No we will sack her so u mother can go and do the work. When other women were learning. Ur mother was still in the village servicing ur father's dick . Now u see other women at high position and u dey cry
No we will sack her so u mother can go and do the work. When other women were learning. Ur mother was still in the village servicing ur father's dick . Now u see other women at high position and u dey cry
Nana Bediako 1 week ago
Nobody is even minding that girl
Nobody is even minding that girl
DeeBlak 1 week ago
I pray Ghana looses all their two games
I pray Ghana looses all their two games
Otafre gya 1 week ago
John Mahama and ndc government is making ghanaians more angry for allowing this bag of rice gifty or something in government business. We don't want to see such criminal.
John Mahama and ndc government is making ghanaians more angry for allowing this bag of rice gifty or something in government business. We don't want to see such criminal.
Hannan 1 week ago
= Single women are waiting for you on >>>
= Single women are waiting for you on >>>
Is that woman still at post, very sad.
No we will sack her so u mother can go and do the work. When other women were learning. Ur mother was still in the village servicing ur father's dick . Now u see other women at high position and u dey cry
Nobody is even minding that girl
I pray Ghana looses all their two games
John Mahama and ndc government is making ghanaians more angry for allowing this bag of rice gifty or something in government business. We don't want to see such criminal.
= Single women are waiting for you on >>>