Massa, stop this nonsense of comparing bad VS good
Massa, stop this nonsense of comparing bad VS good
You are in power, solve the problem. 3 days ago
If between 2023 and 2024 270 million dollars in arrears what of monies spent between 2017 and 2023? Always blaming the past government for Debts when NDC left the country in a worse state.
If between 2023 and 2024 270 million dollars in arrears what of monies spent between 2017 and 2023? Always blaming the past government for Debts when NDC left the country in a worse state.
Fireman 4 days ago
Turn the military into productive institution. Farming, engineering, material production, construction etc... No just wasting of Ghana taxes. I used to be a soldier myself and things have to change. I remember a guy being sac ... read full comment
Turn the military into productive institution. Farming, engineering, material production, construction etc... No just wasting of Ghana taxes. I used to be a soldier myself and things have to change. I remember a guy being sacked from the training center bcos of academic certification meanwhile he was an experienced tailor who could have been very productive.
Sad 3 days ago
They are not only in the barracks waiting for wars,they do a lot, please Google and see what they produce as military men and women.
They are not only in the barracks waiting for wars,they do a lot, please Google and see what they produce as military men and women.
Charl 4 days ago
Eiiiiie this npp everywhere !!!
Eiiiiie this npp everywhere !!!
Asante 4 days ago
The past chief director of defense must be questioned. He is head deep into this food crisis in the military. The chief director must be questioned. If you know you know.
The past chief director of defense must be questioned. He is head deep into this food crisis in the military. The chief director must be questioned. If you know you know.
Send them to farms 4 days ago
This military must also involve in farming as Burkina fasso instead of beating People on our street. The military must have their own farms to feed themselfs. Theyre waist of tax payers money.
This military must also involve in farming as Burkina fasso instead of beating People on our street. The military must have their own farms to feed themselfs. Theyre waist of tax payers money.
KK 4 days ago
Kwasia do you know how much the military contribute to ghana's economy? Go find out. I'm sure u don't even pay tax.
Kwasia do you know how much the military contribute to ghana's economy? Go find out. I'm sure u don't even pay tax.
Fireman 4 days ago
You must be sick in your head. Some of you don't deserve to be among the living
You must be sick in your head. Some of you don't deserve to be among the living
Papa Kay 4 days ago
So now we can't discuss issues without insult?
The food is it for local peace keeping or all military men/women are feed free?
I think things are changing and we have to use their skills. How they put up the infectious cent ... read full comment
So now we can't discuss issues without insult?
The food is it for local peace keeping or all military men/women are feed free?
I think things are changing and we have to use their skills. How they put up the infectious center for COVID treatment. There are a lot of technocrats at the barracks.
Francis Mccarthyo 4 days ago
Apraku 4 days ago
So the CDS and service chiefs are buying armour land cruisers for their personal stealing when they couldn't feed the soldiers? Which military university taught them that kind of bogus administration? Tweaaa...
So the CDS and service chiefs are buying armour land cruisers for their personal stealing when they couldn't feed the soldiers? Which military university taught them that kind of bogus administration? Tweaaa...
Pap Kosh. 4 days ago
Good Afternoon Hon.Defence Minister,Dr.Omane Boamah and Deputy Defence Minister,
I believe it will be nice you conduct and investigation into this Ghc270m debt,not just paying. It's good to pay alright, but you need to ... read full comment
Good Afternoon Hon.Defence Minister,Dr.Omane Boamah and Deputy Defence Minister,
I believe it will be nice you conduct and investigation into this Ghc270m debt,not just paying. It's good to pay alright, but you need to conduct a serious investigation as to why this debt occurred and why.Who are those engaged for this services.
I believe,Ghana, with this Big Land Mass,we have in the Country, the Military should engage in Plantations to feed themselves and also sell the remaining to our local market and international market to earn some foreign currency.
The Military can recruit able young men and women,infact all those who are able into what can be known as Army Reserve Unit(ARU), purposely for Agriculture-Food crop production and Export crops production.
This Unit will be use to do Farming only for food crops production-Maize,Rice,Millet, Onion, Tomatoes, Pepper, Okro,garden eggs and so on,
Animal farming-Goat,sheep and Cattle,also fishing,and also for Export crops like Coffee, Cocoa, Shea butter,Palmnut,Cotton and so on.
This information can equally same go to the Police Services, Prison services, Immigrations service and Customs services,also Forestry Commission and Fire Services.(Police Reserve Unit,Prison Reserve Unit,Immigration Reserve Unit and Customs Reserve Unit,Fire Services Reserve Unit,ForestryCommission Reserve Unit - Purposely for Farming).
We will get the following :
Military Farms
Police Farms
Prison Farms
Immigration Farms
Customs Farms
Forestry commission Farms,
Fire Services Farms
Forestry Commission Farms
and so on.
All these institutions must also engage in Farming, to atleast support in their food needs and if they can, also engage in export crops fine.
All these will help to solve the many challenges we have in the Country-Ghana at the moment,provide affordable food,pay all the workers engaged and also make money for the Country.
Farming on a large Scale.
Ghana needs Hectors of Farm Lands.
Maize Plantation
Millet Plantation
Rice Plantation
Tomatoes Plantation
Onion Plantation
Pepper Plantation
Garden eggs and Okro Plantation
Cotton Plantation
Cocoa Plantation
Coffees Plantation
Shea butter tree Plantation
Sugar cane Plantation
Poultry Farms on large Scale
(Birds,Guinea fowls,Ducks) and so on.
Fish farming on large Scale
Goats and Sheep Farms on large Scale
Cattle Farms on large Scale and so on.
Hannan 4 days ago
>>> Hot girls are waiting for you on ~~>>
>>> Hot girls are waiting for you on ~~>>
Joe 3 days ago
I just don't understand why government always consume but fail to pay suppliers yet quick tp chase people over taxes.
I believe if government does the right thing by paying suppliers including road contractors, utility ser ... read full comment
I just don't understand why government always consume but fail to pay suppliers yet quick tp chase people over taxes.
I believe if government does the right thing by paying suppliers including road contractors, utility services and all others, the economy will flourish like never before.
It makes no sense not to pay for services. Heads of such institutions must be dismissed and made to account for it.
A system must be in place for payment within latest three months after delivery of goods and services to help employers expand by employing. more.
This is common sense. The courts must sit up and do the right thing by paying their bills on time and quickly work on behalf of contractors and suppliers to help receive payment in the shortest time possible.
Ellis 3 days ago
What kind of feeding is it, Aren't they paid. What's the use of their salary since most are living in free barracks and are paid accomodations allowance. The inequality in government pay system is bad. Scrap some of these non ... read full comment
What kind of feeding is it, Aren't they paid. What's the use of their salary since most are living in free barracks and are paid accomodations allowance. The inequality in government pay system is bad. Scrap some of these nonsense and put the money into productive ventures
NPP ! Hmmmm
U are an innocent ndc support. I don't blame u
Massa, stop this nonsense of comparing bad VS good
If between 2023 and 2024 270 million dollars in arrears what of monies spent between 2017 and 2023? Always blaming the past government for Debts when NDC left the country in a worse state.
Turn the military into productive institution. Farming, engineering, material production, construction etc... No just wasting of Ghana taxes. I used to be a soldier myself and things have to change. I remember a guy being sac ...
read full comment
They are not only in the barracks waiting for wars,they do a lot, please Google and see what they produce as military men and women.
Eiiiiie this npp everywhere !!!
The past chief director of defense must be questioned. He is head deep into this food crisis in the military. The chief director must be questioned. If you know you know.
This military must also involve in farming as Burkina fasso instead of beating People on our street. The military must have their own farms to feed themselfs. Theyre waist of tax payers money.
Kwasia do you know how much the military contribute to ghana's economy? Go find out. I'm sure u don't even pay tax.
You must be sick in your head. Some of you don't deserve to be among the living
So now we can't discuss issues without insult?
The food is it for local peace keeping or all military men/women are feed free?
I think things are changing and we have to use their skills. How they put up the infectious cent ...
read full comment
So the CDS and service chiefs are buying armour land cruisers for their personal stealing when they couldn't feed the soldiers? Which military university taught them that kind of bogus administration? Tweaaa...
Good Afternoon Hon.Defence Minister,Dr.Omane Boamah and Deputy Defence Minister,
I believe it will be nice you conduct and investigation into this Ghc270m debt,not just paying. It's good to pay alright, but you need to ...
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>>> Hot girls are waiting for you on ~~>>
I just don't understand why government always consume but fail to pay suppliers yet quick tp chase people over taxes.
I believe if government does the right thing by paying suppliers including road contractors, utility ser ...
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What kind of feeding is it, Aren't they paid. What's the use of their salary since most are living in free barracks and are paid accomodations allowance. The inequality in government pay system is bad. Scrap some of these non ...
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