Put your trust in Jesus because he never changes 4 days ago
Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Agbeli Kumordzi 4 days ago
Ghana primitive development is no longer accessible in 21st century
Change now
Ghana primitive development is no longer accessible in 21st century
Change now
Newself 4 days ago
Some markets and trading places are not built to allow access of vehicles. However, what about the others that are properly planned to allow access of vehicles including fire tenders but the drive ways have been taken over by ... read full comment
Some markets and trading places are not built to allow access of vehicles. However, what about the others that are properly planned to allow access of vehicles including fire tenders but the drive ways have been taken over by 'percher' traders in the plain view of the market managers and Assemblies such that it is even difficult for human beings to go through? How can fires be tackled if there are no access. We ourselves contribute in no small way to firefighters inability to stop fires early.
seth 4 days ago
How amny times have some of us who have travelled, lived and seen things from elsewhere not try to change them on the African scene, only to be rejected by insistence that "ohhh we are Africans and these are our Africa tradit ... read full comment
How amny times have some of us who have travelled, lived and seen things from elsewhere not try to change them on the African scene, only to be rejected by insistence that "ohhh we are Africans and these are our Africa traditions"?
No one should take any kind of pride in maintaining mediocracy and inefficiency.
Bakogone Tiblisi Honest VIEWS PLANNING LAWS 4 days ago
No more one-man-0ne market table/store.
Government still builds shades for market setting backward examples for sake of vote winning.
Build one big supermarket and employ market women there and warehouse ... read full comment
No more one-man-0ne market table/store.
Government still builds shades for market setting backward examples for sake of vote winning.
Build one big supermarket and employ market women there and warehouse for young to work there.
Yere kofie 4 days ago
Nothing you say holds a merit, the same old "asankwas noaaaa"
Nothing you say holds a merit, the same old "asankwas noaaaa"
ROGUE LAWYER 4 days ago
all containers and on authorised structures must be cleared from the streets,
the way the town and country planning issues permits also need a critical look. thezy should not issue the permit if the area in question has not ... read full comment
all containers and on authorised structures must be cleared from the streets,
the way the town and country planning issues permits also need a critical look. thezy should not issue the permit if the area in question has not been properly planned and demacated .
look at all the business centers in kumasi, everywhere are kiosk, goods are displayed on bare floor and pavements has been choked , no walkways, poor electifications every where/
the indeciplines in our cities are too much.
TRACK your vehicle/motorbike with ease. With Justrac GPS Tracker one can Shutdown engine remotely, Real-time tracking, Voice monitoring, playback route by your phone etc. PRICE: GHS850. Call/WhatsApp: 0501796870 for more info ... read full comment
TRACK your vehicle/motorbike with ease. With Justrac GPS Tracker one can Shutdown engine remotely, Real-time tracking, Voice monitoring, playback route by your phone etc. PRICE: GHS850. Call/WhatsApp: 0501796870 for more info. Jejeh
Nana akkofo 4 days ago
TO come and steal and kill Ghanaian again no way
TO come and steal and kill Ghanaian again no way
Kwamina 3 days ago
It is the indiscipline in the markets which is the problem and not the markets per se. There is no law and order in the markets.
It is the indiscipline in the markets which is the problem and not the markets per se. There is no law and order in the markets.
Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Ghana primitive development is no longer accessible in 21st century
Change now
Some markets and trading places are not built to allow access of vehicles. However, what about the others that are properly planned to allow access of vehicles including fire tenders but the drive ways have been taken over by ...
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How amny times have some of us who have travelled, lived and seen things from elsewhere not try to change them on the African scene, only to be rejected by insistence that "ohhh we are Africans and these are our Africa tradit ...
read full comment
No more one-man-0ne market table/store.
Government still builds shades for market setting backward examples for sake of vote winning.
Build one big supermarket and employ market women there and warehouse ...
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Nothing you say holds a merit, the same old "asankwas noaaaa"
all containers and on authorised structures must be cleared from the streets,
the way the town and country planning issues permits also need a critical look. thezy should not issue the permit if the area in question has not ...
read full comment
TRACK your vehicle/motorbike with ease. With Justrac GPS Tracker one can Shutdown engine remotely, Real-time tracking, Voice monitoring, playback route by your phone etc. PRICE: GHS850. Call/WhatsApp: 0501796870 for more info ...
read full comment
TO come and steal and kill Ghanaian again no way
It is the indiscipline in the markets which is the problem and not the markets per se. There is no law and order in the markets.