The meaning of afenyo is heaped of faeces. And the creature it was given to as name is living it. Spits!
The meaning of afenyo is heaped of faeces. And the creature it was given to as name is living it. Spits!
Lucifer 1 week ago
The meaning of afenyo is a heap of faeces. And the creature it was given to as name is living it. Spits!
The meaning of afenyo is a heap of faeces. And the creature it was given to as name is living it. Spits!
Tus 1 week ago
Alexander Afenyo-Markin is a fool and a moron. He must have failed through his education and used dubious means to get through that is the reason he always talks nonsense and behaves as if there is maggot in his brain.
Alexander Afenyo-Markin is a fool and a moron. He must have failed through his education and used dubious means to get through that is the reason he always talks nonsense and behaves as if there is maggot in his brain.
The meaning of afenyo is heaped of faeces. And the creature it was given to as name is living it. Spits!
The meaning of afenyo is a heap of faeces. And the creature it was given to as name is living it. Spits!
Alexander Afenyo-Markin is a fool and a moron. He must have failed through his education and used dubious means to get through that is the reason he always talks nonsense and behaves as if there is maggot in his brain.