApp: 0501796870 for more info ...
read full comment
Afenyo stop barking for you don't have the numbers when it comes to voting.
Toilet self is better than John Mahama also known as Scamahama - Scammer Mahama....
#Mary. You seem to like toilet as meal a lot, abi?
If Akufo-Addo's toilet in not enough menu for you, u can seek those of Bawumia and Afenyo-Markin. Then drink 'fresh water', fetched from Odaw River to drink. Garbage
You are only a noise maker that all.
Mini Micro Minority. Let us see when the game starts
Your opposition will get nowhere. You are micro minority. This is not hunge parliament. Microscopic minority. Nana addo bad governance landed you in this medd.
What can you do? Tweaaa!!! Micro minority.
The point is, you can't change anything. You can't disqualify any nominee from becoming a minister. The majority will always have their way on parliament
So you see, you're only an empty box; freemason and all
Afenyo Markin is immature. No wonder he's the leader of a Micro Minority. Hahaha
Is that why you took the NPP to opposition and also blocked Mr Bawumia from becoming election
Don't turn yourself into a caricature of buffoonery in showing your toughness or what you think you are. You are in a responsible and sensitive position to influence and make a positive change. However, do not try to prove a ...
read full comment
You'll stay in opposition until end of your life. Nasty Peoples Party.
Afenyo-Markin, you are just a fool, a pocket lawyer who knows nothing. You are only using the vetting to learn how to talk in court, unfortunately you are just a useless pocket lawyer who will not even find your way into real ...
read full comment
You are becoming a nuisance Mr Afenyo
Apuuu.... With your micro-minority caucus? Thank your Freemason god that you have a magnanimous Majority leader in Mahama Ayariga, who would tolerate your theatrics and buffoonery. If I were Hon. Ahiafor, I would not offer yo ...
read full comment
Ghana is watching NPP keenly
`Foko' you cant compare hung parliament to minute minority. Won timi ye foko.
constructive opposition is welcomed in any democracy but not destructive opposition we`ve been witnessing from you so far. we need to build the nation together. you don`t have to be overly partisan to the detriment of the col ...
read full comment
You are really petty and immature Learn from the previous people who have held that position before you
If the ndc allows such npp clueless mps to frequent their offices in the name of friendship, we will not take it lightly at all. These npp apparachiks are anti Ghanaians. It has been their DNA since time immemorial. Any ndc a ...
read full comment
Your position is micro minority leader, which one else do you want add to your current position
Any intelligent person can see through you. You are bitter and frustrated due to NPP's shameful and disgraceful loss. Stop being a KG boy. You can't fool us. NPPig!!!